Living with an immortal dragon soul

9 Who are you?

We stood there for a while because we didn't know much about each other. Drake seemed bored.

Furthermore he seemed hungry again and I felt him thinking of eating the snakes.

I obviously couldn't allow that because I had no intention of having my eaten.

Therefore I suggested to Gabriel: ?hey! You are still hungry, aren't you? Could you show me the forest around this lake? I have only arrived recently but I am quite intrigued by this beautiful landscape."

?Yesss, I can ssshow you the foressst but there are ssstrong creaturesss around here and your hypnotic ability might not be working againssst them. Furthermore if we run into humansss then it would be even worsssebecause their mindssss are different from oursss. We can ssssubdue many of them but the ssstrong are very resssissstent towards our kindssss ability." he told me.

I understood immediately: ?ah. So that's the reason why you carry around that spear and armour. Don't worry! I can take care of myself... but how would your little sister go around with only her dagger, then?"

He chuckled: ?well, ssshe issss jussst a little girl and she is quite carefree assss you can ssssee. Furthermore there are very few occurrences in which humansss come to thissss lake because it issss ssso far away from their ccccivilizzzation. The last one wasss... some time ago. It was a wizzzard..." Gabriel sobbed a little when he told this.

He probably lived longer than lots of humans but to him it was only a few years ago when his parents were killed by the wizard.

I tried to distract him: ?ok, then let's go. I think I will be the last humanoid creature besides your sister in this area."

We walked around in the forest for a few hours while I talked a lot with Gabriel. He was quite knowledgeable about the plants and animals of the forest. He told me which plants were edible or had a medicinal use.

There were tons of them and we tried a lot of them. I was still astonished by the quantities my new body could digest.

I ate and ate and ate without a decreasing appetite.

Compared to me Gabriel seemed kind of full after about three hours of eating although our reason for venturing in the forest in the beginning was to find some animals to hunt which could give us some more meat and ideally some materials which I could use to make clothes for me still in-snakes-covered body.

We could only find small creatures. Of course they had some meat in them and their skin could be used but neither Gabriel nor I had awakened an interest to hunt after these agile little rodents.

They were smaller than a cat but at least three times as fast.

They looked like a combination of a squirrel and a bat.

There were similar creatures on my old planet but they were way slower moving creatures.

I noticed that Gabriel looked at me how intrigued I was over these creatures: ?don't you know them? They are the most common little beastssss you will ever find around here. The Naga call them the becaussse wherever you are, one of them will look at you. The humanssss gave them another name: because they love to steal thingssss from wandering humanssss Hahaha" he seemed very amused ?they especially like the food and shining stuff. They often steal bagsss full of coinsss. Hahaha. That's why the humans hate these little robbersss. In my opinion. They are adorable little things and they can be like wandering treasure chests because they deposassit all their goodssss from the robberiesss in their nessstssss."

It was afternoon when we finally found a creature worthy to be hunted. It was deer. It looked quite similar to the ones I knew but it was as big as a cow and had brown and green dotted fur which made it almost invisible amongst all these trees.

Gabriel didn't even notice it.

I said very quietly ?Gabe! Look!"

?Oh! We ssstruck the jackpot. These meatballssss might be fassst and sssstrong but they are easy to hunt. My hypnotic abilitiesss might be too weak but you can definitely hypnotizzze it. I only need two sssecondssss to kill it. Then we can have a feassst.

I walked straight towards it while the snakes cancelled out most of the sounds my feet made on the ground. When I was twenty meters away I just waited until it looked at me. I didn't even need to concentrate because I felt that the deer was under my control immediately. But this time I could feel that I wouldn't lose control over it. It allowed me to be controlled. When I felt this I yelled ?wait, Gabe!"

?What isss it?"

?This is unlike before when I controlled you or the snakes. I can feel that the deer won't escape even if I stopped the hypnosis.

?For real? Consssider yourself lucky. Some creatures become docile when they are hypnotized by a persssson they like. Natalie hassss a hawk which she uses to scout the foresssst for humansss oncccce in a while. But last month it broke one of his wingsss when it faught againsssst a black headed eagle over sssome fishshshsh. Thesssse doccccile creaturessss are extremely rare.

I wasss very surprised when she brought thisss bird back with her after he 6th birthday. I am currently 15 years old and I haven't gained the loyalty of a single creature. Ussssually a Naga gains their first follower after about 100 human years. It sssseemsss like little Nat received most of our psychic abilities from our parentsss but at least I wasss blessssed to be a ssstrong warrior.

By the way how old are you? I sense that you are younger than myself but you should be around 100 human years of age unlessssssss you are assss lucky assss my little sssissster."

