A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 941

"I'm fine!" He touched his waist.

The fifth month glanced at him, "if you feel pain, let others see, don't come to me at that time!"

"Don't worry, I won't settle with you!" Ji Yixi stares.

"Well, Xiaoyue." Otherwise, it's funny that two people quarrel with each other.

The summer solstice looked at them and laughed. He said to the west of Ji, "you'd better let old four have a look! Wipe the medicine

"Sister-in-law, I'm ok. Hurry to stir fry. I'm hungry!"

Jiyixi touched his nose and said.

Summer solstice looked at them, turned to go in, Ziqi and the fifth month also followed in the past.

"Xiaozhi, do you think I've maimed him?"

The fifth month approached and asked nervously.

Summer solstice to see her fear, the thief laughed.

Ziqi looked at her advice and laughed at her with a low smile, "Xiaoyue, you are playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong, and only when you close the door can you give advice?

The fifth month glared at her.

"Old five is strong and healthy. If you fall him, it shouldn't be a big deal!" The summer solstice comforted her and teased her, "you just shouldn't have fallen!"

"That's my instinct. I can't help it!" The fifth month is very upset. If you really break someone's waist, then they will not be happy. Don't you want to find her?

Ziqi is very funny, get close to the past ambiguous asked: "how did you two bump into each other in the airport?"

"Didn't I tell you?" In May, she was so depressed that she didn't know it was her husband's brother. Otherwise, she would have been restrained at the airport.

Besides, she didn't mean to step on him, OK?

Later, he began to scold her, and she couldn't help it.

"Just apologize, old five won't blame you!" Summer solstice appeased her and turned to stir fry.

This girl is very arrogant in front of people, and she will regret and counselle in front of them.

"It's not about your face. His mouth is really bad. As small as it is, does your husband have any opinions?"

In May, I was worried about the cold weather and had a problem with the summer solstice.

She is, who does not let her, she flushes at who.

"No, he's not that mean!"

The summer solstice said a good word for someone, but he was a little unpredictable in his heart.

He didn't look angry just now. He should be OK.

"That's good!" The fifth month was a relief.

"You must change your hasty temper."

Ziqi teased the next May, and the next May gave her a gloomy glance.

Summer solstice funny look at them, funny demolition, "Ziqi, who did not resist before? I think you are just like Xiaoyue after kicking Jingdong. "

"What, did you kick someone else here?" The first may eyes a bright, not a blink of an eye staring at Ziqi look, Ziqi was embarrassed to see her.


"I can't help it!"

"Look, you're all like this. It's a good thing to say that I'm really predestined. We all beat lengshao's brother here. Will he let us come back later?"

In May, I'm glad I'm not alone. At least Ziqi is with me.

She's not alone to be blamed.

"Hee hee Summer solstice funny, "if he mind, Ziqi can come here?"? He welcomes you very much! "

Otherwise, they would not be met at the door in cold weather.

The bottom of my heart is warm at the summer solstice.

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