Eternal Reverence

Chapter 1054

"Look, that eardrop."

Far away, Yan danced on the earlobe of a god corpse and saw an eardrop.

From the breath of this eardrop, it is obvious that it is a top demigod.

"In the corpse, no one can get close to it." As long as he is with Li Fuchen, the werewolf incarnation seldom talks.

Wu Zhuo said: "it's hard to imagine how many demigods can be equipped with on a person."

In Wu Zhuo's opinion, semi artifact is equivalent to the combination of weapons, armor, gloves, necklaces, boots and helmets. The rare ones are inner armor, belt, arm guard, wrist guard, leg guard, knee guard, ring finger. More rarely, there are bracelets, bracelets, cloaks, earrings, earrings, etc There are also some special demigods.

They are also invincible demigods. One has only one peak demigod, and the other has three or four or more peak demigods. How can we fight?

Fortunately, the semi divine power of a demigod is determined by his life's demigod, which is the first choice of the demigod. Therefore, the semi divine power of the invincible demigod is basically half a dozen. Otherwise, it will be even more impossible to fight.

"Other people don't know, if the elder of the iron and blood Association, the most common types of top semi artifact should be fully equipped."

Li Fuchen knew in his heart that the complete equipment was not terrible, but a complete set of suits.

An invincible demigod, equipped with more peak demigods, will make their own strength stronger, more comprehensive, without any short board.

However, if an invincible demigod has a complete set of top demigods, its strength is not stronger, but a large level, which can crush other invincible demigods.

For example, his red flame suit is just a top-notch semi artifact suit. When combined, it is comparable to the second and third rate top demigods. Moreover, it also has a suit attribute of red flame fire wings. What if a whole set?

Li Fuchen estimated that it was at least equivalent to the first-class or even super first-class peak semiartifact. With the complete set attribute, its practicability could not be estimated.

For example, Yan Qingwu's victory suit is the peak semi artifact suit. If two pieces are combined, they will catch up with the first-class semi artifact. If three pieces are combined, most of them will be super first-class peak semi artifact. Moreover, once the attribute of the set is activated, it will be even more wonderful. At that time, even if Yan Qingwu's level is lower, it will be enough to step into the invincible demigod with the victory suit Hierarchy.

"Where to find other kit parts?"

Li Fuchen grinned bitterly, the suit is not even, what said is empty.


A huge figure, suddenly out of the sand, the target is the weakest Immortal Emperor.

The flame fist and the black claw awn flashed at the same time, and the huge figure was hit off the track and landed on the hill hundreds of meters away.

"Wind rock wolf."

Li Fuzhen looked at the head, which was several meters in size, and looked like a wolf's half divine beast.

This half god beast is the most common semi divine beast in the God's battlefield. It is called wind rock wolf. It is good at avoiding sneaking attacks on enemies in the wind and sand.

Of course, sneak attack is just a habit. The weakest demigods have the strength of peak demigods. Moreover, they are more comprehensive than ordinary peak demigods, equivalent to the peak demigods with complete peak and semi gods.

Generally speaking, it takes several top demigods to compete head-on with one of the weakest demigods.

The powerful demigod beast is a truly invincible existence. Perhaps only the invincible demigod with a complete set of top demigods can fight against it.

"I'll go first."

Werewolf incarnation is like a man wolf, fighting with the wind rock wolf.

It can be seen that the attack power of the werewolf avatar is a little weaker than that of the wind rock wolf, but the defense is not bad at all. After all, the life semi artifact of the werewolf incarnation is the Mobis armor, focusing on defense.

"I'll go up and help."

As the peak demigod, Yan Qingwu can't stand by, and she has long wanted to hone her skills.


Pull out the broken knife Hongyan Dao, yanqingwu urges the victory demigod power, and splits to the wind rock wolf.


Sparks splashed everywhere. This knife failed to break the fur of the wolf.


The next moment, the fierce fire fist devoured the wind rock wolf.

Li Fuchen was the one who made the move.

As for the Immortal Emperor and Wu Zhuo, they have no chance to intervene. The strength of the top demigods can't help at this time.

After a long battle, the demigod power of the three men had consumed a lot, but they only caused a little damage to the wind rock wolf, which had little impact on the wind rock wolf.

"I've found its weakness. You cooperate with me."

Li Fuchen's eyes flashed.


Understanding Li Fuchen's intention, werewolf incarnation and Yan Qingwu nodded.

"This is the time."

A moment later, the werewolf incarnation and Yan gently danced one left and one right to seal off the wind rock wolf's movement. The red flame behind Li Fuchen flashed, and instantly came to the wind rock wolf, and a flame sword finger stabbed the lung of the wind rock wolf.Poof!

The indestructible fur of wind rock wolf, in front of this finger, also insisted for a moment, and the next moment it was broken.

This time, the wind rock wolf is not only injured, but its internal strength is completely out of control at this moment. It suddenly concentrates in the lungs, and then explodes. Its body is split, especially its soul, and it is directly blown into nothingness.

The only thing left was a blue crystal core.

"How do you know its weakness is here?"

