Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2471

If you are unkind, don't blame me for my unfairness. No one is willing to sacrifice his life in vain. Therefore, after seeing the practice of the San Gama Empire, those who know the power of the giant bomb can't sit still. They should warn the Republic of Koran to be careful and guard it.

The soldiers who got the important information did not dare to neglect it. They immediately reported the situation. The news went all the way to commander Ma's office. He asked the soldiers to quickly bring people to him. He wanted to personally ask for the details of the giant bomb.

Before the people were brought here, commander Ma issued the latest order again, asking the front-line defenders to pay attention to prevent the enemy mecha from carrying huge bombs. If the front did not know, the enemy could not get what he wanted.

After a while, all the people who knew about the giant bomb were brought to commander ma. These people were not many. Commander Ma had time to ask the past one by one, and the answers were similar. Finally, he determined the terror of the giant bomb and how to use it.

What commander Ma wants to know most is how the giant bomb is activated, because the outer protection of such a dangerous bomb must be very precise. Otherwise, he will send himself to the west before he can defeat the enemy. It is not worth the loss.

Most people who know about the existence of a giant bomb don't know how to detonate it. But don't forget that ditega is a port trading city with people coming and going. Not only local people are here, but also a large number of people from other cities and other places.

One of them had participated in the development of the giant bomb. He knew how to start the bomb very well. He told commander Ma that the giant bomb will not explode no matter what kind of attack it encounters when it is not activated. Even if it is destroyed, the substance in it will dissipate by itself, but it will be different after it is started. No matter whether it is attacked or not, it will instantly destroy all substances Detonate.

There is only one way to detonate a giant bomb, that is, the command with a password in the hands of the Minister of the army of the San Gama empire. Once he inputs the command into a special machine, it will control the giant bomb in all the instructions to self explode, with an interval of no more than one second.

The band used by this special machine is very special. It belongs to the frequency which is very difficult to detect and cannot be cut off. Therefore, the Koran Republic has no time to explore and try. The only thing they can do is to prevent the giant bomb from being put into detega.

General Commander Ma was a little suspicious of these people's initiative to expose the new weapons of the San Gama empire. He asked a few more questions to try to find out why they had done so. The answers given by these people were quite satisfactory to him.

Most of them are rich people in detegari. Their property is closely related to the city. If detegar is destroyed by a giant bomb, it is equivalent to taking away their lives. It is better to live like that.

For the rich, it doesn't make much difference whether ditega is ruled by the holy gamma empire or by the Koran Republic. Such an important port town will not be easily changed. At most, they will change their courtyards and do whatever they have to do.

There was also the man who had participated in the research and development of the giant bomb. He happened to take his family to visit detega. His aged parents, wife and children were hiding under the air defense facilities. He didn't want to see his family die in the explosion and fire caused by the giant bomb, so he resolutely ran out to tell the secret. He asked commander Ma for military protection to protect his family.

After knowing what happened in detega, the San Gama empire will send people to kill the family members of the leakers. Therefore, commander Ma can understand the requirements of the other party and promise to ensure the safety of the other party's family as long as there is no problem with the intelligence.

General Commander Ma found out the situation of the giant bomb. He had no time to explain too much to the pilots who were fighting. He first informed them with a simple sentence: "attention! At present, any giant bomb that San gamma Empire mecha wants to carry can make detega nearly collapse, so we must pay close attention to their actions, and we can't let the giant bombs fall into ditega! "

"I see!" Through this sentence, the pilots learned how great the threat of giant bombs is. Anyway, the enemy can't throw them in. If you want to carry them, all the mecha must be killed to isolate all the possibility of dropping giant bombs.

Now, the pilots of the San Gama Empire were very uncomfortable. They found that if they tried to carry the giant bombs, they would cause a very violent attack. Originally, there were so many aircraft armour on the battlefield that it was difficult to avoid volley fire. If they were targeted again, they would have no chance to advance.

Seeing that the mecha carrying the giant bomb was knocked down one by one, the Minister of the military department of the San Gama empire was a little worried. The other side's reaction was too fierce. Did they know the power of the giant bomb? But these bombs have not been used. How can they be exposed?

Unable to figure out the reason, the military minister put aside his doubts for the time being, commanding the surrounding mecha to help cover and transport the giant bombs. Now, the first priority strategy is to drop the giant bombs at detegari. We have to put our forces here, and the offensive in other directions can be slow for a while.

The changes in the operation of the San Gama Empire have further proved the truth of the informants' words, so commander Ma also changed his order. He asked the mecha in the direction of the giant bomb to tilt most of its firepower on the bomb, hoping to break it.

However, since the development of the giant bomb, it has been specially strengthened for being attacked. The material and technology of its outer armor are similar to that of the plasma gravity compression gun, which can provide the strongest protection without considering the mobility.This led to a large number of gunfire of the Republic of Koran mecha, even if it hit a giant bomb, it could not cause a real attack. Although the surrounding mecha was knocked down a lot, the biggest threat always existed.

The sweat on commander Ma's forehead is constantly pouring out. The other party is very anxious to throw the giant bomb in. He is also very nervous to destroy the giant bomb. Who knows when and where the flaw is caught by the enemy. They have no way to escape in the city.

The two sides have launched a new round of fierce exchanges around the giant bombs. Many heavy mecha have begun to move towards the direction of the bombs. Seeing that the other side's reaction is fierce and the way of dropping bombs is unable to be used, the San Gama empire is ready to advance step by step and directly throw them in.

General Commander Ma can't help but look at Chen Feng and Hong shuibin. It is estimated that only their attack power can destroy these giant bombs which make people feel like a thorn in the throat. Because Chen Feng has several experiences in destroying plasma gravity compression guns, Hong shuibin's instant explosive power is also quite amazing. If they can make a move, they may be able to solve the crisis. , the fastest update of the webnovel!