Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 193

At this time, President Pan's speech interrupted the two people's dispute: "students, now we have four players in the competition competition of Langya Machinery College. I think the teachers and students have basically arrived in the auditorium, and the time will soon reach 9 o'clock. I won't wait for the few students who have not yet come to announce the start."

Naturally, the students under the rostrum have no opinion. They have long wanted to see the selection competition. It is better to be earlier.

President pan stepped back several steps to make way for the main position. Chen Feng and his four men stood at the front of the school after Wang Counselor's explanation, and met the admiration of the whole school's teachers and students.

President pan explained the situation of the selection competition to the teachers and students on the rostrum: "as we all know, the school system of the fighter a department of all the mecha schools in the Republic of ancient Shenlan began to change from this year, so the college competition originally to be held this year was postponed to next year, so we had more time to select students who would fight on behalf of the school. However, since this is the first year to hold the selection competition for the college championship, we still have many places that are not well prepared. We can only see the competition of the last four strong teams. Here, I apologize to all the teachers and students

The teachers and students under the rostrum don't even want to call. After all, this is the first time that the college contest is held. Everyone is in a state of confusion. Originally, they can only inquire about the competition situation through hearsay. Now they can witness the selection of the final candidates with their own eyes.

After President pan apologized sincerely, he held the four Chen Feng standing in front of the rostrum with big hands: "I think the selection competition of the college competition is the most important thing for our Langya machine a college in this period of time, so choosing to hold the top four competition in everyone's rest time can at least let you see what kind of level the students who represent our Langya mechanical college are going to the college competition. To tell you the truth, among the four students standing here now, only two candidates will be selected and one substitute will be selected. The students at the bottom of the line will be mercilessly eliminated. "

The teachers and students exclaimed, and many people did not understand the situation of the trial. They thought that the top four competition was just a process of deciding who was the first choice and who was the substitute. Unexpectedly, some students would be eliminated in the final four.

In the noisy discussion among teachers and students, Nangong Mengdie stood on the rostrum coldly and slowly glanced at the crowd below, which made the teachers and students feel her incomparable confidence; Zheng Zhirong also stood upright with his head held high, and his tall and powerful posture also made people look up to him.

Among the remaining two, Xu Xin raised his head with pride. In his heart, Chen Feng was just a stepping stone on his way to success. His arrogant attitude also made the teachers and students on the rostrum have a trace of expectation for him.

Each of her companions showed a strong desire to win. Of course, Chen Feng couldn't show weakness. She put her hands behind her back and opened her eyes slightly, as if she didn't care about everything around her. Among the four, Chen Feng was the most handsome and sunny, and many of his fans were instantly added to the rostrum.

Under the rostrum, the enthusiasm of teachers and students was high. President pan introduced four people one by one: "from my left side, the first student is Nangong Mengdie, the second is Zheng Zhirong, the third is Chen Feng, and the fourth is Xu Xin. In the next day and a half, they will fight each other to determine the final place. Please wait and see. "

When President pan introduced Nangong Mengdie, great applause broke out in the auditorium. It is obvious that beautiful women can stimulate the hormones of boys most. The girls' reaction is not so fierce. Only when Chen Feng is introduced, some big fluctuations occur.

President pan adjusted the atmosphere and announced the start of the competition: "let's not say much. Let's start the competition of the top four immediately. The first game this morning is Nangong Mengdie and Chen Feng. Please move to the simulator on the left of the rostrum to prepare for the war. Other students, please look up at the panoramic skylight behind the rostrum."

Chen Feng looked under the rostrum and could not find you Jia's figure. He and you Jia had hardly said anything about Monday's incident, so he could not help but get a layer of haze in his heart. Walking down the rostrum behind Nangong Mengdie, I can see that two simulators have been arranged on the left side of the rostrum. It is estimated that the school has spent a lot of effort to put the simulators in the auditorium. It seems that President pan really attaches great importance to this trial.

As Chen Feng and Nangong Mengdie enter the simulator, the teachers and students under the rostrum turn their eyes to the panoramic skylight behind the rostrum. At this moment, the panoramic skylight actually starts to demonstrate the preparation picture of Chen Feng and Nangong Mengdie. The panoramic skylight has replaced the projector and become the role of broadcasting competition.

Shocked by the sudden change of the auditorium, the teachers and students began to whisper to the panoramic skylight.

"Our school's technical strength is so strong that it can turn the panoramic skylight into a projector." For the first time, Lin Xian saw the panoramic skylight of the auditorium like this. He was surprised and praised the school's bullying.

You Jia and he Yuqi hide in the crowd hand in hand. She saw the look Chen Feng was looking for just now, but so far she still didn't know how to face Chen Feng, so she chose to avoid it. At this time, she nervously looked at the picture of Chen Feng's preparation on the panoramic skylight and turned a deaf ear to Lin Xian's voice.

Also a girl, he Yuqi can experience Youjia's inner suffering. She gently clenches Youjia's hand and whispers to you Jia's ear: "You Jia elder sister is always against it. If you like Chen Feng, you should accept his confession as soon as possible."Seeing you Jia still looking at the picture in the panoramic skylight, he Yuqi continued: "sister Youjia, I told sister Mengdie not to embarrass Chen Feng. There should be nothing wrong."

"Mengdie is not going to let water, with her character will only go all out, just hope that Chen Feng can maintain confidence will not be hit." You Jia didn't put down worry because he Yuqi said, because she knew Nangong Mengdie was not that kind of person.

Feeling that you Jia's palms are nervous and sweating, he Yuqi can only take the way to divert her attention: "you see, Chen Feng still chooses to equip two beam swords. Isn't Hong shuibin saying that he has a card?"? How come he hasn't put it out in the last four

On this point, Lin Xian had the most say and said, "Chen Feng said that he still could not master the brand-new fighting methods. He was afraid that the effect would not be good, and he wanted to focus on stability."

But you Jia knows Chen Feng better, and makes the most appropriate inference according to the situation he is going to face: "I'm afraid he can't help it. I think he will use it at least in the last game." , the fastest update of the webnovel!