Virus Girlfriend

Chapter 421 Do Something Meaningful

This strange smell was clearly the reason why the long-haired youths were able to attract so many zombies

As for why he would feel disgusted after hearing it for a long time, Ling Mo couldn't quite understand

However, he would not use such a disgusting method, so there was no need to think about it

During the long battle with the zombies, the survivors also learned some ways to deal with the zombies

Although it did not affect the entire group of zombies, at least some survivors could survive in the crevices

In this regard, humans are indeed small and powerful

No matter how bad the environment was, they could always find a way to survive

In contrast, the superpowers were not down-to-earth

An ordinary person suddenly has more power than an ordinary person, can live in a city full of zombies more nourishing than others, become the object of awe and dependence of ordinary people, the mentality will naturally change a little

From the beginning of living, to hoping for a better life, to mastering a stronger power, above more people

There are many speculators who want to make a profit in the chaotic world, and there are many who regard the catastrophe as an opportunity to shuffle their cards

Ling moquan was a special case

Although he had great power, the special status of his girlfriends made it impossible for him to stay among the survivors

On the other hand, Ye Lian and the others were also sharp swords hanging above Ling Mo's head

"As they get stronger and stronger, it's only a matter of time before someone notices something unusual, but no matter what, they can't be in this kind of danger

" Ling Mo took a deep look at the blood bag and thought

" Brother Ling


Is that

" Ye Lian asked curiously as she stood at the door and looked in

Ling Mo suddenly came to his senses and pulled the bag up

" Nothing

" It's better not to show them something like this

Lucy had already dragged the two players out

The two of them were seriously injured and might not be able to wake up for a while

Armored man was ruthless when he attacked, and he made it clear that he would not give them any chance to resist

" Why don't you just send them to the rooftop

According to Liu Baodong, the helicopter will come today

" Ling mo thought about it and said

Lucy hesitated for a moment, then nodded

" That's good

After all, there are so many zombies down there

It's worse if we delay for a long time

"" Actually, it's easy to solve

" Ling mo smiled

" The helicopter can help us

"" Well, it's up to you

" After what happened just now, Lucy's trust in lingmo skyrocketed

Although he had many secrets, he was at least a reliable ally

With all of them gone, Ling Mo and his team solved the problem unscathed

Without Ling Mo this time, their losses would be huge

Who would have thought that in a place like this, two superpowered people would be playing around

Even Lucy did not dare to believe that someone actually dared to challenge the military

Indeed, how bold people are and how productive the land is

Unfortunately, this piece of land was occupied by ling mo first

When Ling Mo went down to find Liu Baodong

Only to find that this guy had woken up

As soon as he opened the door, he ran out of the dark room and hugged Ling Mo's thigh

" Thank god someone finally came to save me

I thought I was going to starve here

I almost thought this was hell

"" If you don't let go of me," Ling Mo said, his face darkening

" This place will really turn into hell

"" Ah, I'm sorry

" Liu Baodong quickly let go and said awkwardly," well, my legs are a little weak

Can you give me a hand

" Liu Baodong almost burst into tears

He thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect to have a chance to wake up

Unfortunately, when he opened his eyes, he saw such a dark and closed environment, and his fear immediately drowned him out

Brother Ling, don't worry

When I get back, I'll get everything you want

Liu Baodong followed Ling Mo and promised

When he thought of that Armored man, he felt a chill rising from his back

It was an unexpected joy to be able to survive

" What do I have to worry about

Your allies are still in my hands

" Ling Mo smiled and said

Liu Baodong almost spat out and swallowed the words" you're a good person

"" It's all an illusion

My value in your heart is only material

" Liu Baodong wailed

" What else

" Ling Mo asked in surprise

Liu Baodong held back his anger and shut his mouth

Talking to Ling Mo again, he felt like he was going to get mad

Perhaps after spending so much time with his zombie girlfriends, Ling Mo felt a subtle change in his mindset

Although he still had a lot of guts on him, ling mo felt much more relaxed overall

When the crisis was put on hold, his tense nerves immediately relaxed

" That's how it feels to be alive, not to be alive

" Ling Mo sighed in his heart

More than two hours later, a helicopter appeared

Liu Baodong immediately jumped up in excitement, but just as he was about to start waving, Xia Na handed him a flagpole

" Uh

Yeah, I almost forgot

" With a bitter face, he glanced at the paint all over his body and then at the large words that had just been painted on the wall

As Liu Baodong struggled to swing the flagpole and bounced around the wall, the helicopter, which was approaching, suddenly turned around and flew to the other side with a large group of attracted zombies

Ten minutes later, the helicopter circled back and landed slowly

As soon as the cabin door opened, a man roared," hurry up, those guys will come after us soon

" Liu Baodong waved excitedly and looked back at Ling Mo

" Go ahead, remember my pay, remember your allies, don't forget

" Ling Mo said lightly

" I really want to hit you

" Lucy said coldly," if not for the sake of saving me

"" Lulu, don't take such details too seriously

" Ling Mo said

" Calling me a hostage in person is also called a detail

" Although the" hostage" showed dissatisfaction, Liu Baodong still wiped off his sweat and nodded

" Don't worry, I, Liu Baodong, can't even pay

Of course, this time, I will be very miserable

"" Let's go

"" Get out of here

"" Why don't you guys have some compassion

No matter what

" Seeing several more zombies emerging from the end of the street and approaching at a speed of 100 meters, Liu Baodong immediately shut his mouth and took two team members who were not awake into the helicopter

As the helicopter took off, the zombies who had just returned were quickly led away

The whole building became so quiet that no one could see it

" Lulu, it's suddenly like you're alone with us

Let's do something meaningful while the building is empty

" Ling Mo turned to look at Lucy with a meaningful smile

" I warn you

" Before Lucy could finish his sentence, Ling Mo continued," let's go to the building and see if there is any edible dry food

Uh, by the way, what do you want to warn me about

"" Nothing

" Lucy turned his head silently and said

" You look a little strange

"" Nothing

" At the same time, in an underground parking lot not too far from the department store, a man with a big belly was holding a walkie-talkie and said," I haven't heard from you, Yan Shangfeng

What's going on with them

" His large, fat hands made the walkie-talkie look very small, as if it could be crushed at any time

On the broken sofa beside him sat a woman in a long trench coat, her short hair braided into a thin braid, and her dark gothic makeup looked a little frightening in the dim light

" Hehe, they must have fallen

By the time, they should have done it

I told you yan is not reliable

"" Quinn, you'll be right behind schedule

" A man with bare arms came out from behind quinn

He was covered in scars and exaggerated tattoos that covered almost half of his body

He walked behind Quinn, reached out a little frivolously to pinch her hair, then leaned over to her ear and said with a smile," why don't you go and have a look

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