Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 1078

In the future, even if she loves physics, she will have a sense of guilt and resistance to physics.

Because she gave it up.

If she chooses physics, even if she continues to be with Li YueKai, sooner or later she and Li YueKai will come to a problem.

Because physics and Li Yue Kai will become the fetters of causality in the future.


The clock is swinging quietly. In a twinkling of an eye, it's nine o'clock in the evening.

Dong Mian looked at the article and stayed for three hours.

Until a telephone ring interrupted her.

She saw the caller ID, busy pick up, "more armor."

"Well, come downstairs."

Dong Mian a Leng, "in my dormitory downstairs?"

"Well, come down quickly."


Dong Mian ran down the stairs.

Li Yue Kai put his hands on her shoulders and looked at her left and right. "Are you in a bad mood?"

She looks unhappy, but it's different from that night.

He was worried that she was not happy, so he came back early.

Dong Mian nodded.

Li Yue Kai was about to open his mouth when Dong Mian's stomach began to purr.

Li YueKai

Dong Mian remembered that he had forgotten to have dinner.

She bit her lip and didn't dare to look at her.

Li Yue Kai gritted his teeth: "explain!"

He said that she said that she felt bored, so he didn't remind her this time, because he guessed that she might be in a bad mood, so he didn't want to bother her.

But if he didn't watch, she would forget.

"I --"

Li YueKai poked her head hard, "you, what do you want me to say about you?"

Dong Mian let him poke, dare not talk back.

Therefore, when passers-by passed by, they all saw Li YueKai poking Dong Mian's head fiercely. Dong Mian did not dare to hum. They thought Li YueKai was too fierce and his temper would not be too good.

Li YueKai doesn't care what others think.

He sighed and squeezed her little face. "Let's go."


"Go to dinner!"

"I --"


"I'll go upstairs and get something."

"It's so late that you don't have time to read at home. Don't take it."

"It's not a book. Wait a minute."

He could only admit, "well, go up."

Dong Mian quickly ran upstairs, but when he saw the application, he still hesitated, stuffed the application into the schoolbag and went downstairs with the schoolbag on his back.

In the car, he discussed with her, "so late, don't eat greasy food, drink some porridge, and eat some dumplings to fill the stomach?"


She doesn't choose what to eat, some are good.

"What do you think?"

After she got on the bus, she looked worried.

This is different from that night.

After dinner, Li YueKai came back to meet her at the banquet.

So, he was not hungry. He just sat and watched Dong Mian eat.

Dong Mian had no appetite. He wanted to talk to Li YueKai many times, but he couldn't say it.

She didn't know how to hide her expression. How could she escape the eyes of Li YueKai?

But he didn't say anything.

He's waiting, waiting for her to take the initiative.

It's so late now. After eating half full, Dong Mian stops and goes back to his apartment with Li YueKai.

Dong Mian sat down on the sofa, staring at Li YueKai.

Li YueKai felt funny and even couldn't laugh or cry. As she thought, she sat down beside her.

She took off her shoes and knelt down on the sofa


Li YueKai answered softly, holding the remote control to change the channel.

"I... I have something to tell you."

"Well? What's the matter? " He said as if he were absent-minded.


Li YueKai didn't answer and his eyes were fixed on the TV.

Dong Mian swallowed saliva. "After school this afternoon, the teacher told me to go to her office."

"Teacher? "Male and female?"


Dong Mian: "female."


Li YueKai is relieved.

He thought——


He didn't mean to say what he thought next.

Dong Mian did not understand why he asked.

"She continued," she told me a lot about famous physicists and gave me an application form. "


Li YueKai thought that Dong Mian's words were one of the long opening remarks, so he didn't respond.

Dong Mian bit the lip, a little anxious, she turned the bag, study abroad application found out, handed to Li YueKai in front of, "this is it."

Li YueKai's eyes were taken back from the TV. He glanced symbolically. He was about to put his eyes back on the TV. When he saw the big words on the cover, he stopped completely. He put down the remote control and quickly grabbed the application form in her hand.

The more he looked, the more dignified his face became.

Dong Mian's vision has never moved away from Li YueKai's face, for fear that he missed the slightest emotion on Li YueKai's face.

Therefore, he knew that Li YueKai was not happy.

Li YueKai quickly browsed the contents of the application, grasped the key points, and then closed the application again and again

His face was light and expressionless.

