Opening Puncher Royal Body

Chapter 464: All parties shake

The emperor of the immortal race soared.

This shocked the powerhouses of all races in the Chaos Sea.

Tianzu was even more furious.


"How did you make her soar?"

"Empress Yaochi, why can you soar?"

The heavenly clan, the sons and daughters of the gods, and the gods were all shocked and angry.

For the ascension of the Empress, it is a shame for the Celestial Clan.

The entire Chaos Sea is shrouded in the control of the Celestial Clan, and it is impossible to soar. Now someone has successfully ascended.

Doesn't this mean that Celestial Clan's plans for countless years have come to nothing.

When the powerhouses of all ethnic groups saw that someone had successfully ascended, they suddenly changed.

All the powerhouses have different thoughts, and sure enough, what the Celestial Clan said were all lies.

Saying that you cannot enter the great chaos, you must have the help of the Celestial Clan to step into the great chaos.

Now the Empress broke this lie of the Celestial Clan, and immediately caused a fierce response from the powerhouses of all ethnic groups.

"Heavenly clan, not the son of man."

"Damn, actually deceived us for hundreds of millions of years."

"Waiting for hundreds of millions of years is actually a lie?"

The top powerhouses from all sides woke up one after another, and they were all furious.

They finally figured out the conspiracy of the Celestial Clan, and it was a complete lie.

It's not that they can't soar, and it's not that they can't enter the great chaos.

Instead, the Celestial Clan directly blocked the path of ascension, unable to ascend from the Chaos Sea.

For hundreds of millions of years, one chaotic era has passed.

No one has ever successfully ascended, and over time they believed in the nonsense of the Celestial Clan.

Well now, the Empress broke the blockade of the Celestial Clan and successfully ascended the Great Chaos, which immediately brought an extremely violent shock to the entire Chaos Sea.

It was a hope, a shock.

"The Celestial Clan must perish."

A powerful ancient creature awakened from the chaotic death with a deafening roar.

Its full of anger, all concentrated on the body of the Celestial Clan.

Not only it, but other top powerful creatures from all sides were angry, and after they came to understand, they no longer had any good feelings for the Celestial Clan.

"Cut the sky!"

"Destroy the Celestial Clan!"

"This scourge must be eradicated."

For a time, Chaos Sea set off a wave of cutting the sky.

Countless hidden and powerful creatures have appeared, and they have come to the immortals and the human race, the two main forces of destroying the sky, and directly expressed their intention to participate in the battle of the sky.

The whole chaos is boiling and it is very lively.

The minds of different races are different, and they start to move.

An undercurrent is surging, and the battle to cut the sky is imperative.

This time, even if the human race and the immortal race don't want to start the battle of the sky, other powerful creatures will spontaneously organize to break the shroud of the heavenly clan.

Chaos sea requires a free environment.

They waited hundreds of millions of years and needed a chance to soar.

And the Celestial Clan blocked the way of ascension, then crushed it.


In the Chaos Sea, roars from all walks of life sounded.

The hidden powerhouses and top-level creatures of various races have all been born.

It's strange that I didn't come out this time. I witnessed the emperor's ascension with my own eyes.

All the top powerhouses in the Chaos Sea want to ascend to Chaos.

Now that I see someone succeeding, I am naturally extremely fanatical.

Even the immortal clan welcomed countless top-level powerhouses and creatures, who came directly and said that they would participate in the battle of cutting the sky and follow the immortal emperor to kill the celestial clan.

In fact, I want to find the secret of Yaochi's soaring.

But the Immortal Emperor would not refuse anyone who came. Anyway, the Battle of the Heavens needed some cannon fodder, and even more needed a group of thugs.

Since they are delivered to the door, they simply accept them all.

He even directly passed on the method of Yaochi's ascension.

"Break the shackles of the Celestial Clan?"

"Breaking through the nine-day blockade can attract the light of great chaos?"

Immortal Emperor's news spread, and immediately caused Chaos Sea to fall into a big shock again.

Countless creatures became fanatical, and there was a strong chill in their eyes.

The various races sharpened their knives, murderously preparing to attack the Celestial Clan.

Sure enough, the Celestial Clan did not have good goods, and they actually deceived the various clans in the Chaos Sea for countless years, and they were able to soar, as long as the realm is enough.

