One Punch Star Annihilation

v4 Chapter 1008: Palese Fleet

"The antimatter energy reactor wants to be repaired. It is too difficult to give up temporarily. The cold fusion reactor does not need to be repaired. Just install our solar furnace."

After studying for two days, Eve and his colleagues at the Aerospace Laboratory finally determined the warship repair plan.

Of course, the team has not been idle for these two days, repairing the repairable parts of the battleship first, and disassembling the equipment that cannot be repaired.

With the mature technology of the engineering team, the external hull of the battleship was basically repaired in two days. From the outside, it was already a complete battleship.

However, the real difficulty is the repair of the internal equipment of the battleship.

Human civilization has not mastered the anti-matter energy reactor at this stage, so it is very difficult to repair it, and it cannot be completed in a short time.

However, this warship is a mixed energy of antimatter and nuclear fusion, so there is no need to repair the antimatter energy reactor.

The cold fusion reactor of the battleship itself does not need to be repaired. These damaged cold fusion reactors can be brought back for research.

The energy restoration method of the battleship is the simplest part, just install the solar furnace that you brought.

Before coming, the Supreme Council had analyzed various possibilities.

Therefore, the Counterattack carried a batch of solar furnaces.

With these solar furnaces installed, although they cannot meet the original full-load energy target of the warship, it is completely sufficient if they are only responsible for the power system.

The next problem is to repair the engine of the battleship, including the kinetic energy engine and the curvature engine.

This warship also uses a curvature engine, but it is quite different from the curvature engine of the Palestine civilization.

The aerospace scientific research personnel accompanying the ship scanned the curvature engine structure and layout of the crashed warship and sent it back to the earth in real time.

In human civilization, scientists at the pinnacle of aerospace scientific research have participated in the research and repair of this crashed warship.

The curvature engine laboratory also participated in the most critical curvature engine repair work.

Yang Yuping works day and night.

Because the curvature engine that he led the team researched has reached the final stage, it can not only play a key role in repairing the curvature engine of the crashed warship, but also gain research experience from it.

With the efforts of the most outstanding group of human beings, it took a month to finally repair the first curvature engine of the warship.

After repairing the first curvature engine, the repair work of the following two curvature engines became much smoother.

In the end? It took a month and a half.

The repair of the engine system of the battleship is complete. Start the test flight and return directly to the target earth.

The remaining maintenance and optimization work? Can be carried out during the voyage.


"Is this warship strong?"

On the way back, when Niu Dazhi was eating? Started to discuss the strength of this carbon-based alliance warship with his teammates.

"In its heyday, it should be about the same as the warships of the Palestine civilization? A little better than the Counterattack. However, the spacecraft made by carbon-based civilization are more suitable for humans, so the driving effect must be better." A rare serious analysis of Eve? This question belongs to her professional field.

"What class is this warship? Is it a destroyer? Or something else?" Niu Dazhi asked again.

Lang Xiaonian pushed his glasses? "It's not so divided. The classification of battleships by the Carbon-based Alliance is actually different from ours.

"However, I think it is better to use humans' own warships for classification.

"From the perspective of the role of warships, this carbon-based civilized warship should be a cruiser? It is a large space warship with a faster speed."

Niu Dazhi frowned and said, "The space cruiser in our space fleet is only three hundred meters long. Can this thing be ten times longer?"

Eve couldn't help it again? Rolled his eyes and said, "Are you stupid? Battleships can only be compared with contemporary battleships. Why don't you compare the battleships of the Ocean Age with the space battleships?

"The division of battleship types? It is divided according to combat functions.

"This warship is a faster, large warship? That is the positioning of the cruiser."

Just as several people were eating and chatting.

The broadcasting system inside the battleship rang suddenly.

"Emergency meeting? Military research class, and all members of the space army above the school level will gather in the combat meeting room in ten minutes."

The voice belongs to Zhao Anya, and there is a trace of anxiety in the voice, but it is not urgent.

"Did you encounter the enemy?" Niu Dazhi looked around.

Everyone bowed their heads and picked up the rice quickly, and the clanging of tableware and chopsticks clinked.

"Obviously not, if you encounter an enemy army, there are still ten minutes for you to finish your meal?" Eve chewed the food in his mouth while speaking vaguely.

At this time, you must not panic.

Eat as much as you can. If you really encounter a fight, you don’t know when the next meal will be.

"It's not an enemy, what's the matter?" Niu Dazhi picked up his special rice bowl and began to fiercely pick up rice.

Although it usually looks like a sand sculpture, it is impossible to survive the Star Beast Civilization War by luck.

"It's Sister Ya's broadcast, probably news from the earth." Han Youwei quickly finished eating, and hurriedly sent the bowl back, ready to attend an emergency meeting.

ten minutes later.

All officers from the military research squad and the ship’s school-level and above were present.

In addition, there are several scientific researchers in aerospace science and technology.

"Sister Ya, what's the matter?" Eve took a sip of water, swallowed the rice grains in his mouth, and sat in the leftmost position of the first row.

"Sit down first."

Zhao Anya pressed her palm to see that everyone was there, and began to announce the matter: "Half an hour ago, I received news from the earth.

"The fleet of the Palestine civilization parked at the V838 Monoceros space base moved. Judging from the hyperspace route, it is very likely that it is heading towards the earth."

As soon as the news came out, everyone present widened their eyes.

"The Palestine fleet of Monoceros v838, I remember there seem to be twelve battleships. Are they all dispatched?" Han Youwei looked a little nervous.

"Yes, all the twelve battleships are dispatched." Zhao Anya nodded.

"Has it been determined that their target is the earth?" Han Youwei asked again.

This time, Zhao Anya shook her head and replied: "This is not certain, because the hyperspace route taken from V838 Monoceros to the earth has 13 hyperspace nodes, and any one of them may change direction. "

Lang Xiaonian helped explain: "It's like taking a bus. No one knows which bus line they will transfer to next time. They only know that this line is the first step to the earth."

Fang Yuan said in a deep voice: "Their target should be the earth, because in the area near V838 Monoceros, there is no other target worthy of their attack except us."