Dong Mian nodded nervously.

The small hand unconsciously tugs at his trousers, and the white scallop teeth bite his lips.

They were silent.

"The more... The more armor."

Dong Mian became more and more uneasy.


After a while.

She forced out a word again, "do you... Agree with me to go?"

"What do you think?" He asked without emotion.

Dong Mian said nothing and dropped his head.

"Look up at me."

Li Yue Kai said.

Dong Mian raised his head in a hurry and stared at him nervously.

"What are you looking at me for?"

She was afraid that he would be angry.

Dong Mian: "I... um --"

She wanted to talk, but she did not speak, Li Yue Kai suddenly on her raised face, kiss her!

Dong Mian a Leng, Li Yue Kai kisses her a few seconds, the force bit her lip.

Li Yue Kai didn't use much strength and didn't bite her, but Dong Mian frowned with pain.

Li Yue Kai gave her a big bang on her lip, and then she burst out laughing unexpectedly.

Dong Mian was silly and looked at him, thinking that he was really angry with him.

"Yue Kai, eh --"

Before he finished, he was bitten by the man holding her.

It's more painful this time.

Dong Mian directly red eyes, pathetic looking at her.

"Do you know why I bit you?"

Dong Mian shook his head, thought about it and nodded again. But before she nodded, Li YueKai tugged at her white and tender face, "do you know this already?"

She nodded foolishly.

"You didn't tell me such an important thing at the first time. Do you think I should be angry?"

“ ....!”

Dong Mian's eyes were wide open

His mouth itched again, and he wanted to take another bite on her pink face, "what are you? It's light to bite you twice, and you'll be content! "

"Are you, are you not angry?"

"Angry? Don't you see I'm angry? "

"No, no, I mean you study abroad. Do you agree with me?"

He agreed. Is that what he meant?

She looked at him nervously, her heart beating like thunder, worried that she would make a mistake.

"Yes, why not?"

She swallowed saliva and still couldn't believe it. "Really?"


Dong Mian was stunned and almost burst into tears.

He sighed and took her over, with a bad smile on his face, but the bright smile on his face could not deceive people, "I lied to you, how could I not agree with you to go?"

"Really... Really?  ”


Dong Mian still cried, but this time it was tears of joy. She rushed to hold Li YueKai.

Happy Li Yue Kai ha ha straight smile, gentle embrace her, patting her back, "is afraid I don't agree, so tonight is very tangled?"

The head buried in his arms nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

He pinched her face. "We've known each other for a long time, and we've been together for a year. Physics based on you is equivalent to the meaning of your existence. You were born for physics. How can I not understand it? How can you disagree? "

"I can go abroad for a year and a half. A year and a half is quite a long time."

He is not angry, gently kiss just by his pinched cheek, "time is not short, but this trip has far-reaching significance for you, may become the exchange student of that school, is a very good thing for you, I am too happy for you, how can not agree?"

Dong Mian said nothing, but hugged Li YueKai.

Li Yue Kai laughed and nodded her little nose, "and, ah, did you forget that our Li family also has business in the United States? Even if you come to the United States, we may reduce the time of meeting, and you still have a winter vacation and a summer vacation. So, we still have a lot of time to meet. We don't need to see each other for a year and a half“ Dong Mian nodded hard. As long as he agrees, as long as he's not upset. Li Yue Kai was not satisfied. He coughed lightly and pointed to his thin lips. "Idiot, do you know how to nod? Don't you mean it? " Dong Mian raised his head and quickly kisses his thin lips deeply. Then he kisses again in a good mood. Li YueKai is satisfied, and he takes her over with a smile. His thin lips cover her. Watching her slowly close her eyes and enjoy their kiss, his eyes slowly overflow with a smile. If it's someone else, they may be forced to make a choice between them and their studies, or at least show their attitude. But in Dong Mian, physics is very important. People who don't really use it all their life but also like a subject won't understand it. He doesn't want her to choose between him and physics. Because he already understood that even if he chose her, it was not good for them. So there is no need to choose. What's more, he loves her so much, how can he miss a place that can make her closer to the dream heaven? At the end of the kiss, he picked up the stack of applications and said, "come on, let's sort out the details. Don't make any mistakes at that time." Dong Mian quietly put his hand around his arm and laughed, "OK." Li Yue Kai laughed.