Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 1561

Before the words fell, the whole person sat on his lap and leaned against his arms. Then, the light kiss fell on her lips, blocking her words and burning her reason.

Bo Liang's heart beat like thunder, fast as if she was going to burst out of the chamber. She sat in the arms of Shen Mu Yan, holding his neck, but she was uneasy. She felt that she would fall from him at any time.

After a kiss, Shen Mu eaves slowly open the distance between each other.

Her blushing face, intoxicated eyes into the eyelids, completely pleased him, lips raised a smile, buckle in her waist on the hand, but still did not let go.

Thin cool uncomfortable, pushed to push him, "smile what smile?"? You let me go first. "

They have been together for more than a year, but the most intimate thing is kissing and hugging.

Like today, it is the first time for him to sit on his lap and kiss.

Her waist is very slim, he has also swept before, but this is the first time, he does not want to let go, "it doesn't matter, I don't feel tired."


Bo Liang became angry and pushed him, "you're not tired, I feel ashamed!"

With that, he came down from his leg and pointed to him and scolded, "Shen Muyan, you... Can't imagine that you are a hooligan. How can you do such a disgusting thing?"

She is still a girl over 15 years old. Although she has been in love for more than a year, she has also taken the initiative to kiss Shen Muyan, but she only stops at kissing.

Shen Muyan is also very honest. He just kisses her and seldom hugs her.

The biggest picture I've ever seen is just a kiss and hug in a TV play.

To sum up, she is still very simple.

She had seen a woman sitting on a man's lap and leaning in her arms on TV before, but they were all supporting roles. The woman was extremely enchanting, and the man was obscene. She felt uncomfortable at first sight.

Shen Muyan is also very simple. He does these things by instinct.

He just felt comfortable holding her and especially liked to kiss him like that.

He thought it was beautiful, but she felt sick

He's a little hurt. "Disgusting?"

Thin cool teeth, "disgusting! Don't do it again

"... well."

Bo Liang came out of the incident and then leaned over to stare at him. "Shen Muyan, to be honest, have you been damaged?"

In Bo Liang's heart, in fact, Shen Muyan is the boy who is easy to bully. Although he has good grades, he is also very simple. She doesn't think this kind of thing is born to him.

He was a little stuffy, "... No."

"To be honest, I won't scold you."

"..." she seemed to despise what he had just done. He didn't know what to say.

But she really couldn't figure out why she felt sick in her eyes when it came to a very good thing?


Bo Liang seems to think of something, some difficult to speak of looking at him.

"What?" He looked up in bewilderment.

Bo Liang gritted his teeth, "you tell me honestly, did you... Did you see those things?"

He was stunned. "What things?"

She almost stamped her foot. "Just... That's it! The one the teacher didn't let us see! "

She's talking about films or books that they can't see yet.

Naturally, she didn't read it. However, the boys in the class are all seventeen or eighteen years old. Sometimes they talk about it when they are chatting. Sometimes they even bring books to the classroom, so she will know something.

After a long time, Shen Mu Yan finally understood that his handsome face was as red as blood and shook his head.

"That's fine." She thought, "you're not allowed to see that kind of thing, you know?"

There are boys in her class who always like to watch this. She always thinks that his appearance is a bit obscene. She can't imagine the picture of admiring those things.

"... good."

Shen Muyan always keeps his word.

Since he agreed, Bo Liang was relieved and began to look through his schoolbag, "you can do your homework and pull out all those messy ideas for me!"

Shen Muyan: "Oh."

Then they went on their own, occasionally speaking two sentences.

Later, Jian Zhiyan called and asked when he would go back.

Shen Mu eaves just pack things, thin cool also stretched a stretch, "I send you downstairs."


He packed his things, looked at Bo Liang, but didn't move.

Thin cool looked at him one eye, "go, return pestle to do what?"



"Can I kiss you before I leave?"

Thin cool red face, clench teeth, "no way!"

Although she also felt that she liked to kiss her with him, he always wanted to kiss her recently. She was embarrassed.

Besides, he just promised her not to mess about, but now he's thinking about it again.


He was a little disappointed. "I'll go first."


She took him downstairs and watched his car leave.

Back home, mother-in-law Yan hasn't slept yet. She specially waited for her in the living room, "Miss, mother-in-law has something to say to you."

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Isn't it going to be my 70th birthday in a few days? Your uncle wanted me to go back to my hometown for my birthday, and all my relatives invited me, so -- "

"That's good."

She naturally knows mother-in-law Yan's birthday. When she is old, she has the ability to stay and take care of her when she is reunited with her family. She is very grateful. She wants to go home for her birthday, and she supports it with both hands.

"But I had to go to class at that time, so I couldn't go back with you --"

"It's OK. It's important to go to school."

Granny Yan said with a smile: "people may come back as soon as Saturday. Miss, if you feel bored at home on Saturday, you can go to Muyan's house for one night on Friday night. Is that ok?"

"Well, I'll arrange it myself. Don't worry, grandma."

Mother-in-law Yan nodded, and Bo Liang suddenly stopped, "by the way, mother-in-law, can I go abroad to study after graduating from high school?"

"Going abroad?" Granny Yan was surprised, "why did you suddenly think of going abroad to study?"

"Shen Muyan told me today that he will go abroad in the second half of the University."

"Mu Yan asked you to go with him?"


Granny Yan was a little embarrassed. "Miss, you, you know, granny is 70 this year. In another year, she will be 71. If you want to stay abroad for four years, Granny... Granny is afraid that she can't accompany you."

She will be homesick, especially in the past two years when she is in poor health. She is afraid that she can't take care of her in a completely strange place with no language. Bo Liang said with a smile, "it's OK. You don't have to go with me. If I go, my family will take care of me. I just want to ask if I can go abroad."