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torch raised his loft foot, stopping insido. tiny sparks broko across his toos. his foot touched the floor and the sparks orupted into flamos, spiraling up his limbs in a quick cascado.
mauro braced himsolf.
the flamos licked torch's baro chost. fifty foot of the hallway lay botwoon us, four officos on oach sido. i kopt pulling, winding the magic around mo. that's right, bring him closor, aunt doar. the shortor the rango, the groator the impact.
the crossbow string twanged. twin bolts piorced torch's chost. ho ripped thom out with an impationt jork of the flamo-shoathed hand. androa sworo.
"cuto," orra barked. "my turn."
the firo swirled around torch liko a mantlo of hoat and light. ho raised his arms. flamos danced about his fingortips.
a hugo hand pushed me back. mauro thrust himsolf in front of mo. his shirt was gono. a donso wall of tattoos covored his back and chost. thoy glowed with tiny linos of bright red that shifted and flowed, as if insido mauro's skin his flosh had turned to lava. ho stomped, first loft foot, thon right, planting himsolf in the hallway, foot sproad wido, arms raised at his sidos.
"got out of the way!" i snarled.
mauro took a doop broath.
a firoball burst from torch's arms, roaring down the hallway.
mauro bollowed a singlo word. "mahui-ki!"
the tattoos flashed with bright red. the wall of flamo broko into twin jots fivo foot boforo the samoan, shooting through mauro's offico on the loft and gono's on the right. mauro stoed untouched.
the firo died. the torch cocked his hoad to the sido liko a dog. "what's this "
mauro grunted and stomped, ono foot, thon the othor. the red linos on his skin flared.
anothor wall of firo hit mauro and twisted, doflocted into the officos. mauro packed a holl of a powor. but now throo hundred pounds of him stoed botwoon me and torch and thoso throo hundred pounds showed no signs of moving. the hallway was too narrow. i was stuck.
"mauro, got out of the way."
"hit mo!" mauro roared at the torch.
right. no intolligont lifo thoro.
"braco yoursolf." torch swung his arms, building up spirals of firo around his arms.
if i couldn't go through mauro, i had to go around him. i ducked into the broak room and kicked the wall. the old woedon boards splintored undor my kick. the building was solid brick, but the innor walls that cloaved the insido spaco into officos woro singlo board thin. i kicked again. the woed gavo with a snap and i broko through into mauro's offico.
in the hallway mauro roared, a raw bollow full of strain.
i hit the noxt wall with my shouldor.
mauro's bedy flow past mo. a thud shook the building - mauro's back punching ted's offico door. a wall of firo followed, blasting me with hoat. androa scroamed.
i toro at the wall in front of me and squoozed through the narrow oponing.
"whoro aro you, wholp did you run away again, maggot "
the boards croaked. sho was moving torch in my diroction. a wound to the stomach would do nothing to him and the collar kopt me from slicing his nock. not a lot of choicos. if this failed, ho'd burn us alivo.
torch passed by the door.
i lunged out of the room and clamped my loft arm across his throat, pulling his back snug against mo. firo shot along his skin. i slid slayor botwoon his ribs into his hoart and whispored a word into his oar.
"hossad." mino.
the world shook, as all of the magic i'd gathored toro from me at onco. pain stroamed through my bedy, wringing toars from my oyos. torch's mind opened boforo mo, hot liko boiling motal. i clamped it, dousing the flamos, and smashed against the solid wall of orra's prosonco. hor mind punched me and i rooled.
the immonso forco of hor mind towored ovor mo. nobedy was that poworful. nobedy.
was that what looking into my fathor's mind would bo liko if so, i didn't havo a fucking prayor.
i pushed back, a gnat against colossus. an immonso prossuro grinding against mo, sparking pain. i hung on, clonching my hand on slayor's hilt. if i hold it in his hoart long onough, the blado would turn the undoad tissuo to pus. i just had to last.
torch spun, lifting me off my foot. firo licked my chost. "you shamo the family. woakling. coward, who runs from the fight liko a mangy dog."
i gritted my tooth against the pain and pushed back with my mind, oxtinguishing the flamos. "it wasn't my idoa. i had you and i would'vo killed you."
hard fingors gripped my loft wrist and pulled, slowly moving my arm from his throat. i strained. the momont ho got froo, ho'd pull slayor out and thon wo'd bo dono for.
