Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 436 - Large-Chested And Brainless

Chapter 436: Large-Chested And Brainless

“Nothing, just feeling a little unwell under the heat,” said Fang Zhu, straightening her back and lifting her chin up. Her never-changing outfit was always an unpleasant sight on the campus.

A fierce style of teaching, blessed with knowledge, and a nun that no one dared to marry.

“Wake up,” Lu Yi patted Yan Huan’s face. “We’re here.”

Yan Huan opened her eyes. Groggy from sleep, she imagined herself to be at home, sleeping on the large, soft bed.

“Already?” she said, sitting up. The car pulled up in the underground garage of the residential area.

“Yeah,” said Lu Yi, unbuckling her seatbelt. He opened the car door and exited. Yan Huan yawned, feeling sleepy. She thought she would sleep a little longer later.

Lu Yi grasped her hand, dipped his head. Her eyes were half-open, the white skin on her face nearly translucent. She looked groggy from sleep, her eyelashes fluttering as though they were about to take off, or shut again.

In the lift, Yan Huan hugged his elbow tightly again.

“I’m sleepy. I want to sleep more.”

“You can sleep more when we are home,” said Lu Yi, patting her awake. “Don’t fall asleep here. You’ll catch a cold.”

The elevator rose quickly, past 13th, and stopped at the 15th level. Yi Ling sometimes stayed at the apartment on the 15th floor, but it was pretty much empty these days.

Yan Huan was behaving like a lazy cat and had to be dragged along by Lu Yi.

Right as Lu Yi unlocked the door and walked in, a soft, fluffy creature pounced at them.

“Little Bean!” said Yan Huan, opening her eyes in a flash. She squatted down and carried Little Bean up.

“Meow..” Little Bean licked at Yan Huan’s fingers. It was much fatter than before.

Lu Yi disentangled Little Bean and tossed it aside. “Go wash up and sleep. Playing with your cat when you can’t even keep your eyes open.. ”

Yan Huan took another glance at Little Bean, so plump that it had trouble moving its legs. Well, can’t be helped. Oh, Little Bean, how did you turn from a cute little kitten to this giant creature?

She could hardly carry it anymore.

Lu Yi brought Yan Huan to the washroom and cleaned her hands personally, drying the fingers on her right hand carefully with a towel. The doctor had assured them that her hand was fine, but he couldn’t help but worry.

Yan Huan turned around and grabbed his shirt, her back against the sink. Her drooping eyelashes added a delicate, elegant charm to her face.

She was indeed a beautiful woman, with a beauty that was between a girl and a woman—something men found irresistible.

Compared to that old Fang Zhu, well, Yan Huan felt like it’s not strange for Lu Yi to like her.

“Hubby..” she said in a sleepy, coquettish voice as she tugged at his clothes. Who said she was uncultured? She thought of herself as well-cultured.

“Yes?” said Lu Yi, letting her do what she wants. Of course, the teasing had awakened the inner demons within him. Right now, he wasn’t the symbol of justice or the icy prosecutor. He was just a man who wanted to swallow her alive.

“Am I large-chested and brainless?” she pouted, remembering the things Fang Zhu had said about her. This was the insult she used most frequently. What about herself then? Small-chested and brainy? No, she meant no chest.

“No, you are a smart woman,” said Lu Yi. He never doubted Yan Huan’s intelligence. She might not have been the smartest woman, but she was no fool. Her foolishness sometimes comes from her generosity.

Somethings can’t be muddled up in the first place.

“As to whether your breasts are large..” Lu Yi suddenly bent over, his warm breath tickling the edge of her ears. At that moment, she felt as though a current had passed through her. Her body went limp.

“I have seen them many times. Yes, they are pretty large,” he said in a sexy, hoarse voice. Who said only girls can seduce guys? It has always been vice-versa.

Bottom-line was, Yan Huan could never reject him, nor did she want to. She liked his passion, the thrill and excitement, and the heavenly pleasure at those moments.

Lu Yi had the stamina to back up his words too. He was always a man of less talk and more action. He knew whether she was smart or not, just like he knew whether her chests were large or small. He knew every inch of her body, and he was addicted to every inch of it. He was never a man driven by lust—Fang Zhu couldn’t make him lose his senses, and neither could other women. But Yan Huan was different. Her body was unimaginably soft, and the pleasure she gave him was worth dying for.

Yes, a woman had to be soft to arouse him. Hard ones, no.

When all was over, Yan Huan was ready to sleep. Lu Yi always took charge when they were in the sheets. Initially, Yan Huan thought that he wasn’t up to the task, but who knew that the usually calm and controlled Lu Yi was so scary when it came to some stuff. She would beat the person who once told her Lu Yi had erectile dysfunction.

Wait, that person seemed to be herself. No one had actually told her that and she assumed it herself.


Lu Yi was scary. That’s her verdict of him. Yes, he was a beast in bed. The scariest part was that she was getting addicted to his body.

“Go to sleep,” Lu Yi kissed her forehead.

“Hug me to sleep,” said Yan Huan, reaching out and stopping him from leaving the bed.

“Alright,” said Lu Yi, stroking her back gently so that she might sleep more comfortably. At this moment, they were like conjoined twins, unable to be separated for the rest of their lives.

Lu Yi lowered his head and pulled the blanket up, wrapping her in it tightly. To him, his little woman was small and frail. Sometimes he even feared he might break her bones.

He loved and cherished her with the utmost care, constantly fearing that she would get bullied or harmed by others.

“Sleep,” he said as he pulled her closer. Their bodies seemed to be perfectly compatible, as though she was born for him. His years of being a virgin seemed to have been her reservation.

When Yan Huan just came back, she had insomnia nearly every night, plagued by nightmares and intimidated by the dark. After these years of conditioning, she finally got a little better. Still, knowing that she was afraid of the dark and had claustrophobia, Lu Yi left a little lamp beside her bed, in case she wakes up in the dark and gets scared.

In reality, many things have changed in the three years that have elapsed. Yan Huan wasn’t as afraid of the past as before; she had learned to accept her past, and by doing so she saw her own mistakes, which she then corrected.