Duke Pendragon

Chapter 389


It was an imperial directive of the Aragon Empire. The city was surrounded by a wall stretching 20 kilometers wide, and it was a wealthy city with a population of about 300,000. The commerce and the agriculture of Edenfield had been developed since ancient times.

In addition to having a large population and bustling trade, the city was surrounded by beautiful scenery. From a long time ago, it was a preferred location for family vacations for many nobles.

Edenfield was always full of visiting nobles, knights, and women dreaming of achieving romance with such esteemed figures. The city’s vibrance did not discriminate the seasons, and it was the same this winter as well.

In particular, the number of visiting nobles had increased significantly compared to the past years, and there was a special reason for this.

There were rumors that Elkin Isla, the Knight King of Valvas and one of the strongest, most handsome men in the world was going to be visiting Edenfield. As such, long lines had formed in the four gates of the city, located east, west, north, and south. Many horses and carriages were awaiting their turn to enter the famed center.

“The line must be quite long.”

“Hmm, how strange. Not many people should be travelling to and from the city during this season.”

Isla narrowed his eyes while speaking, not knowing that he was responsible for causing the phenomenon.

“Maybe something happened? Ah! Maybe Raymond’s..”

Mia spoke with a worried voice, and Isla shook his head.

“I do not think so. If that were the case, the news would have been delivered to the Pendragon Kingdom as well.”

“I guess so.. Ha.. I apologize. I cannot help but think about it..”

“Not at all. Princess Mia, how could I blame you for worrying about your nephew? But do not worry too much. This city is supposed to be the kidnappers’ destination, so we will surely pick on up their trail. No, I swear that I will find them.”

Isla spoke with cold eyes, and Mia forced herself to nod with a smile. She felt a strong sense of trust in his eyes.


The carriage slowly came to a stop, and the coachman spoke.

“We have arrived in front of the main gate, Princess Mia, Your Majesty.”

“Well, tell the guard to come this way.”


The knight answered, and Isla moved the curtain and opened the window. Soon after, a soldier approached the carriage. The symbol of the Aragon Empire was embedded in the middle of his chestplate, and the symbol of Count Elven’s family, the governor-general of Edenfield, was embedded above the left chest.

“Welcome to Edenfield. Where are your exalted selves coming from?”

It was obviously a carriage for nobles, so the soldier spoke politely after saluting. Isla spoke in a low voice, taking out a letter stamped with the emperor’s seal.

“I am Elkin Isla, King of Valvas, and this is Princess Mia Pendragon of the Pendragon Kingdom. You should know why we are here, and I would like to avoid any disturbance, so let us pass quietly.”

“Agh! Ah! M, my apologies.”

The guard became startled and bowed his head after straightening his posture.

“There were orders from the governor-general to allow Your Majesty’s party to pass without hitch. As soon as you pass through the southern gate and go straight on the main road, you will find the governor-general’s residence. You can head straight there.”

“Hmm. Thank you.”

“N, not at all. It was an honor to meet you.”

Isla nodded affirmingly, and the guard shook his head, feeling touched. He was only a guard, while the other person was the Knight King of Valvas – the idol and hero of all men and women.

To think he would see such a hero in person, and even hold a conversation..

‘I, it’s good to be alive!’

“Then I will be on my way.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

He wanted to brag about the fortuitous encounter, but he had been ordered to keep quiet if the Knight King ever came through. He trembled with awe and irritation.

Clop clop.

Soon, the escort knights and the carriage passed through the gate and slowly disappeared.

“Ah! This is not the time!”

The guard stared at the party with enthusiastic eyes, then quickly ran to the guard captain. Count Iron Elven, the Governor-General of Edenfield, had to be informed of Isla’s arrival. It was a magnanimous event that would surely be imprinted in Edenfield’s history.


“Oh! Your Majesty Isla!”

Count Iron Elven rushed forward, almost forgetting his status and dignity. He was one of the emperor’s closest aides and a prominent noble of the Aragon Empire.

“It has been a long time, Your Excellency Elven.”

Although he was a king, Isla spoke politely. The king of the empire’s vassal kingdom was equivalent in status to the empire’s marquis or a count, so the two of them weren’t vastly unmatched in status.

“Welcome, welcome. I waited so long for you to come, that my eyes were starting to fall out of their sockets! Haha! Everyone, look! This is His Majesty Elkin Isla, the Knight King of Valvas!”

“We greet the Knight King of Valvas!”

About ten people standing behind Count Elven bowed their heads. There were three men and six women. All of them were adorning colorful, thick fur cloaks over leather clothes or dresses. Regardless of their gender, all of them were handsome and beautiful.

“Huh? And who is this beautiful lady? I swear we must have been acquainted in the past..”

Elven spoke with a puzzled expression after seeing Mia exiting the carriage by borrowing the hand of an escort knight. The dozens of pairs of eyes shifted towards the carriage from Isla.


