A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 966

"It doesn't matter. I'll have a drink if it's just broken!"

Ji Yixi smiles. This is the tea made by xiaobaozi. It's OK to have a drink.

The fifth month looked at him contemptuously, "if you have any sequelae on your hand in the future, don't look for me!"

Ji Yixi's tea rolled around in his mouth and swallowed it immediately.

"Who are you looking for? If I can't hold heavy things in the future, I'll definitely look for you! "

He laughed at her on purpose.

That pair of peach blossom eyes seems to be able to discharge, very charming.

"What's the sequel of his red face?" he asked

"As long as he obediently cooperate with the treatment, there will be no such thing!"

If you are in the team, you can't continue to work, but there is no problem in your life.

May nodded and turned to look west of Ji, "do you hear me? The doctor said, as long as you cooperate with the treatment, there will be no sequelae, so if you have anything, it is absolutely your own cause! "

Ji Yixi gives her a white look. She folds her injured foot on the other foot and leans on the sofa. She is indescribably romantic.

"Boss, I'm injured with you now. Are you happy?"

He said to the man who drank the boiled water silently, what he hurt in cold weather was his feet, what he hurt was his hands.

He also hurt his heel, but it's not as serious as a fracture.

Cold day eye light light lightly flits over him one eye, continue to drink water slowly.

Glancing at the summer solstice coming down the stairs quickly, his sword eyebrows frowned and said, "slow down, what are you running for?"

Embarrassed by the summer solstice, the pace slows down and goes down slowly.

Looking at her face in May, Junzi looks at her coldly.

Care about the details of one's opinion.

Summer solstice went downstairs, the pace quickly up, went to him, the hands of the medicine in the past.

"You're going to take the medicine!"

Cold days should be a, took the medicine, on the warm water to eat.

When he finished his medicine, the summer solstice sat next to the fifth month.

She touched the hand of next small month, "still ache?"

"I don't feel much anymore!"

Xiaoyue smiles at her.

Summer solstice nodded, greeting them to eat fruit, turned to see the west of next season, "how about you, are you ok?"

"It's a little painful..." Ji Yixi said in a low voice.

Do you want to have a rest in the kitchen

"Good!" Ji Yixi grinned. The soup was delicious.

Cold day glared at him, "you should go back, still want to stay here?"

Ji Yixi turned the corner of his mouth, "boss, I'm broken here. You mean to drive me back. I'll go back. My old man may discount my foot again."

Ziqi is funny with May.

"Ji Shao, your old man is so powerful. How can you beat you when you are so old?" Ziqi teased him.

"Give him some training!" Jiyixi glanced at them and blushed awkwardly.

"I can't see you're still a dutiful son!" Xiaoyue said with a smile.

Ji Shao's face is black.

"Why can't I be a dutiful son?"

Summer solstice funny look at them, get up to give season to West Sheng a bowl of bone soup, "do you want?"

She patted on the shoulder in the cold.

"No more!"

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