Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 526 - Earthquake


Chapter 526: Earthquake

As for why she remembered it so clearly, it was because Lu Qin and her were both there when it happened. At the time of the earthquake, she happened to be outside. However, she thought that Lu Qin was still inside the studio, hence she ran desperately inside to save him. At that time, the ground was shaking, and it felt like the whole world was swaying. She would do anything for Lu Qin, even putting aside her self-esteem and dignity, even giving up her own life. However, when she ran into the studio, she could not find Lu Qin, and she was the only one still in the studio. Even though Lu Qin knew that she was inside and could be in danger, Lu Qin did not attempt to save her. After the earthquake had subsided, Lu Qin explained that he had wanted to rush in but he was held back by the others. At that time, he held her in his arms and wept crocodile tears.

He said that if anything had really happened to her, then he could not live on any longer without her by his side.

The sweetest yet most cruel thing in the world was a man’s promise. Nonetheless, justice would be served, promises would be fulfilled, and money owed would be repaid.

In the past, she must have been blind and stupid to have believed in Lu Qin’s fake promises. If a man had truly wanted to save you and valued your life more than his own, then who could possibly hold him back from doing that? Not to mention that by the time he knew that he might lose you, would he neither cry nor feel sad at all? When he knew that you had survived a catastrophe, would he not feel relieved and grateful for your presence?

Sometimes, to discern whether one was in love or otherwise, one could look for the telltale signs that exist in their words, in their actions, or in their character.

Hence, she would like to give it a try. If a loved one was in danger, the first reaction of a man would reveal his true colors. This was also an affirmation towards his character, whether this person is good or bad, and whether or not he is reliable. Actions speak louder than words after all.

Liang Chen was a great actress who had made quite the name for herself in the entertainment industry. In fact, Yan Huan had grown up watching Liang Chen’s TV series. That was why she liked Liang Chen. Qi Haoran could be considered as one of the people who had helped her a lot.

She had helped a lot of people in her life, regardless of whether she was acquainted with them or not. If helping them could make a difference in their lives, then she was willing to do so.

At least, it was better than being forgotten as time passed or the other option which was to lose everything to drugs. If this was still the final outcome, then she would have no choice but to accept the situation.

At the very least, she had done everything she could and helped with whatever could be helped.

Yan Huan already provided the opportunity and whether they grasped it or not would depend on themselves. If they still went down the same path that they took in their past life, then maybe she would accept it as fate.

The 8th of this month might be the most unforgettable day in her entire life, because every time Yan Huan remembered it, she felt like she had eaten a mouthful of flies – she felt disgusted.

This was the day when she finally realized how naive she was, and maybe Lu Qin was also laughing at her behind her back.

“Look, how foolish she was! Even if she died in the studio, I would not even blink. I have gotten her resources anyway, it would make no difference to me if she was dead or alive. It would actually be better if she died, so that she will not stand in my way. I would still have to waste time dealing with her if she was still alive.”

Yan Huan stood up and tidied her clothes. Then, she went up to Liang Chen. After talking to Liang Chen briefly, she accidentally poured her freshly brewed tea onto Liang Chen’s clothes. Luckily, the tea was already lukewarm, so Liang Chen was not hurt.

Yan Huan pouted in consternation, making her look like she was the victim. Liang Chen was puzzled as she did not know whether it was funny or annoying.

“My clothes are dirty now, but I did not say anything. Why do you look like you were the one who got splashed by tea?”

“That’s enough,” she stood up, “I am going to take a shower.”

After that, she did not look for a fresh change of clothes but went straight into the bathroom. Yan Huan propped her face on her hands. In fact, she had wanted to ask if Liang Chen would like to borrow her clothes, since it was not really desirable to be naked.

However, she did not say anything in the end. Of course, this was all an elaborate matchmaking scheme for Liang Chen, but she hoped that things would be settled quietly.

She told Director Jin that they would have a meeting this afternoon, so there would be no filming. Director Jin had agreed with it, which was why everyone was not wearing their costume nor had any make-up on. All of them were sitting in the courtyard while waiting for Yan Huan, the producer.

Yan Huan walked up to the door and opened it. She saw everyone outdoors, talking and laughing while waiting for the meeting to start. Director Jin looked at his watch from time to time. Why is she not here yet? However, he did not kick off the meeting without her, as she did not seem like someone who would break her own promises. He had faith that she would show up sooner or later.

Yan Huan closed the door again, and locked it from the inside.

She tossed the keys into a drawer before laying down on Liang Chen’s bed to sleep. She could hear the shower still running. Hmm, Liang Chen took a long time to shower. Maybe this was a habit? Yan Huan took out her phone to check the time. It was almost time, just another three more minutes. She shut her eyes again, not in a hurry as there was nothing to be worried about. This was not a serious earthquake, but no one knew that yet. After all, natural disasters were unpredictable.

Director Jin was running out of patience, as were the others. They had freed up an entire day and came here just to sit there and wait for nothing. This was not a productive use of their time.

Just when Director Jin took out his phone, wanting to ask Yan Huan about the situation, he suddenly felt tremors in the ground.

“Oh no, it’s an earthquake!” he shouted.

Song Xihua’s assistant was the first one to react. He quickly dragged Song Xihua along and left. Luo Lin was closest to Director Jin, so she also pulled one of Director Jin’s sleeves and dragged him outside. All around them, people were stampeding their way outside into the open, rejoicing that they were not wearing costumes today. In fact, they were all in the open courtyard, so it did not really matter whether they escaped or not. Nevertheless, humans had a natural instinct to save themselves, which made them feel that it might be safer to stay outside anyhow.

“Wait, where did Yan Huan go?” Director Jin wiped the sweat off his face and asked. Meanwhile, there were a lot of people standing on the street, putting as much distance between them and the earthquake as they could. The ground seemed to be shaking again. The screams, cries and rumbling came together in a chaotic mess around them.

Everyone could not help but be afraid of the earthquake, as the tragedy in Serene City had just happened not long ago. All of them had seen the aftermath, the death toll caused by the Serene City earthquake, and the level of destruction on the city’s infrastructure. It was terrifying.

None of them had thought that an earthquake would happen in such a peaceful city.

Luo Lin quickly lent Director Jin a helping hand, worried that since he was an elderly man, he might lose his balance and hurt his arms or legs.