But now that the channel is blocked by the Celestial Clan, it is naturally impossible to soar. It must be approved by the Celestial Clan and the approval of Jiutian.

Yaochi was able to break through because of Xia Chen's reasons, and because he broke through in the human world, so he got the approval of the Chaos Sea Will, and led the light of reception to take her away.

If other people want to soar, they must break through the blockade of the Celestial Clan.

Now that he can't open his body for nine days, he was exploited by the empress.

Now, in Jiuzhongtian, the first-generation Supreme Gaotian as the head of the Jiutian had a cold face, and his eyes contained infinite murderous intent.

"Empress, Yaochi."

"very good."

The first generation Supreme Gaotian snorted coldly: "Come on, after refining this thing, we will be able to pull out our hands to completely solve all the resistance forces in the Chaos Sea."

"The immortal race, the human race, all will be extinct."

The first generation of Supreme Heaven was angry, and was really provoked.

When the sky is angry, all living beings are killed.

"Don't worry, it's almost there."

"It will be fully refined in a few days."

The other Supreme Heavens opened their mouths one after another, their faces cold and murderous.

They saw that Empress Yaochi actually broke through the blockade of the Celestial Clan, flew directly into the great chaos, and broke the lie of the Celestial Clan.

This is definitely a huge blow to the Celestial Clan, destroying the countless plans of the Celestial Clan.

Well now, the whole plan was in vain.

At this time, in the nine days, Qingtian's eyes flickered.

There were countless thoughts running through his mind, and he was secretly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Empress Yaochi actually flew directly. It seems that this matter is mostly related to the deity.

Exactly, breaking the overall plan of the Tianzu.

It'll be fine next time.

He looked at the mysterious light, and the contents inside had been refined by 99%, and there was only one last trace left to succeed.

The next step is to seize this thing, no matter what it is, it must be seized.

However, he still needs the help of Taiyi, and even needs the help of the deity outside, otherwise he will not be able to fight the eight supreme heavens alone.

He was full of thoughts, but his face was expressionless, and there was no trace of waves.

The supreme sky here, including the first generation supreme sky, did not notice the strangeness of Qingtian.

He is the core who truly penetrated into the Celestial Clan. Once the war begins, it will definitely give Jiutian a fatal blow.


At this time, outside the world.

Xia Chen stood there for a long time without saying a word, looking at the disappearing light of the reception, and he was a little dumbfounded.

The queen came, but soared in a blink of an eye.

This is so troublesome that the entire Chaos Sea is boiling because of it.

"She can actually fly?"

At this moment, the figure of Emperor Wa appeared quietly.

She was astonished, completely unexpected.

Xia Chen smiled and said: "It's actually very simple, because the human world is concerned and shrouded by the will of chaos, and the breakthrough here is the easiest and most direct."

"The will of the Chaos Sea directly dropped the light of reception and repelled her."

This explanation made Emperor Wa understand.

The human world has a lofty status in the will of the Chaos Sea and attaches great importance to it.

It seems to be very concerned about the human world.

If you think about it, you will understand that the human world is surrounded by 3,000 great worlds, and they are promoted together. This kind of potential is unprecedented.

It has infinite benefits for the Chaos Sea, so the instinctive will of the Chaos Sea will pay special attention to and even protect the human world.

Here, absolute safety.

If the Celestial Clan wanted to attack the human world, they would be suppressed by the Chaos Sea.

Therefore, in this battle, cutting the sky will win.

"The Immortal Race is ready."

"The Heavenly Clan moves frequently, and the battle is not far away."

Xia Chen looked in the direction of the Celestial Clan, and an inexplicable brilliance flashed in his eyes.

In the Celestial Clan, there are three inner responses.

One is Qingtian and the other is Taiyi, all of which belong to his clones.

And the third inner responder is the Queen of Heaven, Chang Xi.

Don't underestimate her, as the queen of the Celestial Clan, she can do too many things.

"The Heavenly Dragons were hunted down miserably by the Heavenly Clan."

Xia Chen suddenly mentioned this race.

He pondered for a while and said, "Since I betrayed the Heavenly Clan, it is part of the cutting down of the Heavens, so I am going to rescue the Heavenly Dragon Clan."

"I'll go with you."

Emperor Wa nodded and said.

"Then let's go."

After Xia Chen finished speaking, he held her little hand and disappeared in a blink of an eye.