The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 4

Chen Ye felt that he still felt smelly after covering his nose, and he would spray perfume in his room.

There are instructions in the box.

Chen ye took it out and looked, speechless

The manual was written by Zhou Xiao without any sincerity. The content is only a few words: apply it externally for no less than six hours, and wash it with clean water after application.

"Six hours is almost a night!" CHEN Ye shouted, "it's too pit!"

As soon as I brushed my cell phone, my ex boyfriend's latest circle of friends came out again.

"My smile can be given to anyone, but my heart only gives you one."( A group photo of two people.)

Chen coconut make complaints about it: "disgusting! It's disgusting than Zhou Xiao's mask. "

Thinking of this, done in one vigorous effort, Chen coiled the lid off, grabbed the sticky gel like mud from his face with his hands, and then spread it evenly on his face.

Gradually, CHEN Ye got used to the smell, just like eating stinky tofu.

If there is no love, the nightlife of women and children is actually very monotonous.

Either play king or eat chicken, or brush drama, microblog, Zhihu and so on. Anyway, we can't live without mobile phones.

For six hours, CHEN Ye simply lay in bed playing with the king. When she was sleepy, she went to sleep.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the life-threatening alarm clock rang.

CHEN Ye jumped up conditionally.

Her eyes were so dull that she didn't come back until five seconds later.

What makes people get up early is never a dream, but poverty.

After sniffing the smell of the night, Chen coconut's smell was numb. She thought that she still had face mash on her face and hurried to wash her face.

Chen Ye has noticed that Zhou Xiao's mask mud is different from other mud masks.

The other masks are deposited on the face for hours and become dry and lump like a river bed, and this mask is sticky until now.

Out of the room, CHEN Ye meets Bai Xue, who is also going to work.

Bai Xue almost vomited out his stomach acid when she smelled the smell, "CHEN Ye, what's on your face! It stinks! "

"Mask mask, I first use the toilet!"

The white snow turned a white eye, and I could not bear to see it: "this is the mask... Nausea... It stinks!" Buy mask or buy a big brand. Don't trust those micro businesses.

The snow white sees Chen coconut enters the room, make complaints about sighing, then issued a friend circle to Tucao.

"What a cheap stinky tofu is, what mask you bought?" This circle of friends group (visible)

Snow is beautiful and there are many peach blossoms.

The number of likes in the circle of friends instantly exceeded 20, and many people commented.

The mask of stinky tofu? Up! "

"Bai Xue is really poor. She is also drunk when she meets such a roommate. Please move in with me."

"Your roommate must have bought a cheap micro mask or an expired one."

"Oh, it's pathetic to have a wonderful roommate."

Snow White collective replied: "my roommate is also, the skin is bad, the black face of the face is ready to accept it, and with what wonderful flower mask, cosmetics can not save her, the only thing that can save is only ten levels of filter and beauty."


Zhou Xiao took a rest in rotation today. He could have slept in, but his biological clock made him habitually wake up early.

Zhou Xiao was stunned when he looked at the system panel.

The panel shows [product: skin oil mask, monopoly value: 0%, hate value: Circle: 10%]

And the disgust value is still rising! It didn't stop until it grew to 15%.

Zhou Xiao was very happy. It must be Chen coconut or Wang Yulan who used a mask to stink his friends.

Zhou Xiao hummed a song. If it goes on like this, the disgust value can reach the standard in a few days. At that time, he can freely choose and obtain the next scientific and technological product.

Whether it's biomedical or electronic, is it better than a reliable mask?


Chen Ye looked at herself in the mirror. She thought that she had put on such a bad mask last night, and felt that she was simply unconscious.

And the expression of Snow White's disdain and disgust made CHEN Ye ashamed of her behavior last night.

"I'm dizzy. How can I trust Zhou Xiao?"

CHEN Ye quickly washed her face with warm water and looked at the mirror after washing.

CHEN Ye was stunned!

She rubbed her eyes and turned on the headlights in the bathroom.

I'm really stunned!

CHEN Ye in the mirror is like in the beauty filter.

The stubborn blackhead on the nose is gone!

It's really gone!

Chen ye put her face close to the mirror. Not only did the blackhead on her nose disappear, but most of the blackheads on her face disappeared. Moreover, the thick pores seemed to be closing, and her skin became much more delicate than before.

CHEN Ye swallowed her saliva and gently touched her skin with her hand.


Although it is not as good as snow white's inherent good skin, it is definitely better than the skin at any time in the past.

CHEN Ye can even smell the faint fragrance of her face.

Oil bacilli certainly stink, but the metabolites of oil bacilli, water, a little alcohol and a large number of trace elements beneficial to the skin, have a faint fragrance.

"Without blackheads, my skin is not oily. I'm so beautiful!" CHEN Ye has confidence at once!

Chen coconut also knew that it only used a mask.


Zhou Xiao's mask is absolutely precious.

Chen Ye hurried back to her bedroom after washing. She wanted to collect her mask. Ready to use every day!

Chen Ye said to himself, "I have to ask Zhou Xiaoduo to have some mask."

Snow is outside the toilet, and continues to make complaints about the wall with friends in the circle of friends.

At this time, seeing CHEN Ye coming out, snow white smelled the faint fragrance of CHEN Ye, and saw that CHEN Ye's face became bright and ruddy.

"Snow white, sorry, I just used the toilet for a long time!" CHEN Ye apologizes to Bai Xue.

Snow White stared at CHEN Ye's face for five seconds.

The distance between them is very close. Bai Xue sees CHEN Ye's smooth and delicate face. Blackheads and acne are gone! The skin is not greasy!

"You put on your makeup so soon?" Snow White wondered.

"Ah? I don't have makeup! " Chen Ye was filled with joy when he heard this. The mask mud really worked. Not only did he feel that his skin had been greatly improved, but he also felt great improvement.

"No makeup?" Snow White looked carefully. She really didn't make up. She was very puzzled. How did the black head sister CHEN Ye's skin get better?

CHEN Ye, who came back with confidence, chewed a piece of bread and went to work happily.

CHEN Ye arrived at the company.

As soon as I entered the hall, my colleagues cast strange eyes.

Many colleagues couldn't help asking:

"Eh, CHEN Ye, why is your skin so good today? Have you gone for beauty? "

Xiao Li, who also has bad skin, also asked curiously:

"You didn't make up today! God, why is the skin so good! How did you do it! "

This is the most refreshing praise CHEN Ye has heard in the past year.

CHEN Ye politely replied, "go to work first, talk later, talk later."