Nine Star Burden

Chapter 357

Chapter 357: Big Platinum blessing

On the other side of the mountain, on the other side of the sea, there was a group of white ghosts.

They were fat and beautiful,

They were so happy that they couldn’t find the North.

They were very pitiful to have met the Great Demon King, second last.

They were beaten up badly and wished that their parents could give them two more legs ...


The burning bamboo arrow shot through the head of the last living white Ghoul and second last slowly put down her bow, feeling rather satisfied with her archery skills.

Brass thousand kill, skill point +1.

Tsk tsk ...

I’ve sinned! A sin!


Unknowingly, he had already lost thousands of lives?

Although second last had killed the White ghouls alone, Jiang Xiao received a message from his internal star map while they were in team mode.

Not only were there brass-level white ghouls, but there were also rewards for “platinum first kill” and “Platinum ten kills” in Jiang Xiao’s internal star map when he was carrying out the mission in the White Mountain range.

In front of him, his skill points had already reached 116 points.

Jiang Xiao stood behind second last and said in amazement,””Wow, you are the legendary little Overlord of the snowfield, right?”

Second last was speechless.

This title is so stupid, it feels like a red-white machine in the 90s.

However, second last was glad to hear Jiang Xiao’s words because it at least showed that he was gradually returning to his normal state.

Jiang Xiao rushed forward and two black tails emerged from his body.

One of them was connected to second last, who was behind him, while the other was connected to the White Ghoul witch, who was roaring angrily in the distance.

A gentleman should fulfill his wish!

Didn’t you, a white Ghoul witch, form a team in the snowfield and challenge other teams and powerhouses all over the place just to climb to the peak of your abilities?

Today, I’ll send you off!

Jiang Xiao’s giant sword and the White Ghoul witch’s sharp claws were intertwined, but the battle wasn’t that intense. Waves of star power gushed into the White Ghoul witch’s body, and it obviously lost the will to fight.

It was impassioned, and it sang to its heart’s content ... His life also ended at that peak moment.

“It’s a gentleman’s wish to fulfill his wish. ” Jiang Xiao mumbled softly and chopped off the head of the wailing white Ghoul witch.

I’ve granted you your wish, so you have to grant me my wish in return.

Only when courtesy demands reciprocity could one be considered a good friend.

Jiang Xiao tore the White Ghoul witch’s head apart with his dagger and took out the bloodstained star bead, feeling extremely excited.

“You think you’ve already reached the critical point.” Second last walked towards him slowly and looked at Jiang Xiao, who was half-kneeling in the snow and looking rather excited. She couldn’t help but ask,”

“Uh ... I just feel that I’m missing that little bit. ” Jiang Xiao stroked his buzz cut with his other hand and said,”no problem this time. I’m very strong this time!”

Upon hearing this, the corners of second last’s lips curled up slightly.

She was more used to Jiang Xiao’s style.

“Is there anyone around?” Jiang Xiao suddenly asked softly.

Second last said,”No.”

Jiang Xiao stood up slowly and stabbed the giant sword into the snow with one hand while holding the silver quality white Ghoul witch star bead with the other.

“The Holy Light will not betray me!” He sighed deeply.

As soon as Jiang Xiao finished speaking, a thick ray of holy light suddenly descended!

“Oh my God!” Jiang Xiao got a great shock and almost sent himself away.

Second last took a step back almost at the same time. There was a thick pillar of light with a diameter of at least five meters in front of her, and it didn’t disappear in a flash. Instead, it had always been there.


The sky in the snowy plains was dark to begin with. No matter how bright the stars in the sky were, they were still just stars.

However, this pillar of light was extremely powerful. It was absolutely divine!

Exactly how sacred was it?

It almost blinded Jiang Xiao’s eyes ...

It should be known that people lived in dark environments for a long time. If they suddenly encountered something particularly bright, very few people could open their eyes. Even if they could open their eyes, they would probably not be able to see anything.

At this moment, Jiang Xiao was feeling exactly like that. He felt as if he was driving on a dark highway at night and a Yuanguang dog suddenly appeared opposite him ...

“If we stop, we’ll attract others.” Second last blocked her face with one hand and squinted her long and narrow eyes, trying to look through the gaps between her slender fingers at the violent star power that was running wildly in the Holy Light.

The huge pillar of light was just like the Rainbow Bridge in the fairy tales. However, the Rainbow Bridge was colorful and dazzling, while Jiang Xiao’s holy light was white.

In that pale white, there was even a milky-white Holy energy that was frantically running around, pouring down like a waterfall and spreading out in all directions. The entire ground seemed to be covered with a layer of Holy and beautiful fluorescent light ...

Jiang Xiao wanted to stop too, but his abilities didn’t allow him to ...

Originally, his light pillar of blessing would only flash for a moment, but why did it last so long now?

How can we play with this?

Originally, the Holy Light could only cover three people closely together at a time. Now, the Holy Light pillar with a diameter of five meters could heal a group of people at the same time ...

Holy light ... She still betrayed Jiang Xiao in the end!