Iron blood city has various versions of the semi divine beast manual. Yan Qingwu remembers that there is no specific weakness of wind rock wolf in any book.

Li Fuchen said: "specifically, this is not his weakness, but its temporary power convergence center."

There is no doubt that Li Fuchen's soul has reached the level of God. It is not too much to call it the spirit spirit. Under the scanning of the power of the spirit, Li Fuchen can easily observe the operation route of the semi divine force of the wind rock wolf, and find the place where the semi divine power converges most intensively, and smash it at one stroke.

After all, demigods are semi gods. Although they are very powerful, they are also weak compared with demigods.

Of course, Li Fuchen knows that this is him. It is impossible for other people to find the weakness of wind rock wolf so easily. Moreover, we should know that the strength of wind rock wolf converges in several places. There will be another place after a while. It is not easy to grasp it accurately.

"It's a strong wind and semi divine power."

The Garou avatar picks up the blue crystal core from the wind rock wolf and opens his mouth.

This is the semi divine animal crystal core, which is the hardest place of the semi divine animal's body, and also the place to store the semi God's power. In iron blood city, a wind rock wolf crystal core can sell several thousand lower grade demigod stones.

If it's not too difficult to surround and kill a semi divine beast, it will take at least several top demigods and multiple top demigods to surround and kill a weaker one. Moreover, there may be casualties. There will certainly be many organizations for hunting semi gods in iron blood city.

Along the way, the five met a jiaolei tiger.

Jiao Leihu, as the name suggests, is a semi divine beast of thunder road. Its strength is more powerful than that of wind rock wolf. The released half god power of thunder road is enough to blow a top demigod into coke in a short time. The most terrible thing is that Jiao Leihu is good at group attack. If you don't want to pay a heavy price, there must be an invincible demigod in the team that kills Jiao Leihu.

There is no invincible demigod here, but there is Li Fuchen here.

No matter how strong Jiao Lei Hu is, it is impossible to kill three people without fighting back. It is still possible to fight back for a period of time.

With the cooperation of Yan Qingwu and werewolf incarnation, Li Fuchen spent some time still finding Jiao Leihu's weakness and killing each other at one stroke.

"A Fengyan wolf crystal core and a jiaolei tiger crystal core, together, are worth nearly 10000 semi divine stones, which is undoubtedly a big profit."

Holding the blue crystal core and blue crystal core in the hand, Li Fuchen smiles slightly.

An ordinary top demigod artifact is worth thousands or thousands of inferior semi divine stones and two semi divine animal crystal cores. It is equivalent to finding several top demigods, which is enough to excite anyone.

Li Fuchen thinks that it is much more efficient to mix in the battlefield of God than to dig semi divine stones in stone mines. After more than 1000 years of digging, he has only dug out about a million inferior semi divine stones.

Unknowingly, the five men came to the deeper place of the God's battlefield. Here, the top demigods dare to come. The top demigods come and die.

As he passed through a hill, Li Fuchen suddenly let out a light cry.

"What's the matter?"

Yan Qingwu looks at Li Fuchen.

"There's something down there."

With a wave of Li Fuchen's hand, the semi divine power of the fire path was like a huge wave, which lifted up half of the hill. After several successive times, the hill was directly blown away.

A huge dark blue boot was exposed.

"Top demigods?"

The swallow dances lightly and her eyes brighten.

"And it's spatiotemporal." Li Fuchen laughed, fell down and began to collect his boots.

After a while, the boots were collected successfully. There is no doubt that this is a time-space top demigod. Li Fuchen's time-space relationship has already been completed. Although it is not the strongest emperor of time and space, once he has a space-time top demigod, it is enough to make him a peak time-space demigod.

You know, time and space are the most difficult way to entangle. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for a peak demigod to protect his life on the invincible demigods. However, a peak time-space demigod can easily protect his life on the invincible demigods, and he can come and go freely.

This is the horror of time and space.

Without any hesitation, Li Fuchen began to accept the baptism of his boots.

This boot is called the flying shuttle boot, which belongs to the second-class top demigod.

Under the baptism of the flying shuttle boots, the blood vessels of time and space in Li Fuchen's body rapidly degenerated into the semi divine blood veins of time and space. A wave of time and space that seemed to exist or not shrouded Li Fuchen, making his figure blurred.

Finally, the baptism is over."Floating dust, what's the effect of these boots?" Yan Qingwu thinks that the top demigods of time and space should be very different, just don't know what is different.

"Watch it."

Li Fuchen did not see what action he did. The whole person disappeared in an instant. When he reappeared again, he was in the horizon. At the next moment, Li Fuchen's figure was everywhere. He couldn't tell the truth from the false, or that it was all true.

"Time and space shuttle, powerful." The four are excited. With the flying shuttle boots, they don't have to work so hard when they encounter chase or semi divine beast.

All over the sky figure dissipated, Li Fuchen appeared in front of the four people in an instant. Unfortunately, he said: "there is still a gap, there is a flaw."

A flying shuttle boot not only weakens his semi divine power of time and space, but also has flaws when he uses his ability of flying shuttle boots. , the fastest update of the webnovel!