The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1032: Information on transfer evolution

Spiritual rules reminders keep ringing.

"... Unknown cause, data disorder, 353 psionic points will be deducted."

"... Unknown cause, data disorder, 421 psionic points will be deducted."


Almost every second, the chargeback information pops up, and Bai Xiaowen agrees. A few hundred psionic points were nothing to him at all.

The Eye of Evolution has been flashing a slight red light, seeming to **** Bai Xiaowen's voyeur.

In Bai Xiaowen's field of vision, the miniature model of the Kuroshio plane flew a more illusory sphere in the infinite white light.

If we have to make an analogy, it is as if someone's soul flew out of the body.

The illusory sphere ghost image seemed to take away a large amount of white light. It quickly compressed and eventually turned into a very small, pure light spot. The whistling flew into the distance and reached what Bai Xiaowen could not see. Deep into the sky.

The Kuroshio sphere, which remained in place, lost most of the white light and began to vibrate frequently.

At this point, Bai Xiaowen no longer needed to deduct psionic points, and other people's vision had returned to normal, and he was able to look directly at this plane sphere.

With a bang, the Kuroshio sphere collapsed.

The main part of the sphere still maintains adhesion, and some small fragments burst out and hang in the air, just like diamonds with beautiful stardust.

The disintegrated sphere began to reshape, continuously absorbing psionic particles from the void.

Everyone can feel that the disintegrated sphere is like a black hole when it absorbs psionic particles! However, it is strange that this suction is only for the scattered psionic particles and has no effect on the awakening people present.

Covered by a soft light, the originally disintegrated ball was successfully reshaped.

It is still a sphere model of the Kuroshio plane, the familiar coastline, the familiar mainland, mountains, plateaus, canyons ...

However, everyone in the room sighed. The continent is still that continent, but people are no longer those people. In other words, people are still those people, but they have nothing to do with the five members of the White Phoenix team.

"Reincarnation is complete." Li Shuyi was a little bit lost.

"Well, it's done." Bai Xiaowen was a little confused, before the disintegration, what was the pure light spot that finally formed from the imaginary image of the Kuroshio sphere, finally condensing?

Queen Carmelo, Yahan, Dorothy ... Did all these people really disappear and then be remade?

How is the plane of the spirit world different from the earth? What is the difference between the spirit figures, the earth people, and the awakened person?

Although Bai Xiaowen peeped through the eyes of evolution and saw a trace of secrets, the secrets of the spirit world still covered the clouds.

The reminder of the rules of the spirit world sounded, interrupting Bai Xiaowen's thoughts.

"You have already qualified for the advancement of the evolutionaries. Are you promoted?"

Bai Xiaowen settled his mind, and for a moment cast aside his thoughts, saying, "Show me the professions I can promote."

Tips for Spiritual Realm Rules:

"If you choose to become an evolutionary, you will get the evolutionary professional book: Solyan's Secret."

"Study the Solyan Scriptures. After completing the evolutionary evolution, you will have 7 basic priorities."

"You will get a unique power slot: magic."

"Your prophecy skills will gain power, speed up your understanding, and speed up your practice."

"Important: Career classics are very important, please decide carefully."

Bai Xiaowen asked, "Why is there no job name for transfer? Also, the 7-point basic priority, what template does it mean in the evolutionary?"

The rules of the spirit world ignore the Xiaowen Bai.

"I think it must be at least a hero-level template, it can't be lower." Li Shuyi raised her hand and said, "Xiaowen's basic priority is now 4 points, and after suddenly raising 3 points, it is the same as the protoss Eh."

"The awakening plane and the evolving plane must be different algorithms." Qiao Rui said with a wave of his hand. "We have also got promotion qualifications. Let's take a look at each one and summarize the transfer information."

Li Shuyi can obtain a professional classic called "Lang Shiluo's Note". After completing the promotion, she will have 6 basic priorities and get a special energy slot: fighting spirit.

Then there are tips, the power of fighting skills is improved, the speed of understanding is improved ...

Qiao Rui and Cecilia can get the lower priority of the template, only 5 points. In addition, the special energy slot obtained by Qiao Rui is as magical as Bai Xiaowen; Cecilia is as vindictive as Li Shuyi.

Their specialization skills are also different. Qiao Rui corresponds to the control skills, Cecilia corresponds to the shooting skills.

The crowd finally looked at Han Xu's prompt message, and then ... respected with sympathy.

The template priority that Han Xu can get is 4 points, corresponding to the defense skills.

Bai Xiaowen said: "I probably understand. The evolutionary plane has the same basic priority as the awakening plane by 2 points. In other words, my 7-point basic priority is converted into the awakening plane. , Is 5 points, which is equivalent to the lord template; Shu Yi is 4 points, a hero template. "

At this point Bai Xiaowen exhaled. It seems that although there are scavenger missions that are not included in the evaluation, Bai Xiaowen's other contributions are enough to support his promotion to the lordship of evolution.

"Why are Sister Qiao and Sister Sai so low, just equivalent to the elite evolutionary template?" Li Shuyi wondered.

"This should be normal," Qiao Rui thought for a while, and said without grievances, "After all, we broke up with the captain for some time. Although we also participated in several battles with the ghost ship, but the contribution was modest, and we all played It is a small battle that has nothing to do with it. Shu Yi, you can get the template of the hero evolution, most of the time when you are acting with the captain, you have participated in major events that affect the overall unification progress ... "

"Fall ~ ~ The sealed temple! I went with Xiaowen." Li Shuyi said.

Everyone did not discuss Han Xu tacitly ... but there was no low mood to see Han Xu's appearance, he could see it quite openly.

How many heroes and professional awakeners have been able to become evolutionaries have achieved their dreams. The evolver of the standard template is ultimately stronger than the awakener of the hero class.

"Captain, the information about the evolution of the evolutionist is almost understood now ... What do you think?" Qiao Rui asked.

Bai Xiaowen thought for a moment, and first asked a question from the rules of the spirit world.

"I don't choose to be an evolutionary this time ... Can I retain my promotion opportunities? If I have completed the unified tasks of other planes in the future, then I will choose one of the most suitable promotion qualifications to promote the evolutionary?"

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