Villain Husband, Please Let Go

Chapter 1516: Vampire Okami 14

She was supposed to go back in the summer, but she couldn't make any money when she got home, so she couldn't afford the tuition, so the original owner spent 500 yuan to rent a single room outside the school, wanting to make some money with codewords.

She has been writing and writing since last semester, but she has always been able to work full time.

But the total attendance for several months is a lot for her. If she goes back to her hometown, she won't even make a few hundred yuan a month.

In the original plot, the original owner finally had no choice. He borrowed two thousand yuan from Ruan Mengmeng and added his full attendance to make up for the tuition.

But now, Tang Wan naturally won't work as hard as the original owner.


After simply getting something to eat for herself, Tang Wan lay on the bed, thinking about it, and changed the period when Lin Tongyin wanted to restore her memory.

After the change, I went to find Zhao Tong.

"Are you there?" Tang Wan asked.

Zhao Tong was sitting in front of the computer drinking animal blood.

Although in modern society, it is not difficult to get fresh human blood, but if you keep drinking human blood, you will be easily addicted. If one day he smells a particularly fragrant blood, he may lose control.

So he always restrained his instincts and changed to drinking animal blood to maintain normality.

Seeing Tang Wan looking for him, Zhao Tong immediately replied: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"That's it. Didn't I write that the male lead entered the secret realm, and I am about to find my memory?"


"But I feel that the writing later is not smooth, and I didn't find the problem after changing it? Would you like to take a reader's eyes and help me see it?" Tang Wan said.

Hearing this, Zhao Tong's heart moved.

The next moment, he replied: "Okay, you send me."

"Hmm!" Tang Wan curled her lips.

No, if every day meets, isn’t it?

Then he sent the paragraph he had just changed randomly to Zhao Tong.


Zhao Tong quickly opened the document and quickly browsed it.

In this paragraph, Tang Wan deliberately added a paragraph about Lin Tongyin's flustered and confused psychological description after discovering that she was actually a demon. To put it bluntly, she deliberately set Lin Tongyin's Bengren.

After all, whether it was Lin Tongyin before regaining his memory, or Lin Tongyin, the former demon lord, weren't the kind of people who would easily panic and overwhelm.

Even if there is, it will only be for such a short moment, and she will not be unable to accept her true identity as Tang Wan deliberately described.

Zhao Tong quickly discovered the problem.

But he is not surprised. After all, sometimes, what the author wants to express will always be unsuccessful for various reasons.

This author probably wanted to write about Lin Tongyin's surprise when he discovered his identity, but the description was too biased, so that he broke Lin Tongyin's calm or cold side.

So Zhao Tong quickly started typing on the keyboard, "From this part, you collapsed..." Zhao Tong circled the problematic areas and took screenshots for Tang Wan, and then analyzed them with her.

When Tang Wan saw this, she smiled and looked at the dialog box on the computer screen, and then pretended to say: "Yes, I just feel something is wrong, but I can't tell it all. Just a moment, or I'll write it down from here."

Then he immediately said: "You are so amazing, I found my problem at a glance!"


Seeing Tang Wan's words, Zhao Tong faintly curled her lips, "It's nothing, it's mainly because I saw it from the reader's eyes, so I saw it more clearly, right?"

"You are right, but your vision is really great! Fortunately, you are there, otherwise I don't know how long I will be mad. I am going to revise the draft first, and I will post it to you after I am done. (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)”

Zhao Tong:...

Why does this sister paper like to send him kiss emoji?