A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 949

"Lao Wu, I think it's better for you to eat quietly, or you'll lose face later."

If the South seizes the opportunity, it will hurt Ji Yixi. This guy has the worst force value and does not admit it.

"Shut up Ji Yixi turns around and stares at the man beside him. What's the matter with this guy? He always deliberately demolishes the woman in front of him.

Look for a cigarette.

The south side laughs and holds chopsticks to eat.

"If I hadn't hurt myself, I would have knocked you down now!"

Ji Yixi is unconvinced, fiercely puts cruel words toward the opposite fifth month.

The fifth month laughed angrily and sneered, "it's useless if you say you're useless. What's the excuse? Is this injury a kind of injury? I can beat a few hooligans when I break my leg

Jiisi grins and stares at her.

In vain, she had a beautiful face. She turned out to be a woman.

"It's just that this injury is nothing in the team." Fang Yi laughingly echoed.

"Indeed, in the team, it's nothing!"

The south side looks at the shriveled man with a smile. It's funny at the bottom of my heart.

Look at your face.

"You want to go it alone. Come later!" Ji Yixi was depressed and glared at the other side.

The fifth month picked an eyebrow, said with a smile: "just now, now say for a while, I don't think you dare, my girl, I don't care with you, the wounded, so I don't have time to bully you!"

Ji Yixi's cold arrow swished straight in the past. How could sister-in-law's mouth be so fierce?

"I don't need you to make me look down on the wounded?"

She hasn't hurt him yet.


"OK, you want to choose alone, I'll accompany you!"

In the fifth month, she looked at the man with a smile and dared to chase her. She beat him to the ground to see if he dared.

Ji Yixi to go up her deep meaning of Mou son, eyebrow tight Cu next, this woman is what meaning.

He didn't care about her when he was hurt, but she cared about him?

"Who doesn't fight, who counsels!"

He sank his face and accepted the challenge.

The others couldn't help laughing when they watched the play.

The summer solstice looked at them and said, "are you really here? Don't fight. It's hard to hurt anyone. "

"Sister-in-law, we just have a fight." Ji Yixi smiles at her.

In May, I rolled my eyes. How about a contest?

She's here for real.

"As small as, you don't worry, even someone is not convinced, then beat him to be convinced!"

Summer solstice funny look at her not afraid of fighting, sighed, "you fight with him, will also suffer! He was a soldier

"No, I can't see it. He was knocked down by me all of a sudden. I dare to say how powerful he is. I think it's an embroidered pillow!"

The fifth month, with a smile of irony.

"Who is the embroidered pillow?" When Ji Yixi goes back, he doesn't want to admit.

The south side looked at Ji Yixi and shook his head.

This guy!

"Old five, didn't you say that my wife would introduce Miss five to you? How can you chase girls like this? "

Suddenly, the man who didn't speak suddenly raised his voice.

All of a sudden, Ji Yixi's ears are red.

Shit! Boss, is this digging a hole for him?

Ziqi stares big eyes, the smile of Mou bottom diffuses.

The fifth month also looked at the opposite man with wide eyes in amazement. Is it true?

"When did I say that?" Ji Yixi noticed the opposite eyes, quickly refuted back, face a little red.

Boss, I want face too.

Cold day eyes light swept him one eye.

"In the morning?"

Ji Yixi

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