Chapter 447
The ghost actually was prepared for me, and my charge was blocked after a short distance,e as the jagged pillars of stone emerged, trying to impale me. I avoided with ease, using shadow walk, but he also wasn't done.
I witnessed a familiar concentration of magic above me, and jumped to the side, just to avoid a scorching ray of energy blasting from the air over my head. It melted the ground, my shoes, and set my pants on fire.
I grunted because of the pain and quickly evacuated with a shadow walk, which distinguished the flames. Then I healed my legs and immediately repositioned again, to avoid the emerging pillars.
I gritted my teeth, and charged again while switching my position via 'Shadow walk'. He responded by sending thousands of firebolts that exploded in every direction. The missiles rained down for quite a while, while I was forced to keep up at my top speed, as my clothes quickly caught on fire.
I didn't give up though, and eventually landed a hit that smashed one of his barriers. Yeah, that was it. I had to immediately evacuate shortly after, and avoid the earth magic for a moment, then I launched another attack. Slowly closing the distance as he resumed his assault of firebolts.
Just like previously, I closed the distance, and was about to attack, but then I noticed that he was gathering energy right in the spot I was about to end in, so at the last moment, I changed direction, appeared on the opposite side, and kicked him with all my might, forcing to fell into his own spell.
He basically disintegrated himself with that ray of scorching energy. I evacuated from that place butt naked since it was just too hot to be around, then I healed myself and send some shadows to pick up the crystal. This one had more rich color, which indicated that the ghost was stronger, just as the fight I just won would strongly suggest.
I dressed in spare clothes, and got the hell out of there, too tired to have another fight. I still had plenty of mana, but I ended up using a lot of the life force energy, and I didn't know if what I had left would be enough for another such fight. This led to me not taking the risk.
I returned the next day though, and I found another one roaming around. Probably because of all the noise I made yesterday.
This fight was way longer, and I had to use more tricks, as my enemy had more skills than the previous one, and actually surprised me many times. I ended up but naked again since the clothes just dot destroyed during the fight, but I got another deep red crystal.
Since I was supposed to return the next day, I ended up my hunt there and went back to Loistavadvaar to get some upgrades before calling it a day. I have the devastated landscape another glance through 'Eyes of the Void', and shadow walked.
In the end, I earned 870 888 833 000 regular points and 5 235 class points. This combined with my account balance in the city of gates, led me to have enough for the long-desired fourth-tiered class called 'King of shadows'. I bought it immediately for 10 000 class points.
It gave me access to the following skills: 'Void essence IV', 'Shadow summoning IV', 'Void authority IV', 'Shadow shape III', 'Shadow mark III', 'ConjureThe Void II', 'Shadow skin II', 'Void burst'.
'Shadow summoning IV' allowed me to pull even more malevolent thoughts, capable of sustaining tremendous amounts of void essence. Since I really liked the Shadow fiends look, I went with a similar scheme on those ones too, since I could shape my minions, thanks to 'Shadow shape' skill. I made them practically the same, just bigger. Much bigger. Sitting they could reach between 250 to 300 meters tall. That's a fucking skyscraper height. Unfortunately, the difference of how many I could summon, depending on the level of my skill, was also big. I called them Molochs.
'Void burst', the new skill, allowed me to release a condensed blast of void essence. The more time I spent concentrating, the more essence I could release, and also condense it more. It was kinda similar to the air pressure, just with the difference that air could have been so condensed, that it would become solid, and tougher than diamonds, and there also would be a lot of it.
I upgraded all the skills to the ninth level, except the 'Void essence IV', which I upgraded fully.
I still had plenty of class points to unlock something, but I didn't do that. Instead, I focused a bit more on my basic statistics, since they were not on par with the skills from classes. I started by upgrading my constitution 180 000 times. The pain of changes brought me to my knees. I passed out for a second or two, then I puked. I did the same with dexterity shortly after. Although it still was painful, I withstood it by just stumbling two steps backward.
I still had some points to spend, and some statistics to rise. The last thing was strength. Since It was my most upgraded statistic so far, I didn't go so hard on it and limited myself only to 160 000 upgrades. The pain was bad, but not as in the two previous instances.historical
All my basic statistic upgrades cost me 293 101 300 000 points.
I got so strong that I had to somehow upgrade my seal, so I spent the rest of the night, until the very morning, layering the seals on my body. It got so intense that I covered my whole torso in strange symbols, working in symbiosis with each other, like clockwork, just to contain the incredible power I now possessed.
The two weeks in Loistavadvaar came to an end with 181 856 136 060 regular points and 1 550 class ones.