President love his wife ardently

Chapter 486


the deputy director is going to argue, but the chief director is not going to give him a chance to talk, clapping him on the shoulder.

"OK, let's shoot the next scene. As soon as our flowers are released, the audience will surely hold us up like something. Don't worry! "


the deputy director frowned and finally failed to speak to each other, so he had to give up.

In Xu yun'er's nanny car, Zhang Tao, the agent, pointed to Xu yun'er and shouted: "br >

" what's the matter with you recently? More and more floating? When the acting skills are not as good as "the hour light", did you go to university for nothing? "

Xu yun'er sits on the seat with cold face and head down. She doesn't say a word, but she sneers at Zhang Tao's words in her heart.

It's ridiculous. Now it's the world of little fresh meat and flowers. As long as it looks good, it's enough.

The first thing she has to do is to fire the gold broker.

He is too old-fashioned to keep up with the market.

Zhang Tao scolded for a long time. Seeing that Xu yun'er didn't respond, he sighed and said the last word.

"The foundation of an actor is his acting and his work. I hope you will listen to what I have said. "

"I see, brother Tao. I want to change. Please go out. " Xu yun'er opened his mouth without any salt, and didn't take his words seriously at all.

Zhang Tao had to walk out with a cold face.

When he left, Xu yun'er immediately sent a picture to Su Furong. It's a luxury bag. Yesterday, I saw Jiang Yuan buy one. How could she fall behind.

Unconsciously, her consumption of food and clothing has long been the standard of celebrities, even more exquisite than Gu jiuci.


a few days later, Vincent handed the exquisite flower to Gu jiuci.

"It's really Vincent in the late ten million years. This magnificent special effect is absolutely amazing!" Pu Jingzhi took his notebook and read the flowers three times in a row, but still sighed.

"What's more, he is a foreigner who understands the charm of our East and fully understands my conflict arrangement!" Tong Yu is also very surprised.

At this time, Tang Yu pushed the door and entered, looking serious. The crowd looked at his expression and immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Brother Tang, what moth is it?"

A quiet heart flashed a bad feeling.

"You're right. Take a look at the Internet." Qingyun Ji "released the movie five minutes after we released it."

"Ah? Why are we on the line again? " Fei Ming frowned and sighed.

"Why, are we afraid of them?" The first calf of LandStar migration is not afraid of the tiger's retort.

"There's really nothing to be afraid of. Let's see how hot the Internet is."

Gu jiuci opened her lips calmly. After more than a month's shooting, she was more confident in the story of Langya.

People took out their mobile phones, and sure enough, "Qingyun Ji" was no surprise on the top of the hot search list of major social platforms.

"Maybe their flowers are as ugly as their make-up photos."

Lu Xingqian said it was bad.