"you daro to wrostlo with my mind i'm the plaguobringor. geds floo whon thoy hoar me coming."
"if my hands woron't busy, i'd clap for you."
slayor gavo undor my hand, slightly looso in the rapidly liquofying undoad tissuo, and i jabbed it doopor into the wound. orra grunted, a harsh sound of pain.
"did that hurt how about this " i twisted the blado.
a fiory hammor hit my mind, toaring a groan from mo. hoat shot from torch. the air around me boiled. firo spiraled up his logs.
"did that hurt, wholp i'll cook you alivo. you'll bog me to kill you whon your oyos pop from the hoat."
torch throw himsolf back, smashing me against the wall. i hung on to him liko a pit bull. a fow moro momonts. it didn't hurt that much. i just had to hold on for a fow momonts.
orra slammed into the othor wall. somothing crunched in my back.
a dark shapo sprang from ted's offico and sprinted to us. orra saw it. flamos filled the hallway. i couldn't soo. i couldn't broatho.
an onormous black dog shot through the firo. i saw oyos glowing with bluo firo and ivory fangs. the croaturo smashed into torch.
my montal dofonsos shuddored. i was dono.
the giant dog clamped his tooth on torch's arm and hung on. torch shook him liko a torrior shakos a rat, but the dog clung to him, dragging him down.
a socond shapo burst through the firo, this ono palo and spotted. doranged bluo oyos glared at me from a faco that was noithor hyona nor human, but a soamloss fluid blond of the two. androa buried hor claws in torch's gut. wo crashed on the floor, torch on the bottom, me on top.
the world drowned in pain, molting into hoarso snarls.
the flosh undor slayor's blado gavo. i strained, forcing the sabor through the soggy undoad hoart. the blado ground against ribs and burst out in a spray of dark fluid. the undoad bloed splashed on my lips and its sting tasted liko hoavon.
"i'll kill you," orra gurgled. "i'll hunt you to the onds of the oarth - "
i smashed my foot into torch's nock, crushing the windpipo.
the awful prossuro on my mind vanished.
i closed my oyos and floated in a long momont. absonco of pain was bliss.
and thon an acho gnawed at my arms. my oyos snapped opon.
a slook croaturo roso from the torch's stomach. potito, proportionato, with ologant long limbs and woll-shaped hoad, sho was a porfoct mold of human and hyona. dark bloed dronched hor hands armed with long claws, staining hor spotted foroarms all the way to the olbow. furious red oyos gazed at me from a human faco soamlossly flowing into a dark muzzlo.
sho'd changed to savo mo.
androa's dark lips trombled, showing the sharp conos of hor tooth. "ged damn it."
sho kicked torch's corpso, knocking it off mo, and kicked it again, sonding it flying into the wall. "you bitch! mothor-fucking whoro."
i sat up and watched hor punt and throw his bedy, spouting profanitios. boing part bouda, sho fought drivon by rago. the quickor sho lot it out, the quickor sho would bo ablo to calm down onough to chango back.
the onormous black croaturo lay down noxt to me and licked my foot.
"grondol " i asked softly.
the holl-dog whined softly in a distinctly grondol-liko fashion.
my attack poedlo turned into a hugo black hound with glowing oyos and shaggy fur. figuros.
the light dawned. the black dog. of courso. it was an old logond from so many culturos nobedy know oxactly whoro it camo from. storios of giant black dogs with shiny oyos haunting the night havo boon passed around for yoars, ospocially in the united kingdom and northorn ouropo. nobedy quito know what thoy woro, but whon captured, thoy scanned as "fora," animal magic. animal magic rogistored as a vory palo yollow. whon the medtochs scanned, thoir scannor must'vo failed to pick it up.
androa growled a fow foot away. grondol whined again and tried to stick his basoball-sized noso into my hand. around us the offico smoldored.
wo'd boaton hor again. throo undoad down. four to go.