The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1010: transaction

Up to 200 points in constitution, 70 points higher than Bai Xiaowen's 9th-level constitution lord Heen killed before!

If you have 100 points of power, you must have the level of a high-powered lord.

Agile 78 points is slightly weaker, but this is also relatively speaking-78 points Agile is already the data only for senior leaders with agile specialties. Of course, the lord's huge body-like body limits the use of agility, and the attack speed is certainly not as fast as Li Shuyi.

However, the large size also has the advantage of large size. In the lord's combat skills, there must be terrible additional damage capabilities. What is similar to the AOE of cleave, the crushing damage caused by crushing, and the basic attack comes with a knock-up or Knockback and other effects, Bai Xiaowen can completely imagine.

In the original Amotava, the 40-point spirit is considered a weak point, but you must know that Amotava is at this time possessed by the lord. At least part of the lord's spirit has been added to "Amotava", which is reflected in the value of 100 points.

140 points total spirit, higher than spirit master Bai Xiaowen ...

Qiao Rui said in amazement: "I heard that the lord is above the king-level template, and above that is the divine template. This is a gap of two or three templates, which is really terrible. This is level 6, if it is seven or eight I am afraid that there will be a qualitative change in the ranks of the gods. "

Bai Xiaowen said "um".

At the same time as Bai Xiaowen's insight into the lord, the lord also noticed him. After all, Bai Xiaowen forcibly detected the lord's attribute value with the eyes of evolution, which naturally caused the lord's alertness.

"You ... you are Dior Skeleboom!"

The lord's nine heads opened their mouths at the same time, and the rumbling voice resounded like a thunder repeatedly echoing in the earth vein corridor. There will be echoes on the distant rock wall of the earth vein corridor.

With the opening of the prince, the fierce battle on the battlefield has temporarily subsided.

The dwarf defender and troop who suffered heavy casualties finally rushed back to the reinforcements and reported the situation in front of Marshal Yahan and the dwarven patriarchs such as Hawkeye and Greybeard.

Snakemen's elite main forces are also under the control of the lord's spirit. They gather and regroup, and wait for an order to enter the battlefield again.

The prince looked at Bai Xiaowen, his voice continued to sound:

"In the latent image labyrinth, you stole my treasure! Now, you dare to stand in front of me ... You are seeking your own way!"

With the voice of the great lord, waves of powerful coercion spread. The faces of the coalition soldiers were all pale, and the weak soldiers who did not reach the elite template even had their eyes turned white and passed out.

Together with the Snake Mother, the seven lords cast psionic particle waves at the same time, and the passive effects of the seven auras spread out, which can withstand the prestige of the lord. However, Bai Xiaowen, one of the seven lords, can clearly perceive that the lord does not use all his power at all, that is, the active effect of activating his own aura, otherwise the seven lords will be difficult to compete.

Facing the threat of the lord, Bai Xiaowen smiled.

"Hello, Lord ... or the will of the ectopic plane? Who doesn't know if he is seeking death today."

Bai Xiaowen's relaxed gesture also seemed to infect the people around him, and Yahan and other lords' faces eased a lot.


The prince snorted coldly: "My origin, I don't need you to make irresponsible remarks. You are not the aboriginals of the Kuroshio plane! I know the origin of you and your classmates ... so, you are not Dior Skelboom! Now, say your real name! "

Bai Xiaowen shrugged: "Sorry, confidential."

Yahan and others just glanced at Bai Xiaowen in surprise, and didn't ask.

This is the benefit of worshiping reputation. From the perspective of Yahan and others, Bai Xiaowen has made so many contributions to the alliance, whether it is the indigenous people of the Kuroshio plane or not, it does not matter. Importantly, Bai Xiaowen is now fighting alongside them and is an indispensable member.

The lord did not feel angry, and continued to say, "Well ... I don't care who you are. You are not a human on the Kuroshio plane, and naturally you don't need to be responsible for whether the Kuroshio continent sinks! Why don't we make a deal? You save the mainland I can pay you ten times as much as I can get! Even boost your strength and take you to a higher level! "

Bai Xiaowen quickly received a reminder from the rules of the spirit world:

"Amotava wants a contract with you ..."

The content of the contract was briefly scanned by Bai Xiaowen. It was nothing more than abandoning the alliance camp and returning the item of Amotava's remains-Eye of Amotava. If this is done, Bai Xiaowen will get a chance to infuse.

However, after the contract, the spirit rule came with a message:

"Warning: If you accept the abyss, your race will change and it will have unpredictable consequences."

"Don't worry so much ... I won't be backwater."

Bai Xiaowen smiled, as if answering the rules of the spirit world. He added silently in his heart, unless the other party's sincerity was large enough.

"Right, Yahan."

Bai Xiaowen said, "Is the relic of" Amotava Scale "still in your hands?"

Yahan nodded.

"Give me." Bai Xiaowen stretched out his hand.

Yahan didn't ask why, and directly handed the scale of Amotava to Bai Xiaowen. Bai Xiaowen put it into storage space.

"Hey, Lord Lord, now the eyes of Amotava and the scales of Amotava are in my hands."

Bai Xiaowen smiled awkwardly, "The things in my hands, you can never get them by force, even if I kill them, I can't do it. I believe you should know this.

The prince's erect pupil shrinks slightly ~ ~ The coercion of pressure has become more severe. Of course, he knew very well that Bai Xiaowen, the awakened person, had storage space, and the aborigines of the spiritual world could not be touched.

Because the prince knew this, he was painstakingly working out a "transcendent game" in the latent image maze, trying to hook Bai Xiaowen, obediently accepting his spiritual influence and becoming his slave, so he offered to offer it Eye of Motava.

"Huh, those two relics are nothing to me!" The lord did not want Bai Xiaowen to be so proud.

But Bai Xiaowen sneered and said, "It's nothing? It's not necessary. His Excellency, because the two relics are missing, the strength has not been fully restored. It should be only 60 to 80%. Maybe there is nothing else Weaknesses and the like ... if you get these two relics, I'm afraid they are invincible. "

"You ..." The lord's voice turned cold, and suddenly a strong spiritual fluctuation came out.

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