Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1105

In order to achieve the overall victory quickly, he was willing to put down the dignity of the demigod pilot, and promised to join hands to defeat anonymous in a real sense, and then to help the main battlefield fight, and then lay a victory at one stroke.

In view of the fact that the pilots of the Republic of Koran have been away from their motherland for several months, all of them want to go home. What's more, when the San Gama Empire attacked the Federation of Jude, it also attacked the coastline of the Republic of guran from time to time, which put great pressure on the domestic people. If we can bring the mecha army back to China as soon as possible, we can help the coastline defense become more and more More stable.

So he promised not to refute Sergei's proposal, and they immediately agreed to work together to fight against the anonymous. Thus, today's promise to lure anonymous away from the army and then Sergei blocked his retreat.

Anonymous looked around and found that there was no room to let go. He promised and Sergei really wanted to fight to the death here.

The other side wants to kill himself to win the victory, but Wu Ming Shi is never a man waiting to die. Even if he is dragged into the trap of promise, he still has confidence in himself and laughs wildly: "you want to kill me, it's still a hundred years ago!"

"Just try it! Sergei, come on together He promised to ask Sergey to come forward together with him, and the two of them wrapped him up in front of each other, making it impossible for him to take both ends into consideration.

The strength of the special "Tyrannosaurus" armor is far from comparable to that of the "dark night", and the hammer in its hand does not need to be much different from the giant sword in the hand of the "undead", which can barely be regarded as a weapon that can compete with it. Therefore, Sergei shouldered the responsibility of close combat with anonymous, so that he could open the distance as he wanted and shoot with his best Beam Rifle Strike.

Promise still doesn't like close combat, and his shooting skills are very strong, so he can play his best role in long-range attack. Sergei likes close to hand combat, and the "Tyrannosaurus Rex" is designed to strengthen the defense ability of armor. In the face-to-face combat, the strength is quite good, but there is some lack of flexibility. The promised shooting helps him make up for his shortcomings.

The joint efforts of the two Jihuang pilots made him feel great pressure in a moment. This is different from the previous duels which were all single combat. The joint efforts of promise and Sergei covered up each other's shortcomings, so as to maximize their own characteristics and form the effect of one plus one greater than two. Wu Ming Shi had a whole body of Kung Fu, but it was difficult to use it, and the advantage of giant sword could not be exerted After holding on for a few rounds, he fell into the downwind and never got the first chance.

When Anonymous was suppressed, he and Sergei were not careless at all. The two men always maintained high efficiency in fighting. They insisted on him and refused to let him fight back. They knew that the opponent was also a powerful demigod. As long as anon was given a little chance, he could reverse the victory and defeat in a very short time, just like when he wounded the Tyrannosaurus Rex The same.

Promise and Sergey are not lax and concentrate on attacking. Anonymous has a whole body of Kung Fu, but it is difficult to use it. As the saying goes, it is difficult to beat four hands with two fists. What's more, Sergey, who is a little inferior to himself, may be stronger than his promise when he is in good condition. Anonymous can not see the hope of winning. If he continues to delay, he will only be defeated and killed The end of it.

He had done enough for the actions of the St. gamma empire. He didn't want to leave his life in meaningless combat effectiveness. He even struck several swords on the "Tyrannosaurus" hammer, forcing Sergei to shudder and retreat several steps, which slightly damaged his cooperation with the promise.

Wu Ming Shi's sudden attack made him pay attention to him. He shot more than a dozen guns in succession. He was strong and strong in the cockpit of the "undead" of the special plane, so that he could not get close to Sergei, so that Sergei could get adjustment time.

However, anonymous did not take advantage of the situation to pursue Sergei. After he forced Sergei back to the sky, all the thrusters were activated, and the "undead" quickly flew to the periphery of the battlefield, as if to break away from the battle.

"Want to escape? That makes it so easy for you to do it? " Sergei will not let anonymous escape, his feet force, just catch up with the speed of the anonymous shot in front of him, leaving a mess on the ground, in the "Tyrannosaurus" force, the ground split into several pieces and deep subsidence, may never recover.

The "Tyrannosaurus Rex" has powerful kinetic energy to catch up with anonymous. Sergei uses a hammer to smash the "undead" cockpit from top to bottom. This hammer pours all his energy and energy. The sound of breaking the sky is like lightning and thunder. He actually wants to kill him on the spot.

"What a trouble!" Originally, he wanted to leave the battlefield, but Sergei forced him to catch up with him and launched the strongest attack so far, which made anonymous think that he was deceived by the dog when the tiger was down, and even Sergei wanted to kill himself.

Anonymous wanted to withdraw not only because he could not win his promise to join forces with Sergei, but because they had been fighting for so long in the ancient Soviet empire, and the saint Gama Empire had obtained sufficient benefits from the Federation of judivin in these years, and the plot that had been planned for a long time was a successful one.

Therefore, there is no need for anonymous to work hard with the people of the ancient Soviet empire and the ancient Shenlan Republic. What he has to consider now is to maximize the combat effectiveness of himself and the creation organization, so that the creation organization can still have the strength to threaten other countries.For this purpose, anonymous thought it was time to give up the European Union and leave the battlefield. After finding that he could not overcome the promise of joining forces with Sergei, he immediately prepared to leave the battle and wanted to gather the mecha troops of the creation organization to leave the battlefield together.

Unfortunately, Sergei did not understand the amorous feelings of catching up, but also want to take advantage of the situation to kill the anonymous, this anonymous can not bear, I do not want to fight you to retreat, as a result, you are still chasing me, really as a soft persimmon pinched? I will still be able to defeat you!

With such a belief, anonymous held the huge sword in both hands and swung it backward. It collided with Sergei's hammer. Two huge heavy weapons were interwoven, and a brilliant spark came out, forming a blazing light in the sky. People who did not know the truth thought it was a fireworks display.

Sergei pursues the anonymous, and promises not to be idle. He drives the "dark night" to fly to the higher sky at a constant speed, and launches a stormy attack on the nameless who is fighting with Sergey. , the fastest update of the webnovel!