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Chapter 1366: Too powerful! so horrible!

Along the river of time, head up against the current.

Countless sights flashed before Li Yu's eyes until ... he saw a war, or was it massacre?

That was endless long ago.

This Cangtian world is still a vigorous and prosperous world.

The sky is clouded, the earth is verdant and green, and the vast ocean is undulating.

The majestic and magnificent palace buildings are floating in countless floating islands between heaven and earth. There are fairy birds soaring, there are strange beasts galloping. The whole sky world is full of prosperity.

In the middle of this Cangtian world, there is a huge and immortal immortal mountain penetrating the sky.

It's both a mountain and a city!

The whole mountain of millions of miles is a huge and boundless imperial city. The majestic and magnificent palace urns are bright and brilliant, as bright as clouds.

There is one master in the whole heavenly world. His name is Emperor Cangtian.

This is a supreme second step chaos, he is in charge of the heavens in the three realms below the outer plane. Paramount, majestic.



The next moment, there was a loud noise in the void.

The sky is broken!

The sky was shining brightly, and there was a huge and boundless green pillar covered with countless spikes, like an iron rod hitting an egg, and it was severely hit on this "sky world".

destroy! Shattered! Annihilation!

Just like the end of the day, this prosperous and prosperous world has ushered in its final destruction!

The spiked sticks killed this world in one shot!

Everything is destroyed!

The stars shook, the void vanished, and the earth shattered. All creatures between heaven and earth were smashed into fly ash.

"Mother, why? What did I do wrong? Why are you doing this to me?"

In the shattered world, a figure rose into the sky and turned into a whole body of green blue, hundreds of millions of miles long and boundless blue dragon.

This giant dragon that seemed to cross Tianyu looked sorrowfully into the sky, looked at the blue giant rod that shattered the heavenly world, and yelled wildly.

"If you don't respect my life, you are rebellious!"

A woman's icy voice sounded in the void, her murderous cold, revealing the extreme cold, covering the whole world, as if letting this run-down world turn into ice hell.

"Mother-in-law, I am for everyone, I am also for you! Release early and end sooner, we can all get out of this nightmare, isn't it better? Why ..."

The dragon roared with grief and indignation, and did not think he was half wrong.

"How to do things, this is what I think about. You, and others, just need to be obedient. It ’s enough. When I say how to do it, I can only do it. I ca n’t add one point or one point. Do It ’s wrong to do more and less! ”

The icy voice didn't shake at all, the blue sky was twirling and sparkling, and the spiked cyan giant stick fell again.

"What's more, you shouldn't be careful. This is the way to take death! Cangtian, you did something wrong."

It is covered with spiked cyan giant rods, crushing the endless void, running through time and space, running through cause and effect, running through fate, running through matter and energy, running through order and laws.

Like destiny, like judgment!

It's smashed with one stick!

"What's wrong with me? He is dead! The master is dead! Without master, no roots, the heavens and the world are like the rootless duckweed, the dream bubble. Once the day of destruction comes, we will all disappear."

Qinglong growled angrily, "What's wrong with me? The master is dead, why can't I be the new master?"

"Pride is the greatest original sin!"

The icy female voice sounded again, and Tongtian's thorough blue giant rod crushed everything!

The hundreds of thousands of miles of blue dragon, under the giant rod, had no resistance at all, just swept away, instantly annihilated, died completely, and died completely.

"Order! Cangtian rebellion. Starting today, Cangtian Realm will be in charge of this palace. His Majesty, Cangtian, will be executed!"

Then ... Cangtian Realm, under the control of the Cangtian Emperor, is facing a big sweep. Countless silver armor gods were all taken down and escorted to the broken heavenly world for execution, pierced with a spear, and stood on the ground.

"This is the cause of the destruction of the heavenly world? This is why the Silver Armor God will be executed?"

Seeing this, Li Yu was speechless for a while.

An Emperor of Heaven, the second step of chaos, was simply killed by a stick.

What horrible existence is that mother-in-law?

"And ... the green sticks with spikes always feel familiar?"

Li Yu suddenly thought of the "empty sky" outside of "Yu Huangtian", the towering blue wall and spikes, and made a guess in his heart.

Is it ... the blue wall and spikes are part of that cyan stick?

This speculation made Li Yu take a sigh of air-conditioning, and he couldn't return to God for a long time.

The blue wall and spikes have been confirmed by the system, which is the third step of chaos. Now ... that thing turned out to be a weapon?

How powerful is the third step of chaos, Li Yu deeply understands. The system is the "proof of chaos", which is the third step of chaos. It's omnipotent.

"Hongmeng Ziqi" is also the third step of chaos, it is called "the source of chaos". Li Yu has only recovered one Hongmeng purple gas, and has not yet found the true function of the "source of chaos". However, Hongmeng Ziqi must be extraordinary.

Blue walls and spikes are even more terrifying. One shot destroys the world of one of the root's pearls, and one shot destroys a chaotic second step of the Supreme, which is simply too powerful.

Who is your mother? What's the origin? Emperor Cangtian, Emperor Taixuan, what are these characters?

And ... the master is dead, the heavens and earth have lost their roots, the day of destruction is over, and everything is gone. What's so secret in it?

"Can't see any more."

With Li Yu's current ability, retrospective time can only be traced back to here at most, and he will never see a more distant past.

"It seems that there is a force that covers up the more distant past. With my current strength, I can't even break through this obstacle."

Li Yu is very clear that this must be the third step of chaos, covering up all traces of the past.

"Why cover up the past? Why not let me ~ ~ or, let others not see it? What is covered up in this?

Li Yu frowned tightly.

However, one thing was finally clear. That is why Hongyun has not been "fallen" by others. Obviously, it is this Cangtian Emperor who regards Hongyun as the object of advent.

Everyone is dead, and naturally there is no chance of coming to the floodland.

"The problem is here again. Since the pearl of the roots is so important, why is no one coming to grab the pearl of the roots of the sky? Is it because it is destroyed? Or because ..."

Li Yu suddenly felt nervous.

This root pearl is the trophy of that mother. But ... I've got it in my hands. Isn't this what I eat?

Will there be another big cyan stick sticking his head?

There was a trace of cold sweat on Li Yu's forehead.