Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 1740

Cai Wencai's confusion is Cai Wencai's confidant. He knows the root and the bottom of Fei Yuanming's affairs. He immediately goes to find Cai Wencai.

Cai Wencai squinted, "do you mean Fei Yuanming's daughter surnamed Bo?"

"Yes, she said to come to you for business."

"She?" Cai Wencai snorted: "she's younger than Fei Yuanming's daughter. She's been squeezed out of money by Fei Yuanming these years. What's her condition to talk business with me?"

"Since she dares to come, maybe it's because she has Fei Yuanming on hand?"

Cai Wencai still doesn't think so. "Well, I'll have a few minutes to spare later. Please ask her to come over."


Bo Liang was "invited" to the waiting room and waited for more than half an hour without seeing anyone.

She was not in a hurry. She sat quietly.

She has been waiting for this day for so many years, so she can't even wait for this time.

Cai Wencai is leisurely drinking coffee in his office. His secretary reminds him, "general manager, Fei Yuanming's daughter, has been waiting for you for nearly an hour."

"What? Impatient? "

"That's not true," his secretary said. "I think she's calm. When she comes out with her mobile phone to play games, it seems that she doesn't care about meeting you."

Cai Zong's heart moved, "Oh?"


"It seems that it's quite clever," Cai Wencai got up with a little interest and said, "it's OK to go and have a look."

When they passed by, Bo Liangyou raised his head and stood up with a casual attitude, but he gave a respectful cry, "Mr. Cai said“

After shaking hands with her, Cai Wencai looked at her carefully, "Miss Bo?"


"I heard you came to talk business with me?" Cai Wencai leans back on the sofa, cocks his legs and asks with disapproval.

Bo Liang doesn't talk much, so he hands the document to Cai Wencai's secretary.

Cai Wencai's secretary immediately opened it and looked at it. However, in three minutes, his secretary's face changed slightly. "Is the content of the information absolutely true?"

"Of course."

The Secretary immediately leaned over to Cai Wencai's ear and said a few words. Cai Wencai's face changed, but he was still very cold: "what you said was to help me, should I make this matter big?"

Even if it's a big deal and the project has been robbed, what's the use of it?

He doesn't mind his own business.

In addition, even if he makes trouble and Fei Yuanming is so smart, he has the same strength to cover things up, and he can't help it.

"Yes," Bo Liang squinted, "if Mr. Cai is worried that he can't move Fei Yuanming, what about the Ye family?"

Cai Wencai completely changed his face, "can you still move the Ye family?"

Bo Liang did not answer him, but continued leisurely: "let them bite the dog and shuffle the pattern. President Cai will not only have the possibility to get the project again, but without the two rivals, President Cai will not be the only one with many benefits."

To tell you the truth, the Ye family and the Fei family are declining. His family is the only one. He dreams of such a day.


He snorted, "the Ye family and the Fei family are closely related, and they are not fools. What's more, the Fei family still has a life-saving kindness to the Ye family. How can they be easily provoked? " "Interest in front of feelings are empty, what is more attractive than the word interest?" Bo Liang chuckled, "is it true that Cai doesn't understand such a simple truth? Or does Cai always think that I came here today just to talk with you? Mr. Cai, I'm actually very busy. If Mr. Cai is interested in it

If you want to know the details of the plan, please come to me at any time. "

With that, she took out a piece of paper from her pocket with her phone number on it.

With that, Bo Liang turned and left.

The Secretary said his own opinion, "general manager, I think she is not small."

Fei Yuanming must have covered up and covered up the information. Most people can't find such a private thing.

"I know that she has the information, and she can expose it by herself. Why did she come to me? Isn't it unnecessary? "

The Secretary suddenly realized, "do you mean that she is using you?"

"No, we are mutually beneficial. It's good for me if she comes to me, but... In business, there's more to share and less to talk about." Cai Wencai laughs, "she's more urgent than me. I'll wait for her to show my cards first“

The Secretary nodded clearly.

As soon as Bo Liang walked out of CAI's building, he immediately took up his mobile phone and wanted to contact Shen Muyan. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a car horn not far away. Bo Liang looked distracted and saw Shen Muyan sitting in the back seat, staring at her with a smile.

Thin cool excited, immediately ran past, Shen Muyan also came out of the car, just came out, was thin cool flutter.

Plucked to pluck her scattered hair silk, smile: "so happy?"

"Well, very happy!"

In addition to the joy of the coming day of revenge, she also had a feeling of rebirth.

It's a great feeling.

She likes it.

The important thing is that he is waiting for her here!

She raised her eyes full of stars. "When did you... When did you arrive? You haven't been waiting for me, have you

"I brought a computer. If I have a computer, it's the same everywhere I am."

This is almost the truth, but thinking of him waiting for her all the time, Bo Liang's heart moved, his head buried in his chest, "well."

"It's not suitable to stay here. Get on first."

Shen Muyan pulls her to the car. Bo Liang cleverly follows her. When she gets to the car, she sees Shen Muyan's computer on the desk. Bo Liang just takes a look and sees that the page is still on the top when she leaves. Bo Liang feels sweet and hugs his neck. "You cheat me."

His mind is not on the computer at all, just to keep her from worrying, so he said it on purpose.

Shen Mu eaves aftertaste come over, hang Mou to change a topic, "eaves eaves that side estimate almost, we meet him?"

Thin cool wrinkled wrinkled nose, index finger provoked his handsome face, "don't change the topic, you honestly, are you shy?"

Shen Mu Yan Jun's face is slightly red, "cool"

"I knew that."

Thin cool mood happy to the extreme, holding his handsome face, bow to kiss up.

Shen Muyan was stunned and responded impolitely. Bo Liang took the initiative to kiss him and sit in his arms with the same enthusiasm as before. During Shen Muyan's engagement, she had already reached out and pulled out his shirt in his pants, and her little hand was still hanging on the buttons of his clothes.

If you love her deeply, how can you stand up to her trouble?

For a moment, he was sweating.

But there is also a driver in the car. The driver just doesn't look back to know what they are doing. Shen Muyan tried hard to contain his evil thoughts and forced Bo Liang to come down from him. His voice was hoarse and said, "cool, don't make trouble."