Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 1258

Just as Li YueKai wanted to speak, the car had disappeared at the corner of the fence.

Want to chase out, housekeeper walked to come over, "young master, you come back?"

Li Yue Kai brow deep lock, staring at the car left the direction, "Xiaomian back?"

"Yes. Miss Yun has returned to China. The master told Miss Yun to come back home for a gathering and also called her back. "

Inexplicably, he was a little nervous, "just now... Who was the man with Xiaomian?"

Although he only saw half of his side face, he knew it was not Qiu Yansen.

That face is strange to him.

From his point of view, the other party looks good.

It's just

Why didn't he know that she knew such a person and even brought him home——

"It's Miss's boyfriend."


The car key in hand fell on the floor, his face stiff, "what do you... Say? What boyfriend? "

The housekeeper didn't seem to notice Li YueKai's expression. He made a straight report: "I don't know much about the details, but I heard it was a blind date. I've been together for nearly two months. The other party has good conditions in all aspects. Miss Yun is very satisfied with him. Thinking that it is rare to get together in the Li family today, she asks the young lady to bring the other party to your grandfather and your father to check. "

Li YueKai quickly takes out his mobile phone and shakes his hands to call Dong Mian.

On the other side of the phone, there was a cold mechanical sound.

Remind him that Dong Mian's mobile phone is still off.

Li YueKai quickly picked up the car key on the ground, and was about to turn to get on the car. Ni Shu saw Li YueKai and was shocked. He quickly walked over, "Xiaokai? Are you back? "

Li Yue Kai is speechless. Ni Shu looks as if he is in a hurry to leave and frowns: "when did you come back? Where are you in a hurry? "

Li Yue Kai did not speak.

Ni Shu's reaction was very fast and he was in front of Li YueKai's car.

Li YueKai's face was a little pale, "Mom? What are you doing? "

"You know Dong Mian and her boyfriend are back. Do you want to go to her?"

Ni Shu said his intention.

Li YueKai clenched the steering wheel hard: "Mom, get out of the way."

Ni Shu's attitude is tough, staring at Li YueKai, "I don't! Unless your car runs over me

Li Yue Kai thin lips tight, efforts to control their emotions, simply push the door to get off, turned to leave.

Ni Shu pulled him hard and said excitedly: "Xiaokai, you forget you are brothers and sisters? You forget that half of your blood is the same? What time is it? Why don't you wake up? "

"I don't know, I don't want to know anything! I only know she's mine! "

This is Li YueKai's first emotional breakdown after he knew that he and Dong Mian were brothers and sisters.

He roared with grief: "we were good originally. It's all you. One by one, for your own sake, for your selfish desire, you forced us to break up!"

How nice he and Dong Mian were before their families came out.

It's them that make everything different!

"Even if we are for our own sake, the fact that you are brothers and sisters will never change, and you will never be together!"

Ni Shu is disappointed and distressed about Li YueKai's performance. "Even if you go back ten thousand steps, you are really together, and you can never live in the sun, and you can't even have children. You should know all this. When can you wake up and face the reality?"

Li Yue Kai gritted his teeth and roared with red eyes: "I know! But I don't care! "

"You don't care, I do!"

Li YueKai and Ni Shu quarrel so fiercely that they disturb Li Laozi, Li Jinbei and Yunqing in the living room.

This is what Yun Qing said.

She looked at Li YueKai coldly, "I've always been a man with a clear distinction between public and private affairs. I don't like your three elders, but what happened in those years has nothing to do with you, so I don't hate you because I hate your elders."

"In contrast, if you are not brothers and sisters, you are so excellent. As a mother, I will not object to your being together."

"But," Yun Qing pursed her lips, "you are brothers and sisters. If you really love her, you should not selfishly ask Xiaomian to fall into the mire of chaos like you for the sake of your so-called love, so that she will spend the rest of her life in the dark and suffer from the condemnation of conscience and morality! "

"No," Li YueKai's eyes were fierce and firm, "I have the ability to make her happy even when she is with me!"

"Even if you can, I won't allow it!"

Yunqing also said in a voice: "don't forget, the world is very big. You are not the only excellent man, and you are not the only one who can give Xiaomian happiness."

"Compared with you, Xiaomian will be happier with other excellent men, because she doesn't have to suffer from moral condemnation and nightmares in the dead of night."

"No --"

Yun Qing sneered sarcastically, "no? Oh, who can't talk big? Do you know that after knowing that you were brothers and sisters, Xiaomian had insomnia due to psychological reasons and went to see a psychologist? "

Li Yue's armor was as stiff and cool as a thunderbolt. He ran up from his back. His heart was like a knife.

"You think I'm lying to you? Do you want me to show you her examination report? Or... You ask Xiaomian

Li YueKai seems to be suffering from aphasia. He opens his mouth, but he can't highlight a word.

Even if Yunqing didn't come up with evidence, he didn't ask Dong Mian, he also believed Yunqing's words.

He will never forget the scene seven years ago when Dong Mian vomited in the bathroom for a long time because of his questions.

Seven years ago, in the face of her vomiting, he made a mistake. However, after knowing that they were brothers and sisters, he recalled and even dreamed of that picture more than once.

He knew that she could not pass her own psychological level.

These days, in the face of his initiative, she is in a dilemma, afraid to hurt him, but absolutely unable to accept him.

Therefore, she frequently avoided meeting him.

Li Yue armor has already had the sign of loosening, and Yun Qing's tone is not as sharp as just now, "if you really do her good, let go, sincerely wish her happiness."

"Similarly, you should also think about the people in your family. If you insist on going your own way, not only will you drag everyone to the abyss, but you will not be happy yourself."

"Now, Xiaomian has found her own happiness. You should be happy. This is also the time for you to find your own happiness, isn't it?"

Li YueKai's eyes were red and he turned away in silence.

"Xiaokai, where are you going?"

Ni Shu pulled him nervously, his face was ugly, like he would collapse at any time, she was really afraid that he would have an accident.