One Punch Star Annihilation

v4 Chapter 725: Control factor inhibitor

When a major industrial country puts its resources into a scientific research project, the speed at which results are produced is quite astonishing, especially laboratory results.

After the alienation gene research team discovered the control factors in the experimental samples, the supporting experiments were launched immediately.

Several top medical laboratories across the country immediately began to study inhibitory drugs for controlling factors.

Because of the known production principle of the control factor, and through the mutated alienated gene sequence, a method to inhibit the production of the control factor has been found.

Therefore, the development of control factor inhibitors is very fast.

In less than a month, the medical laboratory produced the finished control factor inhibitor.

Of course, this is only a laboratory product.

It will take some time from the laboratory to mass production.

However, the alienated people in the East China Sea were under control very early, so the demand for inhibitors of control factors is not so strong.

Countries such as White Eagle and Britain are different.

Alienated human organizations in these countries have formed a large scale, moved around, and caused many disturbances.


After receiving the news of the successful development of the control factor inhibitor, the headquarters of the East China Sea Theater held an internal meeting.

Fang Yuan and Zhao Anya participated in this internal meeting as representatives of the military scientific research class.

"Through the efforts of the Institute of Biology and Baoan Pharmaceutical Laboratory, the control factor inhibitor has been developed. This is a very important achievement. It can play an important role in preventing alienated human organizations..."

The headquarters spokesperson put forward the main topic of this internal meeting: "However, the situation of aliens in China is not critical, but the crisis of aliens in individual planetary defense council members is very serious.

"Today we will discuss whether we should provide other planetary defense councils with the manufacturing technology of control factor inhibitors."

This issue is more subtle.

One year ago, when a breakthrough in controlled nuclear fusion technology was achieved, he was immediately threatened by a technology ban by a certain country, and his face was quite ugly.

From a personal emotional point of view, one should give a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.

However, if you look at it from the perspective of human civilization, this kind of internal friction is not desirable.

"Professor Lu, you are the biggest contributor to the successful development of control factor inhibitors. First of all, you are the opinion." The spokesperson of the headquarters directly named.

Lu Xiuwen had been prepared for a long time, and stood up and said: "I am engaged in scientific research, and the 15 colleagues who work with me are also engaged in scientific research.

"We just want to purely continue to engage in scientific research. We would rather hide in the laboratory for the rest of our lives than participate in the struggle.

"In our opinion, science knows no borders. Even if I feel disgusted in my heart, I still hope that our team's research will be successful and will benefit mankind."

Most scientific researchers support science without borders and are willing to provide research success to other countries.

Of course, there are also more radical participants in the meeting.

"I think whether to provide control factor inhibitors to certain countries is a trade-off. Science knows no borders, but patented technologies have them. At least some countries think they have them, and often use them as a means of threat.

"I think we shouldn't get used to those people, otherwise they will think it is a matter of course to get cutting-edge technology from our country, and they will only push their noses even more."

Everyone started to discuss, some were supportive and some were opposed.

The spokesperson of the headquarters continued to roll the names and ask for opinions.

When it was Fang Zhenguo's turn, he was silent for a moment, and then said after careful consideration: "From the perspective of personal feelings, I really want to see some hateful hysteria.

"However, if you look at it from the perspective of civilization, doing so is indeed a kind of internal friction.

"From a civilized standpoint, we should indeed announce the technical results of the control factor inhibitor.

"This can reduce the internal friction within civilization, but our selflessness may not be treated equally. This is the only problem.

"If there is no threat of star beast civilization, I will support them to fight to the end.

"However, with the current crisis facing humanity, it is best to ensure the overall combat effectiveness of mankind.

"At least when the fight started, there was one who gave us a knife, so as not to face the threat of star beast civilization alone.

"Therefore, I support the provision of control factor inhibitor manufacturing technology to other planetary defense councils in the form of patent authorization.

"The patent fee can be negotiated separately. In order to help more people, the patent fee can be set lower, but it cannot be avoided.

"At the same time, I suggest that Donghai build a factory and put into production control factor inhibitors. There will be market demand for a long time in the future."

If it comes from a personal temper, Fang Zhenguo would be happy to let certain countries suffer.

However, in order for mankind to survive the coming crisis, it is the most sensible choice to preserve the combat effectiveness of human civilization.

After the meeting, the headquarters made a decision.

In the form of patent authorization, the production technology of control factor inhibitors is provided to other planetary defense councils, and the patent fee is set very low, which can be regarded as a contribution from the standpoint of human civilization.

Tokai released the technical outline of the control factor inhibitor, describing in detail the role of the control factor inhibitor.

At the same time, the East China Sea has also issued domestic implementation measures for alienated persons.

Since it is impossible to carry out alienation genetic testing for the entire population, even though there are few alien organizations in the country, there are still some aliens hidden among the people.

These alienated people are always a hidden danger, and a solution is needed.

After all, not every alienated person is willing to be a slave to the star beast civilization.

Therefore, the East China Sea officially announced that aliens with citizenship can work and live like ordinary people as long as they regularly inject control factor inhibitors and wear anti-electromagnetic wave headbands.

Moreover, the official will keep secret for these alienators who are willing to inject control factor inhibitors.

The Institute of Biology also announced that in the future, it will develop ways to remove alienated genes and advocate the domestication of alienated people.

After the announcement of the naturalization of aliens was issued, few aliens went to designated places to inject control factor inhibitors in the first two days.

After all, the alienated people hiding in the folk are very careful.

However, around the address mentioned in the official announcement, there are some weird people appearing every day.

After a few days, some alienated people who were unwilling to submit to the Star Beast civilization began to give inhibitor injections.

The work of inhibitor injection is in charge of the newly established alienation management team of the Supervisory Authority.

While injecting inhibitors to these alienated people, they will also record their information, and remind them to inject inhibitors once a week, and then let them go back.

After the implementation of this measure, more and more alienators took the initiative to receive inhibitor injections, and therefore the alienation crisis in the East China Sea was almost completely lifted.