“Oh my..”

Her beauty was like the delicate blossom of snowflakes in winter. Both men and women were shocked speechless by Mia’s appearance. In particular, the young men’s jaws opened agape, and the women’s expression became a little coy, as if jealous of the fierce reaction.

Mia took a few steps, then slightly bent her knees before stretching her hand towards Count Elven.

“I am Mia of the Pendragon family. It has already been five years since I last saw Your Excellency, but you still possess the same vigor and dedication.”

“Huh?! P, princess Mia..!?”

Count Elven became wide-eyed. However, he quickly realized his mistake and held her hand before giving a slight bow.

“Please excuse my mistake. The long years and the beauty of the princess must have blinded my eyes. I hope I have not brought about your anger.”

“Not at all.”

Even though she was quite anxious and nervous due to the kidnapping of her nephew, the successor of the royal family, Mia did not forget her responsibility as the representative of the Pendragon Kingdom. She responded with a calm, determined attitude.

“I greet Your Highness Pendragon.”

As soon as she revealed her identity, the others bowed their heads. It was evident from their faces that they were even more surprised than Count Elven.

The women also greeted her in a hurry with bent knees. The jealousy had completely disappeared from their faces.

It was no wonder, since Mia was no simple princess of a vassal kingdom.

She was the younger sister of Empress Irene and the empire’s hero, who saved the world from demise.

And although the empire had a few concubines according to the imperial law, it was widely known that he absolutely adored Empress Irene, calling her ‘his little lark’ even many years after their marriage.

Mia was the younger sister of the revered empress, who monopolized the emperor’s love. None of the noble women would dare be envious of her.

“Now, now. Let us go in for now. Since precious guests have arrived, I am planning to host a large banquet tonight.”

At the words of Count Elven, the group headed into the mansion located right next to the government general.


“Your Majesty Isla, and princess. I would like to introduce you to our family members. Would that be okay?”


The two nodded in response, and Count Elven started introducing those who were by his side.historical

“This is Miria, my wife. She is the second younger sibling of Baron Scofield.”

“Hello, Your Majesty Isla. And Princess Mia Pendragon. I am Miria Scofield Elven. It is a great pleasure to meet you.”

“And this is..”

After introducing his wife, Count Elven spoke with a brighter smile.

“This is my youngest sister, Anne-Marie.”


Isla’s gaze glimmered as he turned towards Count Elven’s gaze. He was finally meeting one of the three bride candidates recommended to him by the emperor.

“Nice to meet you, Your Majesty Isla. My name is Anne-Marie.”

Anne-Marie looked to be almost 20 years younger than her older brother, and she was beautiful. Her soft, blonde hair was slightly lighter than the platinum blonde hair of the Pendragon family, and with her beautiful face, she gave off a very cute impression.

In addition, she was quite small, about as tall as Isla’s chest. Rather than a lady, she looked closer to a girl.

“Nice to meet you, Lady Anne-Marie. I am Isla of Valvas.”

Befitting of his passionate, southern birth, Isla unhesitatingly walked towards her and lightly kissed the back of her hand. His gaze remained fixated on her the entire time.

“Ah! Yes..”

Anne-Marie’s turned beet red. Isla’s powerful demeanor was quite different from that of the nobles from the mainland.

“Hahaha! Even though I am her brother, I have never seen her take on such an expression before! As I would expect from Your Majesty Isla.”

“B, brother.. Ah!”

Anne-Marie became flustered and tried glaring at her teasing brother with a sideway glance, but she quickly bowed her head after meeting Isla’s gaze. She was definitely a young girl.

“Haha! Although she is my sister, she is a bit immature. She is still young, so forgive her. My mother had her late, so there is a large age difference between her and me. And after my father’s death, I have been raising her as if she’s my own daughter.”

“I see.”

Isla turned his gaze towards Anne-Marie. It had been rather strange that the two of them looked to be around 20 years apart, especially when Count Elven was in his mid-to-late 30s. And that meant Anne-Marie was similar in age to Mia.

But even so..


Anne-Marie’s blush deepened at Isla’s gaze, and she eventually bowed her head. Although his expression remained unchanged, Isla was frowning inwardly.

‘She is much too young and immature. Both physically and mentally.’

Isla was well-mannered and kind to all ladies as a southern man, but he definitely had his preference. Firstly, young girls were out of the question.

Just as it was for men, he thought that women needed to be old enough to become mentally attractive, and for their bodies to acquire the various curves. Based on that standard, Anne-Marie was unfortunately eliminated from the preliminary round.

Although she was quite beautiful, her body was too thin, and she appeared more immature than her age.

‘Only if she was a bit more like Princess Mia..’

Isla’s gaze naturally headed towards Mia.

In many ways, Anne-Marie was incomparably lacking compared to Mia, though the two were similar in age. It was especially truer in terms of maturity and dignity.