Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 855

Chen Feng roughly estimated the location of these two secret bases. One is in the South and the other is in the north. They are distributed in two directions of the southeast military region. The people of the creation organization set up the bases in this way. Once one of the bases is destroyed, it can also give the other base enough buffer time to adjust.

Then pan Yuguo pointed to the remaining marks: "as for the remaining three red marks, they are all the results of the crazy expansion of Yunyang after he came here. He attacked our pilots recklessly and built a base when he saw the favorable terrain. He didn't pay attention to us at all!"

"In this case, there are at least five bases in the southeast military region, which is not something that we haven't found. But we have only one independent operation team with a full number of people. At present, there are only five bases in total. How can we not pose a fatal threat to the organization?" Chen Fengyue felt more and more that they could not accomplish the task of destroying the world organization. It seemed not very appropriate for the southeast military region to place all its hopes on them.

Pan Yuguo chuckled and said that the task to be handed over to the independent operation team was not to kill all of them. They were just the beginning of the campaign: "ha ha, it's strange that I haven't explained the task to you clearly. In fact, your task is not to destroy the creation organization, but to attack them and attract them to send for rescue At this time, the men and horses of our Southeast military region will intercept and kill them in the middle of the road, so as to achieve the goal of eliminating the combat power of the Chuangshi organization. "

"In this case, we can barely do it with our fighting power. Which of these two bases are we going to attack?" Chen Feng accepted this statement, and continued to ask pan Yuguo which of the two biggest red markers was their mission goal.

As for why Chen Feng didn't ask other bases, the only one that could make the world organization feel dangerous and send reinforcements is the large base they have been working hard for many years. As for the new base created by Yunyang's crazy expansion, if the situation is wrong, the first one will be abandoned, and it is impossible to achieve their goal.

Pan Yuguo pointed to the big red mark farthest away from the main base of the southeast Military Region: "this is it. According to our latest information, Yunyang and Jiling are in this base, so the creation organization will certainly not give up here. However, it is also the hardest bone, and it is easy to cause danger. Therefore, I need to find out what your strength is now."

No wonder that Pan Yuguo did not disclose the specific content of the mission to them at the beginning, because it would be useless to listen if they were not strong enough. This time, the task was to force the independent operation team to attack the base of the world creation organization by themselves, and force them to mobilize the mecha from other bases to reinforce them, so as to give the southeast military region a chance to eliminate them Often high.

Night seven pondered for a while, asked pan Yuguo's specific plan: "so what plan do you have to attack this base?"

"Originally, I thought that if Chen Feng was strong enough, he and I would hold down Yunyang and Jiling respectively, and then Nangong Mengdie sisters and Zheng Zhirong would launch a surprise attack on their bases. Although the number of Genesis organization mecha is large, there are only a few top-notch combat forces. They should be able to pose enough threats." Pan Yuguo said his earliest plan, which sounds feasible.

Then pan Yuguo looked at Yeqi. The appearance of Yeqi was not in his plan: "but now that you have joined this team, the situation has changed again. I wonder if you are responsible for mind planning, so that the operation of attacking the base will be more smooth?"

"I don't agree. I asked for help from Ji Ling. He chased me in the Southwest Military Region. Now it's my turn to take the initiative to find him." Chen Feng immediately objected to pan Yuguo's arrangement and wanted to take the initiative to take the responsibility of fighting Jiling.

When he was in the Southwest Military Region, because of his lack of strength and experience, Chen Feng was chased down by Ji Ling. But for the help of the people of the ancient Soviet empire, he and Zheng Zhirong would have died a long time ago. Therefore, this led to his extraordinary persistence in Ji Ling, and he must wash away his humiliation with his own hands.

Pan Yuguo advised Chen Feng to think about it again, because from the overall consideration, it might be more effective to let night seven deal with Ji Ling: "I originally thought you had to deal with Ji Ling. The synchronization rate of Ji Ling has reached 93. You have no advantage over him. In case of any mistake on your side, other people's actions will be hindered. Now, I think it's better for Chen Fengye to join us? "

Pan Yuguo's point is very reasonable. If considering the overall action, it would be more appropriate for Yeqi to be in charge of Jiling, because when Yeqi was in the Southwest Military Region, he did not fall behind the combination of jiayunyang and Jiling alone. It was even more appropriate to deal with Jiling alone, and it was easier for the other party's form to collapse.

Chen Feng was agitated by Pan Yuguo and was about to agree to give up the idea of fighting Jiling. Suddenly, Zheng Zhirong said, "Pan Yuguo, you don't know how much hatred Ji Ling had against us when we were in the Southwest Military Region. When we fought with Freya for the second generation, he chased us all the way. Later, when we captured the foundation of the world organization, he followed me If you don't let Chen Feng compete with him again, we will feel very uncomfortable. "What Zheng Zhirong said made Chen Fengru stuck in his throat. Yes, the reason why he insisted on fighting with Jiling was to eliminate the frustration in his heart. At first, Jiling fought under them for several times, but now his strength has been improved greatly. It is reasonable for him to let go of Jiling and boost his confidence and completely eliminate the pressure on him.

Pan Yuguo is silent. If you think from Chen Feng's point of view, he should be arranged to fight with Ji Ling. However, from the perspective of the success or failure of the campaign, it is better to arrange night seven to deal with Ji Ling. Pan Yuguo can't make a decision, and he turns to Yeqi for help.

Chen Feng's encounter night seven is basically present, he can feel Chen Feng's resentment. If he insists on taking away the task of fighting with Jiling, it is unfair to Chen Feng.

So Yeqi offered to continue to arrange for Chen Feng to hold Jiling in check: "since Chen Feng and Ji Ling have so many disputes, it's better to let Chen Feng deal with Ji Ling. Chen Feng has improved so much that even you almost capsized in the gutter. I believe he can challenge Ji Ling, and there should be no big problem." , the fastest update of the webnovel!