Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 1015

Dong Mian is stunned, immediately climbs out of bed, wears slippers and runs outside. Du Yunqing looks at her dress, and it's too late to ask her to change.

The dormitory downstairs also closed. Through the glass door, Dong Mian saw a tall figure standing outside in the shade of a tree.

Her heart suddenly tightened, and she was just about to ask the hostel to open the door for her. Then Aunt hostel laughed, which was very warm.

"What about a boyfriend? In such cold weather, the young man is waiting outside for a long time. Go quickly. "

Dong Mian small face inexplicably hot, gently said a thank you, pushed the door out.

Just, just went out, she froze, don't know what to say.

But Li Yue Kai heard the sound of opening the door, hesitated to look back, and saw Dong Mian standing at the door.

Did not expect her to wear pajamas to run out, it seems that the upper body is still wearing pajamas——

He lowered his head and laughed. The street light outside was too dark. Dong Mian didn't see it clearly, but he knew that Li YueKai had seen her, but he didn't hum. Dong Mian was flustered and counseled again. He didn't know how to speak.

Li YueKai raised his head and said lazily: "where are you doing? Come here

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was an amnesty order for Dong Mian. He immediately ran to Dong Mian. He was just wearing slippers and almost slipped. Li YueKai was so scared that his heart jumped out of his chest. He ran to help her up and put her in his arms.

She had taken a bath in the evening. Her body was fragrant, her hair was shawl, and she was not wearing underwear. He held her in his arms. Her chest grew better and better, and her softness was against his broad chest.

Li Yue Kai's eyes suddenly deepened, his face slightly deviated from Jun's face and didn't look at her.

Dong Mian is still young. She hasn't read the malnutrition yellow books and movies at all. She doesn't know the existence of those things, and she doesn't understand the carnal desire. So she didn't know what kind of physiological changes this would have on Li YueKai.

She was just happy. Her eyes were red and shining with hope. She looked at him: "Yue Kai, aren't you angry?"

Li Yue Kai sighed helplessly, holding her more tightly, pinching her small face, "crying?"

Dong Mian lowered his head, a little embarrassed, "you... You all know?"

The slender fingertips with distinct bone joints gently raised her small chin, and her deep eyes were staring at her. In the dark pupil, there was a deeper expectation than her, "I didn't cry, what are you crying for?"

"I'm sorry." She's very honest.

"Sad what?"

"I... you ignore me." Maybe he was too kind to her, so when she said this sentence, she unconsciously brought the element of complaint.

"You cried when I ignored you?"

He felt better when he heard about it.

It shows that she is not a white eyed wolf, and she knows how to cry for him.


"Why? Just care about me? Why don't you cry when I ignore you? "

"I... I didn't mean to, I just felt bad."

She didn't know what was wrong with her. Thinking that Li YueKai was really angry and would never talk to her again, she felt uncomfortable and depressed all day. In the dead of night, she thought of his kindness to her. She didn't hold her tight and cried.

After asking for a long time, Li YueKai didn't know why. He thought he was used to it.

She gently pushed away from the arms, "wear so little, not cold?"

But also wearing slippers, white toes, this time is even more pale without the slightest blood.

He took her in his arms as he spoke.

Dong Mian just found out the problem of his clothes. His brain boomed and suddenly became red. "I... I'm in a hurry to get down. I forget... I forget..."

She took a furtive look at him, wondering if he had found out he wasn't wearing underwear.

She knew she should have run upstairs at this time, otherwise she would be too ashamed.

But, being held in his arms, she was reluctant to leave.

She likes him to hold her, his arms warm.

Li YueKai thought she was still young and didn't know how to avoid in front of other men.

In fact, not only was she reluctant to push him away, but he was even more reluctant to let her go.

Her body is fragrant and soft. I don't know how comfortable it is to hold her. Besides, only he has seen her like this. In fact, he is very happy, so he doesn't mention it for the time being.

He helplessly rubbed her small head, chin on her hair, gently rubbed, "you are God sent to torture me."

She has been calling him, he has always known, but ruthlessly did not answer.

He wanted to clear his mind.

He is not a God, can't like a person, can't get a response, but also keep peace of mind.

His mood is always too easy to be affected, especially about her. Sometimes a look, a word, an action and a smile can torture people all day.

It's also prone to negative moments. She didn't know... He was most afraid that he would become the next Cheng Yingdong. Just, now holding her, the mind revived. Dong Mian was still worried. She looked at him stupidly, "Yue Kai, are you... Not angry with me?"“ What do you say? " Speaking of this, he pinched her little face and asked fiercely. In fact, in the final analysis, she never did anything wrong. It was just that he couldn't get a response to his longing. He was worried that she would like others and began to be upset. She's not sure, "don't you get angry when you... Come to me?" With that, Li YueKai replied with an eyebrow. She said in a hurry: "YueKai, I will change it in the future. I will try not to be so heartless in the future."“ Well Li Yue Kai listen, always feel strange, where does she come to this conclusion“ Isn't that good? " Although she didn't think it was good, she felt from the bottom of her heart that she was right, but Li YueKai was special“ How long have you been crying? " Sometimes it's hard to understand what she's wearing in her head, so let her go. Her eyes are red and swollen, and her long eyelashes are still wet. He is really a little careful“ It wasn't... Long. " Li YueKai took off her glasses and gently wiped her eyes wet with tears. When he took off his glasses, Dong Mian felt that the things in front of him became blurred. His eyes were hazy. Li YueKai looked at her pink mouth, and her Adam's apple rolled up and down, and she began to become thirsty. His eyes are deep. When he helps Dong Mian put on her glasses, his thin lips kiss her mouth gently. When his thin lips were covered up, Dong Mian just put on her glasses and was about to open her mouth. However, her small open mouth bumped into his close lip. A current of oil spread to her whole body, paralyzing her beating heart. She Lengleng, stare round black bright eyes, a moment does not immediately stare at in front of the enlarged handsome face. Update completed on the 27th