I decided to tell him the truth: ?actually, no. I will soon be celebrating my 20th birthday according to human years.

?What?!?! You mussssst truly be blessssssed by the ancccestorssssss! My little ssssissster was about twice your age when she got her firsssst follower"

?Haha. Yep but not by your weak ancestors'

I could feel drake being arrogant and chuckling in my head. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't help smiling. The bloodline of drake reptilion is truly worth something, I thought.

I could feel that the deer wasn't trying to break our mental link which I established previously at all. It walked towards me and signaled that it was okay for me to ride it.

Meanwhile Gabe was lamenting over his inability to get a follower himself. ?He is still a toddler and I am almost an adult and I can't even get a loussssy fish to follow me. Life isss truly unfair"

His mood only lit up when we found a Lizard the size of a tiger. It wasn't very well camouflaged either and we spotted it from two hundred meters away but when we got closer he sighed. ?Thissss isss a Racer Lizard. It isss hard to subdue and way faster than an adolescent naga such as myssself. I need about two or three sheddingsss until I am fasssst enough to catch it. But hey, you sssseem like a sssson of desssstiny for whom the sun is alwayssss sssshining. You can try it but it might missstake you for a human and attack you but I will protect you if that happenssss."

I employed the same tactic as before and moved slowly towards my target. This Lizard was very cautious of his surroundings and when we crossed the 100 metre mark I had to tell Gabe to wait because I could move without causing to much sounds but he couldn't while wearing his armour.

I told him to charge if the Racer Lizard started to charge as well. Then I continued approaching it.

After 30 more metres it noticed me and charged faster than even the cheetah of my old world.

I tried to stay calm and looked at the Racer Lizard while my eyes emitted a silver shining brighter than the sun.

Meanwhile Gabriel started his charge. They would reach me almost at the same time but the Raver lizard might be a little bit faster.

I concentrated and emitted a -sound while staring at the lizard even more focused now.

It looked into my eyes and then...




?What issss it?" he said while still sprinting towards me?"

?Don't you see it?

This Little Racer has become my follower" I

explained. But somehow it feels different this time."

I wondered what it was that felt different.

Meanwhile Gabriel smashed his head against a tree while shouting: ?HOW??? How issss it fair for him to gain multiple followerssss on a ssssingle day when I can't find a sssingle one in a hundred yearsssss." After he calmed down he asked: ?What issss different thisss time?"

?I don't know" I replied ?the bond this time feels different somehow."

Together we examined the Racer Lizard and it took us a while but after half an hour I noticed that its eyes which were enormous for a reptile of its size had a little speck of silver in them. More specific: the exact same shade of silver the pupils in my eyes had.

Gabriel noticed that I was staring at the creature's eyes.

When he noticed what it was that caught my attention, this otherwise very talkative Naga warrior fell silent for a minute.

After that he looked at me and asked with a very serious tone: ? your bloodline... you may sssay you are related to the Naga but no desssscendant of the Naga could do something like this. Your bloodline isss sssomething different... something.... mightier."

'Yep, at least he knows who's boss in this forest' drake showed off.

I was confused "what do you mean?"

"This Racccer lizzzzard isss one of your followerssss now but he hassssn't sssworn to be loyal to alone by himssself. Hissss eyes indicate that it was also his instinct, or the will of his ancestors, Thisss creature wasssn't only sssubdued by your prowessss alone but insssstead it wassss ssssubdued by your ancccessstral bloodline."

'My bloodline can subdue creatures?'

"And what's the difference between the two approaches to subdue a creature?"


He paused for a moment before he told me with a voice full of respect.

"Among magic creaturesss you are nobility Milord. No normal creature which is related to you sssshall disssobey your ordersss. Thisss isss the firssst Racccer Lizzzard you command but there will follow countlesssss others. Not a sssingle one you encounter will remain free after you ssset your mighty eyesss upon them. Thisss isss the decree of a royale bloodline. Thissss issss that no creature of inferior bloodline can dissssobey."

I was stupefied when he bowed his head to the ground and begged: "I am not worthy to know which isss your bloodline but I beg of you Milord, tell me your noble name ssso I can worsssship it"

I was speechless. I knew that my bloodline came from a godlike creature but it surprised me since I hatched.

I breathed in slowly and when I exhaled my breath was accompanied by the words "My name is Valentinus Drake Reptilion, first of my name"

When I looked around Gabriel was still bowing and now the Racer Lizard bowed down as well. It looked very weird because his legs weren't meant to something like this.

I didn't even need to speak. The Lizard was on its feet again as soon as I had this thought.

Gabriel on the other hand was still bowing like a devout follower of some religion in my past life.

I told him to stand up again because I still wanted to hunt something because I obviously wouldn't eat my followers.