Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 757 - You Can’t Marry Her

Chapter 757: You Can’t Marry Her

There was a strange woman who came out of nowhere, who was currently staying in their house. Of course Ye Shuyun knew that it was no insignificant matter, as leaving that woman would invite people to gossip. Consequently, finalizing the procedure was the best course of action to stop the rumors from spreading. It could also prevent Yan Huan from misunderstanding the situation once she came back. It was great their son had returned, but she was awfully reluctant to have Yan Huan assume the worst of the situation after seeing Sun Yuhan. In her heart, her son and her daughter-in-law were equally matched in importance. If it wasn’t for Yan Huan’s care over the past two years, she could not imagine how she could have come all this way.

To her and the Lu family, Yan Huan was irreplaceable.

Sun Yuhan was shocked by the admission, her chopsticks dropping onto the floor.

Adopt? Who, is it me? But do I need to be adopted?

“Oh, look at me,” Ye Shuyun felt as if her brain was not functioning well lately. “I must have forgot, Yuhan, you still have a family, right? So I can’t adopt you. When the time comes, I will invite our relatives and friends over for a meal and introduce you to everyone. From today onwards, you will be my daughter, the daughter of Ye Shuyun, is that okay?”



Sun Yuhan looked at Lu Yi in confusion. Daughter, why did she have to be a daughter when Lu Yi promised to marry her?

“Mom,” Lu Yi raised his face with a calm expression and spoke in a serious tone.

“My intention is to marry her, not for you to acknowledge her as your daughter.”

Ye Shuyun remained silent for a long while. It was the same for Lu Jin.

He held out his hand and pointed at Lu Yi. He intended to say something, but decided against it in the and as he glanced at Sun Yuhan.

“Lu Yi, you want to marry her?” Ye Shuyun suspected that her ears had failed her. Her son intended to marry this Sun Yuhan girl, how could that be possible?

“Yes,” Lu Yi answered as he scooped some vegetables for himself. “I thought that you had always wanted me to get married? Why are you both disagreeing with the idea now that I intend to do so? Yuhan is a good girl and I hope that both of you will like her.”

He was having a discussion with his parents, but they were familiar with his character. He was the type of person who would never waver from his decisions. Moreover, he made a promise to Sun Yuhan, how could he go back on his words now?

“Lu Yi, have you forgotten?” Ye Shuyun realized that something was wrong right then.

Yan Huan’s name never once came out of Lu Yi’s mouth since he came back. According to his personality, the first person he would have looked for after he was back would be Yan Huan, but he did not. Moreover, he had the intention to marry another woman. How could this be possible? This person should be an imposter, this person was not her son.

“Mom, what did I forget?” Lu Yi frowned slightly as he continued to eat calmly. He could have forgotten some details, but it should not be so severe to the point where he would forget his own marriage.

“You can’t marry Miss Sun.”

Ye Shuyun was at a loss for words. Oh God, could it be, her son had actually lost his memories of Huanhuan? She could not be certain, but it was highly likely that that was the case.

“Why?” It was Sun Yuhan asked that, rather than Lu Yi.


She realized that her tone was too harsh right after she asked the question. Feeling uneasy, she shut her mouth and clasped her hands together at once.

“Auntie, I know that I don’t have any extraordinary abilities and my family background is unimpressive. But, we are truly in love with each other.”

Truly in love, the phrase was like a stab through Ye Shuyun’s heart. Lu Jin merely put his chopsticks down, stopped eating and left the table then and there. Or else, he could not guarantee that he would not beat the heartless Lu Yi to death. The members of the Lu family were not allowed to divorce after getting married, as they were expected to remain faithful to their partner for the rest of their lives. Moreover, Lu Yi’s marriage was a military marriage, thus it was not easy for him to annul it at whim. Not a single person from the Lu family would ever do such a brutal and heartless thing. If Lu Yi insisted on it, then he would disown this ungrateful son and treat him as if he were dead.

“Mom, why can’t I get married?” Lu Yi sat up straight. He failed to see what was wrong with him marrying Sun Yuhan. Both of them were single and he had to stay true to his promises.

“You just can’t.” Ye Shuyun had no idea how to explain everything.

“Just, well, come with me.”

She stood up. She could not just abandon her responsibility like how Lu Jin did. Lu Jin pushed it onto her, but she could not pass it on to the housekeeper, right?

“Continue your meal, Yuhan, we’ll be right back,” she smiled as she told Sun Yuhan. However, it was a smile filled with distance and remorse. She could acknowledge her as an honorary daughter, but not as her daughter-in-law, because Lu Yi was already married.

Even if she rescued Lu Yi, Yan Huan had also saved Lu Yi, Lu Jin, Ye Shuyun, her sister and the whole Ye family’s lives before. In addition to that, she refused to believe that her own son could be so merciless.

There had to be something wrong.

She went to Lu Yi’s bedroom. She knew that Lu Yi had never been here ever since he came back.

She then opened the door. The housekeeper cleaned and tidied the room everyday, but the belongings and items within were never once touched

She walked into the room but chose not to turn on the lights. The room was not an unfamiliar environment for Lu Yi, so he would not trip even if the lights were off. Ye Shuyun walked to the table, grabbed a photo frame and held it in her arms.

“Lu Yi, do you remember Yan Huan?” she turned her head and asked her son.

“Yan Huan?” Lu Yi did not find the name familiar at all. It was as if he heard the name being brought up all the time, but he never knew who it was.

“Mom, you’re talking about Yan Huan?”

“Yes,” Ye Shuyun sighed slightly. “Indeed, you don’t seem to remember. She is an actress who acted in many films.”

Was she talking about the Best Actress, Yan Huan? Lu Yi thought of what Sun Yuhan said in the past, and the advertisements on the huge television screens beside the building. He had not watched any television in the past two years. They started off living in such a cramped space, so it was natural that there was no television. After moving to the new house, he ended up being more concerned with the news. So, he really did not know.

Of course, Sun Yuhan did watch television for entertainment. However, this Yan Huan person had never appeared in the shows that she watched. It was understandable as Yan Huan has not been part of any television series for around two years. She had only been part of movies, and she rarely, if ever, appeared in public. Although she was extremely popular, but she was far too removed from the networking circles of an ordinary person.

The phrase ‘Best Actress Yan Huan’ was the only thing that came up in Lu Yi’s mind. In fact, he could not even remember how Yan Huan looked like. He had a good memory, but only for numbers. His memory was terrible when it came to human faces.

Following a click, the light was turned on by Ye Shuyun. She passed the photo frame in her hands to Lu Yi as she said, “Take a good look.”

The sudden bright light stung Lu Yi’s eyes.

As he lowered his head, his pupils constricted abruptly.

He was in the photo, alongside a woman.

He was holding the woman in his hands. The woman was petite, with a height reaching just about his chin. In addition to that, the woman was stunning, her facial features were exquisite and the curls on her silky black hair were delicate and gentle.