Beauty and the Beasts Comics

Chapter 377

The earthquake covers a wide area, almost the whole continent.

The burnt shrubbery was shocked black ash flying all over the sky, "click", the "stone" stuck in the ground depression was bumped out, quickly rolled down the mountain, finally rolled into the river.

Down the river, under the scour of the current, the black stone shows some original color, and there is a shadow of people.

As with other objects in the river, the stone flowed into the ocean with the current.


Parker was running at a constant speed. Suddenly, the ground was in a violent turbulence, which scared him to "whine". He jumped up five meters in place, grabbed the trunk with his front paw, and climbed up the tree three or two times.

When he reached a safe distance from the ground, Parker looked down and saw that there were no living things on the ground.

I was scared. I thought I stepped on some fierce animal. Was it an earthquake?

Soon Parker thought of the ape King's prediction. He looked at Bai Qingqing and then at beast city.

How do you feel the direction of beast city is more dynamic?

Ha ha, it's said that Qingqing has nothing to do with it. Qingqing has left. Beast city still hasn't escaped from the disaster.

Parker maliciously guessed that he was still not sure. He felt the ground was stable and jumped to run.


From afar, the world is a distorted picture. The ground is like the sea, with waves and trees.

From time to time, the air burst. The two peaks of the hump Valley erupted bright magma like sunlight, and shot out like ammunition. There was fire everywhere.

There are all kinds of howls in the loud noise. Zoom in, a fierce beast is struggling in the soil. Some fight alone, small as a drop in the ocean; some in groups, guard the female in the middle.

In the face of the disaster of nature, the most serious species become vulnerable in an instant.

With the sound of "boom", the last stone castle with a history of hundreds of years collapsed and everything was flattened.

"Ah!" Qin kept screaming and his voice was so shrill that even if he couldn't hear it in the loud noise, he was uncomfortable.

Ape king with mental power cover in two people's body, half embrace Qin, go out with the flow.

Although there is an earthquake outside, there are too many stones in beast City, and they are injured accidentally. Just pay attention to the trees in the mountains, and they can also cover the magma flying in the air.

It's not easy to find a flat road. Qin, who is in a mess, asks loudly, "why is the disaster still coming? Is Bai Qingqing here? "

The ape king is paying attention to his surroundings and protecting Qin. "It shouldn't be. I didn't expect that either. Fortunately, I didn't listen to you to kill the giant beast immediately... "

The ape king looked at Qin and kissed her heavily on her muddy forehead. "I can't imagine you facing this kind of disaster alone."

"Hum!" Qin's face was full of tears, and her foot was cut by the broken stones. Each step left a blood footprints. However, she did not hesitate to step on the messy ground and dare not stay for a moment.

After living for so many years, she had not suffered so much. She was more upset than frightened. She didn't notice the ape king.

"I don't care. I'm going back to the sea. It's terrible here."

The ape king suddenly stopped. The danger around him seemed to be gone. What the female said was the biggest disaster.

"What's the matter? Go. " Chin urged anxiously.

"What about me?" The ape king looks at the piano like a lost child.

Chin avoids his eyes and pulls him forward. "Say it again."