Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 1577

Thin cool is glaring at him, "dregs male."

Pei Jiance: "I didn't force them to be with me."

On the contrary, with him in love, girls also meet their vanity, ah, he did not do anything too much, how to become a slag man?

Bo Liang's purpose of talking about this is not to scold him, "then... You didn't treat them... That's the --"

Pei Jiance understood and said: "of course not. Do you really treat me as a beast?"

Bo Liang: "Er, that's not what I mean. I'm just curious."

Pei Jiance's brain turned quickly. He almost immediately stopped and grabbed her hand excitedly. "What did you do with Mu Yan? Or did Moyam force you? You... You are only 15 years old. I admire him -- "

This time she was uncomfortable and said in a hurry, "no, no, where do you want to go?"

"So it's true?" His tone suddenly turned cold, suddenly turned around and left.

Thin cool also quick reaction, immediately pull him, "really no, you don't mess!"

She felt that he must have wanted to scold Shen Muyan.

"No trouble or no success?"

On Pei Jiance's face, the smile has always been constant, like today, has been cold face, thin cool is the first time to see.

Thin cool don't know how to say, Pei Jiance has already understood, the cold meaning of the eye ground is more prosperous, pull her one side to leave.

"He's not like that. Don't think too much about it." Bo Liang thinks his reaction is too big. She is a little worried. She can only help Shen Muyan to say good things and tell the truth.

"I don't believe he's like that either."

Pei Jiance pursed his lips and said, "but he shouldn't have such an idea, and he shouldn't have done it. No matter whether he has done it or not, since he has done it, he shouldn't!"

"Hey, I'm really OK. You --"

Pei Jiance has stopped talking.

He could not describe the anger in his heart.

He is in favor of them together, because she likes Shen Muyan, even if he is jealous, there are countless words to say.


The premise is that Shen Muyan should be really good to her.

He believed in him before.

But what happened?

She is only 15 years old. If he really likes her enough, he should think about her.

He even can because of thin cool don't agree with and turn over to live thin cool gas, in the end, or thin cool first initiative and good.

He thought that they liked each other and their feelings should be the same.

However, at this moment, he found that the feelings between them are not balanced.

Bo Liang's affection for Shen Muyan is much deeper than Shen Muyan's.

In fact, it's not that there is no trace to follow. With Bo Liang's active confession at the beginning, it has fully explained the problem?

Until the class, Pei Jiance did not make a statement, Bo Liang is really a little worried, class are a little distracted.

This class is still a class teacher's class, she is the class representative, the teacher is most concerned about her, the teacher can see her distraction, but also heavy face, see a few more thin cool, thin cool did not notice.

The teacher is really angry this time.

After class, she said for the first time, "cool, come to the office with me."

Bo Liang had to go to the office with the teacher. When she left, she was relieved to see that Pei Jiance was still in the classroom.

However, what she didn't know was that as soon as her figure had gone away, Pei Jiance quickly went downstairs and ran directly to the third high school building.

There isn't much time between classes. He has to hurry up.

When we get to Shen Muyan's classroom, Shen Muyan is there.

He is in a good mood. He is solving problems with Ning Yu.

And the class, these two days in the discussion, said they two these two days go very close, said Ning language all bought him breakfast.

Pei Jiance heard it. He kept his face quiet and said, "is it convenient to come out?"

When Shen Muyan heard his voice, he thought he had heard it wrong. Seeing that it was really him, he said to Ning Yu, "sorry, I'll go out first."

Ning Yu nodded and took a look at Pei Jiance.

She found that Pei Jiance's face was not very pretty, and she seemed to be angry.

Shen Muyan thought that something was wrong with Bo Liang. Pei Jiance came to find himself in such a hurry. As soon as he went over, he asked, "is something wrong with Liang Liang?"

"It's OK. She's fine."

Shen Muyan naturally saw that he was different, "what's the matter with you?"

"I want to talk to you and spare some time?"

Although he didn't understand what he was looking for, he immediately found a classmate, said a few words to him, and followed Pei Jiance downstairs.

They were standing in a quiet place in the back garden.

At this time, the class is about to begin, and there is no one here.

Pei Jiance took the initiative to say, "do you know? If I didn't worry that this is the school, I would like to fight with you

Shen Mu eaves suddenly looked up, "what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? What did you do to forget so quickly? " He said coldly.

Shen Mu eaves not silly, "cool, told you?"

To be honest, he is not happy.

It's true that they are friends, but these private matters are only the private affairs of the two of them, which should not be told to a third person.

Pei Jiance was angry. He grabbed his collar and said, "Shen Muyan, I really misunderstood you."

"It's our business." Shen Muyan is a little disgusted. He thinks that Pei Jiance should not be in charge of these things. He also thinks that Pei Jiance will understand.

"Screw you!" Pei gradually gas red eyes, "cool thing is my thing!"

Shen Mu Yan also sank his face, pushed his hand aside and asked coldly, "what do you mean?"

"What do I mean, you don't understand?" He sneered and said directly, "don't you see that I like cool in the morning?"

Shen Mu Yan also red eyes, professional force of his clothes, push him down on the tree trunk, "so?"

"So, from now on, I'll be better for Liang Liang. She didn't really like you when she chose you. It's just a psychological test she took seriously when she did it outside."

Shen Mu eaves hand a shake, "what psychological test?"

He has never heard of it.

At the beginning, Bo Liang suddenly confessed to him, he expressed doubt.

But now——

"Why should I tell you?" He pushed his hand, "I come here, just want to tell you that I will chase cool, also will let her leave you."

"Pei Jiance!" Shen Mu Yan's face was sinister, his eyes were cold, "dare you! Cool is mine

"Why don't I dare? You don't deserve the cool. " Such Shen Muyan, he is not at ease to let Bo Liang continue to be with him.