Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 443

"The 124th elite still doesn't have a red lightsaber!"

Another stripped elite corpse was roughly thrown into the long dug pit. The atlas soldiers in charge of counting threw the blue armor picked from each other into the transport vehicle. At the moment, the body of the vehicle is full of elite armor of different colors. These are the fruits of the ATRAs hunting force, but the price is also high. In order to kill these elites, Atlas lost more than 200 soldiers and more combat robots, and two intact frigates and more than 1000 wild boars will be added to the Star Alliance.

On the whole, Atlas made money, and few of the immediate troops died in battle. The most dead were the snake demon soldiers injected with the second-generation nano insect medicine. Hydra felt that the cannon fodder should not have thought, so he also carried out additional transformation, brainwashing and neurosurgery on these snake demon soldiers. After Fisher took over, These soldiers basically have varying degrees of nerve damage. The nano insect drugs and control chips originally used to control their bodies have become a life-saving straw to maintain their lives.

For these unlucky people who have stepped into hell for half their lives, what fisher can do is to replace them with a more solid set of combat armor, and then use the star torch flame to surpass them. May there be no Hydra in heaven!

The attack and defense war between atlas and the Star Alliance fleet continues. Fisher, who is greedy for the other party's warships and equipment, constantly sends another combat robot ready to go through the portal, and then fills the battlefield. In addition, there are more long-range firepower. Long-range self-propelled rockets in units of 100 and more havoc launchers are sent to artillery positions.

At the other end of the valley, the Star Alliance, which has been standing in a good position and running dry, has also split. Relying on the advantage of air firepower, their ground operations can be called invincible. Cruiser orbital bombing, vampire witch fighter aircraft air cover, and a large number of suspended combat vehicles on the ground, but now most of their air forces have been abandoned. If fighter aircraft and transport aircraft climb high, They will be screened by self-propelled anti-aircraft guns cruising in the jungle. Those anti-aircraft guns locked by laser have extremely fast bullet speed and fierce firepower. They can break the shield in an instant, and then cause destructive damage to the already fragile body.

The Star Alliance commander also thought of other ways to send special forces and death squads, but those God killing humans laid many kinds of mines and alarms. Even if the special forces have invisible equipment, it is still difficult to move an inch. On the contrary, once they disturb the other party, they will be washed by various shell guided rockets. The other party is like a porcupine that can shoot spikes, Not only can't talk, but also can't disgust yourself.

In just two days, the alliance lost three destroyers again. Although the fleet commander ordered to destroy the equipment available on the warship and blow up the warship, Fisher still had the important engines and weapon systems of the warship.

Now even the Star Alliance flagship, a CAS class aircraft carrier, has entered the range of the atlas long-range artillery. The rocket extended range projectile launched hundreds of kilometers away will fall at 8 a.m., 12 noon and 6 p.m. on time. Although the aircraft carrier's shield can fully cope with this attack, it's really annoying. The work and rest time of the elite is similar to that of humans.

If the warship can take off, the fleet commander may want to use the energy projector in the belly of the warship to give the other party a 24-hour continuous package. However, the gravity is still abnormal. In addition, the warship fell in the valley and was blocked on both sides. It's impossible to shoot back with plasma guns.

"Are we really going to be dragged here by these humans with such shameless means?"

When the oppressed Star Alliance commander secretly grieved, the Savior came.

"I found that the UFO was approaching, very fast, flying towards the base camp!"

A slingshot antiaircraft gun on the perimeter was the first to see the core of the planet carrying missionaries. The gunner thought it was the secret weapon of the Star Alliance. The target was hit with a shuttle.

Dense plasma projectiles accurately hit the refined gold shell of the planet's core, crackling and splashing sparks.

The missionary in the core felt only a bump in his ass, and then he saw the vehicle beyond his power. The core fired a shock wave and blew the slingshot into scrap iron.

"Mole ants!"

After nodding with satisfaction, the missionary continued to move forward. As a result, he did not fly far, but hit several anti-aircraft guns.


The missionary is numb. What is the urine of these humans? Whenever he destroys an air defense firepower, more air defense firepower will come out. Now those humans have begun to attack themselves with cruise missiles.

And Fisher was a little silly when he knew that a big guy rushed directly at him. Did the missionary take the wrong medicine?

However, when the other party came to the door, Fisher naturally wanted to treat him well. He stopped the Star Alliance and directly transferred all the firepower that could shoot in the air and warmly greeted the missionaries in the air.

The missionary sitting in the core was stunned for a moment. The guns fired were like countless little bees. Although they did no harm to him, they bothered him to death. The screen of the core sensor was full of explosive fireworks and could not see anything clearly.

"I said, enough!"

The missionary who had been set on fire for a long time was angry. The violent shock wave mixed with EMP shock was shot from the core, sweeping all the surrounding atlas equipment, and then destroying them one by one.

Then, as if to give these human buns a shocking image, the missionary's core slowly stopped above Fisher's base camp, and countless Prometheus Knights jumped out and surrounded the core.

Then the missionary slowly appeared in front of everyone like a proud emperor.

"Gilt dig, fierce!"

But what the missionary didn't expect was that his grand appearance ceremony was thrown into a guy who likes to do it while others pose or change their forms.

Fisher, who pulled out the sword of victory, jumped up and lit up the whole sword with his psionic flame. Fisher, who shuttled and jumped in the air, turned over one body, and then the blade fell down and inserted into the earth.


A golden energy ripple impact spread around his falling point, and then the fallen atlas soldiers within a hundred meters seemed to be grabbed by their big hands and gently placed in the distance, while the Prometheus Knights began to burn from the inside to the outside. With the energy flame lit up, their bodies also turned into ashes.