Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 1823

"Did you have a boyfriend?"

Jin Rulan got up and directly lifted her long hair around her neck. There were several strawberry marks hidden under her shirt collar. She was as white as snow. Those marks on her neck were very shocking!

Gao Yunjin was a little uneasy and pulled back his collar. "Ma --"

"Who is the other party?" Jin Rulan asked again.

"Mom, our relationship is still... Unstable, so don't ask."

Speaking of this, Gao Yunjin looks slightly dim, don't open a small face.

"Unstable, do you still follow others casually?" Jin Rulan is about to be mad. "I've told you many times that you are not allowed to fall in love without my permission. Why don't you listen to me? You don't care for yourself now. When your father helps you to find a good partner, people will dislike you, and you won't have time to cry

It's too late

Gao Yunjin said faintly: "since the other party dislikes me because of this, I don't want to marry."

"Not married? Do you think there are many men with good conditions? You think if you miss one, there's another? What you said is light. "

Jin Rulan angry finish saying, looked at her face, "who is the other party? What about the family conditions? "

Gao Yunjin got up and said, "Mom, don't ask. I have my own ideas about my own business."

"I can't talk about your life?" Jin Rulan gritted her teeth, "if you don't say it, is it because the other party's family conditions are not good? Are you afraid that I won't agree?"

Gao Yunjin pursed her mouth and did not speak.

How can she say that the other party's conditions are very good and she will be satisfied, but

Each other's heart, but not in her?

If she didn't say it, Jin Rulan took it as her default, "you... You want to piss me off? How did I teach you? I've told you that you have to look at your family before you pick someone. "

"Auntie, it's normal for you to have feelings for me. Since my sister has a place in her heart, you'll help her."

Suddenly, a voice with a smile came from the door.

Jin Rulan's face became cold. "I'm talking to my daughter. What do you want to say?"

Gao Yunzhen just bought a limited bag and touched her long wavy hair with enchanting posture. "I'm also for my sister, right, dad?"

Gao's father Gao Jinsheng and Gao Yunzhen listened to their mother and daughter's conversation, but they didn't look good. They gently said to their eldest daughter, "Xiaozhen, go upstairs first and have a rest."

"Good." Before Gao Yunzhen left, she did not forget to tell Jin Rulan: "aunt, if you have something to say, don't scold your sister."

"Well, the cat cries for the mouse."

Jin Rulan glances at Gao Yunzhen coldly.

"Well, say less." Gao Jinsheng sits down and looks at Gao Yunjin unhappily. "What's the matter with you?"

He doesn't ask them to help the GAOs in raising their daughters, but at least the people he marries can't be too poor. Otherwise, his friends will know that he is a good daughter and will marry an ordinary family. What's wrong with his old face?

"I'll take care of my own business."

Gao Yunjin was in a bad mood, so he got up and went upstairs.

"You handle it yourself? What do you do with it? You'd better break up with that person as soon as possible. Next year, when you come out for practice, I'll help you find a good one! "

Gao Yunjin takes a deep breath. Quan Dang doesn't hear him. He goes upstairs without saying a word.

"You --"

Gao Jinsheng was angry with her and threw his anger on Jin Rulan. "You're the good daughter you taught yourself. You can do it yourself."

Then he turned and went upstairs.

Upstairs, Gao Yunjin takes out a sketch book and draws with his brush. After a long time, there are not many clothes in the book, but a beautiful face is quietly on the paper.

Gaoyunjin back to God, flustered to tear that page of paper, knead into a ball, thrown into the side of the garbage can.

At this time, her mobile phone just rang, she immediately took it over, see the above simple appeared a "Jin" word, the heart of that place, unexpectedly trembled, the mood is complex.

A moment later, she picked up the phone and said, "hello."

"I'll go to Hong Kong tomorrow. Shall we go together?"

She didn't even think about it and refused, "no, I haven't finished my homework last week. Next time."

"Don't you mean to ride a horse? You can also watch the horse racing when you cross Hong Kong this time. After the horse racing, I'll take you to ride a horse? "

She said these words, he can remember, her heart should be happy, but at this moment, her heart is a little heavy, how also not happy, "I really don't have time this week, next time."

Over there, Fu Jincheng said, "what's the matter?"

He seems gentle, but in fact he has a sharp mind.

Gao Yunjin bowed his head and laughed, "I'm at home now. There's something wrong at home. I can't leave. What can I do?"

Fu Jincheng did not seem to explore the end of the meaning like, "OK, see you next week."

"Well, see you next week."

Hang up the phone, Gao Yunjin feel more heavy.

But heard a burst of laughter from the door, "your boyfriend's phone?"

Gao Yunjin's face sank. "You don't knock at the front door, you don't have this kind of education?"

Gao Yunzhen sneered, "Oh, education? You've been messing with wild men outside before you got married. You deserve to talk about parenting with me? Don't you think it's funny? "

"Do you want to be polite?"

"What? Wild men don't like to hear three words? "

"Go away!" Gao Yunjin is too lazy to talk to her.

"Didn't your boyfriend ask you out? Why don't you go out? Or how to break up with others? Tut, I still think how noble you are. In the end, don't you dislike the poor and love the rich? If your boyfriend knows, what will he think? "

"I've never said how noble I am. It's my business to part. Don't worry about it! Get out of here

"I don't worry, but... If I meet your boyfriend one day, guess what he will think if he knows?"

"You --"

Gao Yunjin's face changed slightly, and he threatened coldly, "well, if you dare to say that the person dad is looking for for for you, don't think about it. I won't do what you want!"

"How dare you“

Gao Yunzhen's face is more ugly than Gao Yunjin's.

Listen to her father's meaning, this time the object, regardless of ability, appearance, or family background are not to choose, her mother saw, also very satisfied, so she is very looking forward to the next blind date.

She has a degree and a beautiful face. She is very confident that she can get the favor of the other party, but

If Gao Yunjin sabotages, it's not necessary. She thinks she's beautiful. In fact, she doesn't need to be afraid. But Gao Yunjin has something on her hand, so she has to guard against it.