Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1155

Ji Ling is a high-level figure in the creation organization, and is deeply loved by the leader anonymous. Questioning him face-to-face, he does not want to cause greater conflicts and make him unhappy, so Yunyang temporarily gives up his plan to investigate.

"And where have these people gone? No useful information can be found outside the base. Are they still in the base? Where can they hide from so many of them? " Yunyang felt that his thinking had come to a dead end. He could not understand why all the people in Yongqi Institute suddenly disappeared.

In order to make others believe in themselves, Ji Ling followed Yun Yang's thinking and said: "we can't rule out this possibility. After they find that they have no hope of escaping, they find a suitable hiding place. This is an explanation."

"Call on people, we will immediately carry out a carpet investigation on all areas of the base. Do not let go of any room. I don't believe it. Can they still fly to the sky with wings?" The more Yunyang thought about it, the more likely he felt. He ordered everyone to immediately start a search. Even if he was digging three feet, he should find the person hiding.

Ji Ling volunteered to join the search. Yunyang was a suspicious and keen man. He couldn't let out any flaws in front of him: "it's a wise decision. In order to catch them, we've spent most of the month in Laos. This effort can't be wasted. I'll join the search team."

"Wait! I said would they hide in your room? There seems to be no room left for you to check. " Yunyang suddenly stopped Jiling. His suspicious eyes kept turning around Jiling, and he found a way to embarrass Jiling.

"If you think there is something wrong with my room, you can go in and search for it yourself. I slept in it last night. I don't think I found anything unusual. If you don't trust me, you can go. " Ji Ling retreats to advance and asks Yunyang to search his room.

Ji Ling's magnanimity let Yun Yang dispel his doubts. If there was someone in Ji Ling's room, how could he dare to let himself in: "hum, since you are so sure, then I won't go. There are so many places in the base, I don't have time to find them all."

The large-scale search work started again in the base of the world organization. The people of the organization carefully searched every place, even the prison. Yunyang also thought that the escaped people would kill them. Of course, Mao did not find any.

Yunyang is very dissatisfied with the result. How can so many living people evaporate from the human world? If they can't be found in the base now, they must have escaped in some way.

But according to the report of the pilot who went out to search that night, they really didn't see anyone running away. The foundation of the creation organization was built in a deserted place. It is reasonable to say that you can clearly see the movement around. So many eyes can't read wrong. How did the people of Yongqi Institute escape?

Yun Yang couldn't figure it out. Finally, he put his eyes on Ji Ling. Who made them hate him? Moreover, Ji Ling was the only one who drove the mecha to a far distance. He was the most likely person to abscond with those researchers.

Suspicion of Jiling gradually deepened. Yunyang arrived at the door of the room without informing Ji Ling. Now he wanted to find out whether there was anyone inside. If he could find something betrayed by Jiling, he could find out how the people in Yongqi Institute escaped.

Because there was no key to the door of the scheming room, Yunyang summoned people to use tools to break through the door, and then let people guard the door. After that, he went in and wanted to verify whether there was anyone in it.

Yunyang searches Jiling's room. Someone sends the news to Ji Ling's ear. Ji Ling rushes back to stop Yunyang from continuing to mess around in his room. Chen Feng and you Jia are still hiding in it. Won't Yunyang meet them face to face? Ji Ling couldn't imagine such a consequence.

Yunyang wandered around Jiling's room, but he was very disappointed. Jiling's room was very small. There were only a few tables, a sofa and a bed. There was no place to hide people. He looked at all the corners and corners of the room. He was stunned that he didn't see anything that didn't belong here, let alone someone hide here.

At the end of Yunyang's search, Jiling finally comes back. He rushes into his room and yells at Yunyang who is searching for it: "Yunyang! Do you want to enter my room and search for it? Are you trying to stir up trouble? "

"Nervous what? I want to prove your innocence better? No, I didn't find anything. Now I believe you have nothing to do with the escape. " Yunyang stops searching, pats Jiling on the shoulder and leaves the room. Jiling's room is no longer necessary to continue searching. He has to look elsewhere.

But Ji Ling didn't give up. He grabbed Yunyang's arm and refused to let him leave. He asked him to say to himself, "stop! Do you really think I don't exist when you tear down my door and say "go away"

"What do you want? The most important scientific research personnel of the leader escaped under your control, and even asked me to go in to investigate. Do you really have a ghost in your heart? " Yunyang raised his eyebrows and squinted at Jiling, and he felt that his behavior was wrong. Now Jiling let the researchers escape is a sin, and he has the right to conduct various investigations.Jiling was in a bad position. If Yunyang didn't let go of the excuse of escaping with the hostage, he couldn't stop Yunyang's action: "hum! There is no one inside. You can see it. This time, I don't care about it. If you dare to break into my room without saying hello next time, don't blame me for being rude! "

"I don't want to go to your little broken room! You'd better think about how to explain to the leader in the future. " Yun Yang turned a big white eye. After the battle of the ancient Soviet empire, his status in the eyes of the anonymous rose a lot, and he increasingly looked down on the scheming spirit which had been favored by the anonymous.

Yunyang thinks that Jiling only gets his present status by being adopted by an anonymous. In terms of the strength and leadership of the wheel, he will lose to Ji Ling. If he doesn't have Jiling, he can make a quick appearance in the creation organization. Why bother to climb up step by step.

The difference in identity makes Yunyang hate Jiling very much. He uses every means to replace Jiling after his continuous mistakes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!