Although the thick beam of light didn’t land directly on Jiang Xiao’s body, the Restless energy on the ground was filled with layers of fluorescent light, like mercury flowing on the ground. It was also like a shimmering lake that was shimmering and flowing with colors, soaking Jiang Xiao’s feet.

Yes, the flowing holy light spread out and stained Jiang Xiao’s feet, causing him to speak in a strange voice.

Second last seemed to have realized something and she stopped trying to persuade Jiang Xiao. Instead, she retreated ... Uh, he retreated again and again.

The huge pillar of holy light lasted for a full five seconds before it finally disappeared. Jiang Xiao lay limp in the snow. To be exact, he was soaking in the “fluorescent Lake”, looking drunk and intoxicated ...

That night ...

He lay in the vast Milky Way in the sky and looked at the shattered Stars on the ground.


“Wake up,” he said. Her hoarse voice was accompanied by the cold wind, which woke Jiang Xiao up.

Jiang Xiao sat up abruptly and patted the snow off his head, only to feel a chill at the back of his head ...

Second last patted his clothes and brushed away the snow on his neck before saying,””Can you hear me?”

“Uh, yes, I can.” Jiang Xiao shivered and thought to himself, second last’s technique is very smart. She didn’t push the snow away, but instead, a lot of it got into Jiang Xiao’s clothes. Jiang Xiao suddenly couldn’t feel the back of his head because his back is now cold ...

“Then stand up.” Second last seemed to be a little impatient, or perhaps she felt that the ground was cold. She simply grabbed Jiang Xiao by the back of his collar and lifted him up.

With this, the snow on his collar had more space to go.

Jiang Xiao was about to cry and thought, how can you serve others like this?

Jiang Xiao shivered from the cold and asked with trembling lips,””I ... I fainted ... After a few seconds ... A Bell?”

Second last replied calmly,”seven.”

Jiang Xiao was stunned for a moment and asked in disbelief,””Only seven seconds?”

Second last chimed in,”you’re doubting me.”

“But why ...” Jiang Xiao looked incredulous and muttered softly,”why do I feel like I’ve slept for a long time?”

Second last said,”this blessing is very powerful. You’re only affected by the scattered fluorescent light. I don’t know what will happen if you’re directly enveloped by the light pillar.”

Jiang Xiao’s eyes lit up and he turned around to look at the dead white Ghoul that had been nailed to the tree by an arrow.””Try it?”

Second last realized what Jiang Xiao was about to do and stopped him.””There should be people coming to us. Don’t test it yet.”

Jiang Xiao was shocked and finally calmed down.

Second last said regretfully,”it has a very good control effect. However, it’s difficult for you to use it in your daily life. Keep it and use it when you go on missions with me.”

Jiang Xiao was slightly taken aback and asked in puzzlement,””Why?”

Second last glanced at Jiang Xiao coldly and said,””You want to expose a Platinum-quality blessing.”

Jiang Xiao was amused and said,’who would think that this STAR technique is blessing? It has changed a lot. People will believe it if I say it’s some other new Star technique, right?”

Second last raised her eyebrows and thought that Jiang Xiao did make sense.

Not to mention ...”

“Shh.” Second last suddenly said.

Jiang Xiao also stopped talking in time.

After more than ten seconds, second last finally made a move.

“Light-chasers, carry out the mission.” Second last said and took out her identification card from her pocket before throwing it far away.

This was not a wise move. Take the law-enforcement officers as an example. Under normal circumstances, if someone asked to see the relevant documents, the law-enforcement officers could show the documents, but it was best not to hand the documents to those who wanted to see them.

Second last did this partly because she trusted the guardians of the night and also because she wanted them to leave as soon as possible. In addition, it was so dark that it would be a waste of time to walk in and take a look.

Second last’s special officer id was quickly thrown over and the night watchman left without saying a word.

Second last also turned around and looked at Jiang Xiao before asking,””Besides what?”

Jiang Xiao smiled and said,””The higher its quality, the more functions it has. I think ... I can control its range and power. ”

Second last nodded and said,””Just like how I used the frosty wind.”

Jiang Xiao shook his head and said,”no. I know how to do that.”

While speaking, Jiang Xiao’s hand lit up with a faint white glow. He had been rubbing su Rou’s stomach since high school, but it wasn’t an advanced technique.

“I mean, adjust the gear.” Jiang Xiao explained and waved his hand, after which a brass quality blessing light pillar appeared.”There are already signs of it. This should be the direction of its advancement. When it reaches diamond quality, I should be able to completely and precisely control the size, effect, and duration of the blessing.”

Second last’s heart skipped a beat. For some reason, she felt a sense of joy when she saw that Jiang Xiao had obtained all of these.

To personally train an apprentice with special talents,

To personally train a comrade who would go through life and death together,

To personally create a god-like terrifying Star Warrior.

This feeling ...

Second last lowered her head and looked at Jiang Xiao silently.””Do you want to?”

Jiang Xiao looked up at second last and asked in puzzlement,””Ah? What do you want?”

Second last said,’it’s a diamond quality blessing.’

Jiang Xiao’s eyes were filled with desire and he looked at second last with a burning gaze before nodding his head.