Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 1670

Two people just arrived downstairs, more than ten pairs of eyes, or joking, or exploring, or serious, look over.

Not to mention that Bo Liang has never really seen big waves, Rao Shi has really gone through big waves. Under the gaze of so many leading figures in various fields, she can hardly be calm.

In particular, a few people's aura is also extremely frightening.

Thin cool embarrassed, but also a bit timid.

Duan Zizhen couldn't sit still. He looked at Bo Liang carefully for a moment and looked at Shen Muyan with a smile: "little ruiruirui, won't you introduce me to my uncles?"

Shen Muyan looked back and saw the thin cool with his head buried in his chest. He pulled her over with a smile, "my wife, thin cool."

"She's pretty and has a good eye, but she's a little shy." Duan Zizhen holds his chin in a kind manner.

"Well," Shen Muyan leisurely, and Bo Liang hand, gently pressed on her palm, as a touch, "cool, with uncle and aunt, uncle and aunt, and grandparents say hello."

Bo Liang looks up. In front of her, there are more than ten middle-aged men and women with outstanding appearance. Without time to sigh about the excellence of this gene, Bo Liang is asked to say hello one by one.

The introduction of Shen Muyan is based on the order of the elder and the younger.

First, she introduced her grandparents. Jane's mother was so happy that she gave her a gift box and said, "cool, right? Oh, our eyes are so good, so beautiful. Grandma doesn't have anything valuable to send. Take it first. If you need anything later, tell Grandma. "

Bo Liang didn't know what was inside, and the old man was so kind and gentle that she was embarrassed to refuse, so she had to take it and opened her mouth difficultly, "thank you... Thank you... Grandma."

With so many eyes on her, she can't do without shouting.

"Oh, dear." Jane's mother's smiling eyes narrowed into a line, "Ruirui, you and xiaocan are really competitive. They all get married at a young age. They don't like to play around like your mother and your uncles. Our elders have to worry about marriage affairs."

Old people love to nag, and then said: "your cousin and son are so old, you and Liang Liang should also grasp ah, early to have a child, let your mother help with it, otherwise she is dozens of years old, still all day out to hop, not a bit when the mother, when the grandmother."

Jian Zhi Yan, who lies on the gun for no reason, is innocent. Shen Muyan nods honestly, but Bo Liang blushes. In particular, she blushes for Shen Muyan when she sees that Shen Muyan's answer is so sincere. She feels more and more that Shen Muyan is really terrible these years. She doesn't even tell a lie without making a draft.

After the old man's nagging, Shen Muyan went on to introduce others, "this is my uncle, and my aunt."

With the previous grandparents, Bo Liang is very cheerful this time.

Jane Shen Yang is cold with a handsome face full of mature man's breath. She just nods slightly. Qiao Mosheng smiles gently and holds a gift box in her hand.

There are more than 20 people in all. Shen Muyan introduces them one by one. Bo Liang has too many gifts to hold. Shen Muyan asks the housekeeper to help deliver them upstairs.

"Ruirui, go into the kitchen and see how the food is going."

After a while, Li YueKai commanded Shen Muyan.

Shen Muyan is also obedient, but Bo Liang is in a hurry and grabs his hand.

I'm kidding. She can barely cope with so many people and Shen Muyan. If he's not here, she won't even know how to sit.

Even when their relationship was the best, Bo Liang didn't like him.

And Shen Muyan found that he liked her so much that she depended on him. Naturally, her tone became more and more gentle. "It's OK. I'll be back in a moment."

Li YueKai supports him. It is estimated that the elders have something to ask Bo Liang. They won't hurt her. He is very relieved.

"It seems that the relationship is very good. I thought you forced them to marry you." Li YueKai cocked his legs and made fun of him.

Thin cool suddenly raises head, the heart way: "he is to force me!"

Li YueKai noticed Bo Liang's reaction and said with a smile: "Ruirui Rui, in my opinion, is the best of so many young people, no matter in personality or character. You won't be wronged if you marry him."

Bo liangyileng, got it.

He saw at a glance that Shen Mu Yan had forced her.

She glanced at the others again and found that they all seemed to know what was going on, but they didn't mean to oppose it. They were so keen on it one by one, and they connived at it.

"You don't have to worry." Or Jane's mother couldn't look down and said with a kind smile: "although grandma doesn't know your family background, grandma dares to say that no matter what your background is, you won't lose if you marry us, and we are worthy of you."

"No, I don't deserve..."

She always remembers that Shenbai group was founded by Shen Shenzhi. Shenbai group is well-known in the capital. She can't match him in such a family background.

It's just

Where does she mean that?

Now the problem is that their marriage won't last long.

What about the elders like Shen Muyan? But one by one, they all became real.

"Don't say that," said Jane, "as long as we like it, we won't object to it. In that case, what is the need to say

Bo Liang has no words to refute.

But Jane's mother laughed, turned to her father and said, "our younger generation of Jane's family have good eyesight, and they are all real and down-to-earth children."

Bo Liang, who is greedy for power or money to marry Shen Muyan, has so many eyes. No matter how she disguises, she can't escape their eyes.

As the elders, they care about this most. As for their feelings, it's their own business. They can't manage it.

Jane's father gave a "MMM".

"That is," Jian Zhi Yan said with a smile, "cool is also the child that I look at growing up, can I be wrong?"

"Please be polite to me one by one. If you scare my daughter-in-law away, don't blame me for being rude!" She put the cruel words, to Bo Liang can be more gentle, "don't be nervous, there is an aunt... No, there is a mother, they dare not bully you."

"... well." Should she say thank you?

The elders continued to talk, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

Shen Muyan came out in a moment and sat down beside Bo Liang. Before lunch was ready, Li YueKai and Jian Yiyun, two good men, went into the kitchen to help. Before they went in to help, Li YueKai suddenly asked, "cool, right? Can you cook? "