One Punch Star Annihilation

v4 Chapter 618: Dribbling the ball into the goal

The Assassin dribbled the ball into the backcourt from the sideline.

Ye Zheyu immediately went up to defend, wanting to block.

After the Assassin got the request, he got up again, kicked the lob, and flew to the goal.

Bart Zorns threw off the beef balls, then rushed forward, leaping up, and volleyed to shoot.


Sombra football flew out like a cannonball and shot towards the goal.

Just then.

Han Youwei opened the "vector prism" to block the path of the ball.

The football hit the "vector prism", refracted twelve times, turned 180 degrees and flew back.

The football flew upside down, immediately arousing cheers from several people in the team.

Eve even praised: "Youwei is still amazing!"

Bart Zorns snorted coldly: "The ability to control direction looks very strong, but any object changes in kinetic energy and requires external force, which will inevitably consume energy. It depends on how long your energy can last."

As he spoke, he kicked again and shot.


The football flew out again, hit the "vector prism", and was reflected back again.

Immediately afterwards, Bart Zorns faced the football again and continued to shoot.

Just like that, shooting, reflection, shooting, reflection...

The speed is so fast that you can kick a dozen feet in one second.

There was a series of "bang bang bang" bangs.

Han Youwei gritted her teeth and resisted, reflecting every ball back.

It's just that because of the conservation of energy, the "vector prism" is strong, but it is still constrained by energy.

Therefore, her star power was consumed too fast and the pressure was huge.

Just then.

Fang Yuan broke free from the shackles of the white eagle's field controller and activated the "lightning speed" to shoot out like an arrow from the string, intercepting Bart Zorns and blocking the football.

Then, moving quickly, he hooked the ball in the direction of Eve.

Eve received the ball, immediately like a squid ink jet, gushing out a large cloud of mist, and then ran forward with the ball in the mist.

In the White Eagles, there are every position, even assassins, but there are no detectives.

Therefore, no one in the White Eagles can see through the fog.

The White Eagles can only bite the bullet and rush into the mist to try to intercept.

It's just that after they rushed into the mist, they immediately found that there were countless Eve running in the mist, as if they had entered a room full of mirrors, and they were all people.

Eve ran with the ball and almost unblocked into the White Eagles backcourt.

at the same time.

Fang Yuan also accelerated towards the white eagle's goal.

Bart Zorns gazes sharply, and hastened to follow, and the two of them rushes forward side by side.

"I won't let you succeed!" Bart Zorns snorted coldly.

"Can you stop me?"

Fang Yuan pulled the corner of his mouth, activated the "Vacuum Field", and then used the lightning vortex ring.

The whole person shot out with a "bang", instantly reaching an ultra-high speed of Mach 30.

If you didn't deliberately control the direction and fly straight at Mach 30, you could fly into outer space.

Bart Zorns sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Do you think you can get rid of me like this?"

As he said, he immediately raised his hand to send out a kind of supernatural power, followed by speeding up and chasing closely behind him.

Although his speed did not surpass Fang Yuan, his speed was equally astonishing, and he was very close behind.

Moreover, Fang Yuan could feel that there was a kind of force dragging him, he couldn't help frowning, and glanced back.

At this moment.

Zhao Anya’s voice came from the communication channel: “His ability should be'magnetic pole pulling'. By turning you into a magnetic pole, he will follow you in a pulling way. Under the influence of'magnetic pole pulling, you How fast he can catch up. "

Fang Yuan was a little surprised when he heard Zhao Anya's explanation.

The reason for the surprise was not that Zhao Anya spoke suddenly.

In fact, as Bart Zorns, who entered the territory of the East China Sea, they would be monitored by the Excalibur Bureau every second.

This is inevitable, just as the awakened in the East China Sea Theater, entering the territory of the White Eagle, will also be monitored by the White Eagle Intelligence Bureau.

Therefore, Zhao Anya has been watching this beach football, and after Bart Zorns used a new ability, he quickly analyzed the effect of the ability.

"That's the case, no wonder I feel a force pulling me." Fang Yuan immediately understood the effect of this "magnetic pole pull", which is indeed very effective.

"As I said long ago, this person is specifically used to restrain you. Obviously, the White Eagle Country also knows that your speed is fast. In order to restrain your speed, this is why he has such a special ability for him. , The effect is indeed very good, it seems that your speed advantage is not at all." Zhao Anya's tone is very relaxed, and even joking.

"That's not necessarily true. Magnetic pole traction, at best, can catch up to my speed, but never surpass me. This kind of ability is useless from another perspective.

Fang Yuan began to use lightning reversing steps, rushing from left to right, like a bolt of lightning, across the ground, and rushed towards the White Eagle goal.

Bart Zorns followed, also conflicting between left and right, almost re-enacting Fang Yuan's movement trajectory.

"You can't run away!" He discovered the restraint effect of his ability, Fang Yuan, and laughed more and more frantically.

"Are you sure?" Fang Yuan turned his head and smiled at him, then stretched out his hand to copy his "magnetic pole pull".

"I am your nemesis. You can defeat anyone in this world, but you can't defeat me." Bart Zorns is very confident.

Fang Yuan grinned with a bright smile, and then activated "magnetic pole traction" to change his own magnetic pole.

The function of "magnetic pole pulling" is to turn the target and itself into magnetic poles for pulling.

If one of the magnetic poles is twisted, the magnetic poles that originally attracted each other instantly become repulsive.

The moment Fang Yuan changed the magnetic pole, Bart Zorns flew out in a straight line.

Fang Yuan waved at him, then turned around and shot towards the White Eagles goal. After breaking through the interception, he received the ball from the fog and raised his foot to shoot.


The football shot, hit the White Eagle defender, and drove the ball to the goal.

When Bart Zorns rushed back after removing the magnetic pole effect, the ball had been blasted into the goal.

His face suddenly became very ugly.

Fang Yuan turned around, smiled at him, then pointed his finger at his temple, and said: "Not even the explorer, I don't know what your mind thinks."

Since there is no detective, none of the five White Eagles can see through the fog, so there is no way to intercept Eve dribbling.

When Fang Yuan broke through to the goal and kicked together, the game was over.

Bart Zorns's face became more and more ugly, and the anger in his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

Fang Yuan saw his anger point and began to surge, his smile brightened.

Rage point +300, rage point +500, rage point +450...