Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 1852

There are also so-called luxury private rooms in KTV.

At this time, they broke into the private room, it is estimated that it is a luxury private room. The furnishings of the private room seem to be much more luxurious and spacious than theirs.

There are only seven or eight people inside, but there are men and women of all ages, but there are many beautiful women. Most of them are sitting on the legs of the men around them. It's not hard to see what the identity of those women is.

The only exception is the beauty around Fu Jincheng.

She is fashionable, delicate but not enchanting. On the contrary, she is very beautiful.

They feel much cleaner than the overt behavior of their women and men.

But this clean, does not mean that they have no relationship, but the two people get along more tend to lovers.

Because the woman just nestled up to Fu Jincheng and fed him dessert. They whispered to each other.

I don't know what to say. The woman leaned over and gave Fu Jincheng a kiss. Fu Jincheng laughed and pecked the woman's lips. They looked at each other and laughed.

When Fu Jincheng pursued her, she had never seen Fu Jincheng smile so relaxed and happy. He always wore a mask.

But at the moment, he is obviously happy, and more gentle than any time she knows

Gao Yunjin knows that he is one of his women.

I thought I would not be sad about it, but I really saw him kissing and hugging other women. Seeing that he liked other women more than her, her heart was as painful as tearing, and she couldn't breathe. There are not many people in Fu Jincheng's box. The box is too big, and everyone is in a state of enjoyment. When they break in, the movement is not big. At the beginning, Fu Jincheng didn't find anyone breaking in, until Bai Yumin covers his mouth again

When nausea and vomiting, the voice is a little loud, which attracted the attention of the people inside.

Basically, all the people inside came to see it for the first time.

The first thing Fu Jincheng saw was Gao Yunjin. She stood in the same place, staring at him.

His handsome face suddenly turned cold.


The reaction of the men around Fu Jincheng is totally different.

He is very happy to see Gao Yunjin. He can't bear to move his sight when he stares at her. He pushes away the woman and walks over.

Bai Yumin is drunk, brain is not clear, do not know what happened.

But the girl student who helped Bai Yumin with Gao Yunjin actually came in. When she saw the scene inside, she was a little confused.

Especially when I saw that Fu Jincheng and other women were so close to each other, I was stunned. I didn't dare to look at Gao Yunjin's face.

Seeing that the people inside came out, she was a little flustered. She quickly pulled up Bai Yumin and pulled Gao Yunjin's clothes. "I... let's go first."

Gao Yunjin also just reacted, forced himself to calm down, and no longer looked at Fu Jincheng. He followed the man in front of her and said, "I'm sorry, my friend was drunk and went to the wrong compartment. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Let's go now."

"Don't go." The man stood in her way and looked at her with a smile: "your friend, we can ask someone to take care of her. It's still early now. Beauty, how about sitting down for a drink and making a friend?"

Gao Yunjin said lightly: "sorry, we live in school. It's late now. The school is closing. Other students in our class are still waiting for us. Next time."

The man blinked, touched his chin and said, "still a student? That's good. I like students best. Your answer is so true. I like honest people best. Why don't I take you back? "

"Don't bother." Gao Yunjin said, a change suggests that her friend help Bai Yumin leave, but her line of sight, has not looked at Fu Jincheng.

The man laughed, "OK, I know what you think. I'm afraid I'm a bad man who has a bad heart for you. Girls should be so alert. Well, here's my business card. Keep it, beauty. "

The man's face is smiling, but his eyes are too deep. Gao Yunjin has a kind of illusion that if she dares not to take it, what happens next is not the illusion that she can bear, so she has to take it, "thank you."

The man's smile deepened, "you're welcome. And... Beauty, would you mind telling me which school you are in? "

Now that I have asked this question, it is clear that I will come and pester her in the future.

Moreover, judging from the situation just now, she must answer.

Gao Yunjin did not speak for a moment.

She used the remaining light, without any trace of the sweep eye Fu Jincheng there, the heartstrings taut to death.

When she saw the woman beside Fu Jincheng leaning over his ear to talk, his eyes were drawn back from her side, listening attentively to the woman's words, and he didn't mean to help at all.

This eye, in order not to be found by others, she immediately took back.

She clenched Bai Yumin's arm, took a deep breath and said, "a big."

The man nodded, seemed satisfied, "a big? It turns out that they are really top students. That's good. "

Gao Yunjin tried to calm himself down and said, "thank you. But my friend is going to throw up again. Let's go first. See you next time? "

The man nodded, "OK, walk slowly."

Gaoyunjin see he is laissez faire meaning, immediately relieved, and heard the man said: "however, really don't I call the driver to send you?"

"No, sir."

She was always polite and never black faced. Compared with her other sober and nervous classmate, she was surprisingly calm.

The man seemed more interested in her. "OK, take your time."

And even sent them out.

But at this time, when Gao Yunjin's classmates saw that they didn't come back, they were worried. Several people came out to look for them. At this time, they came over and asked, "is Yumin OK?"

When she answered, her voice was low. "It's OK. I just want to throw up."

She nodded, "let's buy her some wake-up drinks."

Before he finished speaking, he looked up and saw the scene in the private room. He also saw Fu Jincheng and the woman beside him.

She Chang was so shocked that his eyes were about to stare out, "Yun Jin, that, that's not --"

It's the blessing of the toche. Now others have found Fu Jincheng in it.

We all know the relationship between Fu Jincheng and Gao Yunjin. For a moment, everyone looked at each other, not embarrassed.

A male classmate looked as if Gao Yunjin was going to be unable to hold on. He said: "Yumin looks as if she is still very uncomfortable. We'd better go back as soon as possible."

"Oh, well, well, let's go back." She long smile, also immediately said.

A group of people, supported Bai Yumin to leave, Gao Yunjin followed, did not look back. It was the man who had been standing at the door and watched the whole process. After Gao Yunjin left, he looked back at Fu Jincheng.