Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 2024

What he said was very tactful.

How did Fu Jincheng and Gao Yunjin develop? As a spectator, it can be said that no one knows better than him.

So far, it has been seven or eight years for them to come together.

They don't talk about how they used to be.

They said that after the end of the contract, Gao Yunjin in his most difficult time to stay by his side, do not give up with him, even if it is cold-blooded, estimated to have been able to warm up.

But Gao Yunjin has been reunited with him for such a long time, and they are at the age of getting married. Fu Jincheng can do that every time he does something with Gao Yunjin, he must wear a condom. Isn't it reflected from the side that Fu Jincheng has no plan to marry Gao Yunjin?

Thinking of this, he can't help but worry, because they can get back together, and he has contributed a lot.

Thinking of this, he asked, "have you ever considered when to make a decision with your younger martial sister?"

Fu Jincheng a meal, said: "not urgent."

"No hurry?" Qin Jingxu said with a smile, "so, do you have this plan?"

Fu Jincheng turned over the documents and said faintly: "there are still many things to deal with now. We will talk about these things later."

"Oh, that's it."

Fu Jincheng always has his own goals and plans. He doesn't like to be disturbed by others.

He can answer him. Qin Jingxu thinks that Fu Jincheng has already used some patience, so he can't break the casserole inch by inch. Although, he really wants to ask him when it will be.

Women are different from men. Women don't have so much youth to waste.

Although their relationship now seems very good, he should not worry too much, but Fu Jincheng did not act, he really can not let go.

Although he was not at ease, it was also someone else's business. He didn't care too much and left Fu Jincheng's office with a wave of his hand.

After he left, Fu Jincheng stopped the action at hand and thought of the words Qin Jing said.


He still thinks it's impossible. Every time they wear a condom, it should be Gao Yunjin's stomach.

Besides, if Gao Yunjin is really pregnant, she has no reason not to tell him.

He was relieved to think of it.

When Fu Jincheng came back to Beijing this time, in addition to seeing Gao Yunjin, he came back to work here specially.

Now his main industry is in G city. With Fu's, G city accounts for a larger proportion. He can't leave for a long time, and he has to go back there in a few days. Therefore, when dealing with things here, time is tight. He didn't have lunch with Gao Yunjin at noon and at night.

When Gao Yunjin has a meal, she occasionally gets upset. Fu Jincheng doesn't have a meal with her, but she doesn't have so much pressure.

However, after Fu Jincheng had been busy for two or three days, things here were basically finished.

He also spared two or three days to stay with Gao Yunjin on Saturday and Sunday.

Gao Yunjin listened to his plan, Leng next, "this quickly want to go back there?"? Didn't you say that after the things over there have been dealt with, you will stay here for a long time to deal with the affairs of the office? "

"There's something on the other side. As for the office, it's almost enough to have an account."

"Oh... So."

He is ambiguous, but Gao Yunjin knows that the change of his plan is because he took over Fu.

Both of them talked about it, but he didn't seem to plan to tell her about his return to Fu.

But if he doesn't say it, she doesn't ask.

Whatever he wants to do, she supports him.

Fu Jincheng hugged her, kissed her lips and said with a smile, "don't you want me?"

"... well."

She was naturally reluctant to part with them.

Fu Jincheng holding her hand slightly tightened, eyes hidden some emotion, very gentle.

But he looked at her half a ring, did not speak, just kiss her ear.

They haven't played well for a long time. Fu Jincheng plans to take Gao Yunjin to play. Gao Yunjin doesn't know where to go. Fu Jincheng decides to take her to the seaside to play together.

Gao Yunjin has no problem.

This time to the seaside, only two of them put on their swimsuits. Fu Jincheng took Gao Yunjin for a walk on the beach and took a boat for a while. Fu Jincheng felt bored and wanted to go surfing. He also wanted to take Gao Yunjin with him.

Gao Yunjin immediately shook his head, "I dare not play, you go to play."

She is pregnant now, where dare to do these exciting and dangerous sports?

Not to mention that she is pregnant, even at ordinary times, she does not dare to play these games. Fu Jincheng doesn't think much about it.

It's been a few days since Qin Jingxu wanted to tell him about Gao Yunjin's "pregnancy". Gao Yunjin didn't show any difference either. Fu Jincheng naturally put the matter behind him. He didn't think that Gao Yunjin's refusal might be due to this factor.

After playing for a long time, in the evening, both of them are hungry and plan to have dinner.

Two people first in the seaside, the seaside catering industry are mostly seafood restaurants.

Fu Jincheng suggests eating seafood, but Gao Yunjin doesn't mind.

When they sat down, they were very close to each other. They were basically close to each other. Fu Jincheng didn't seem close enough. When she was holding the plate, her chin was still on her shoulder. "What would you like to eat?"

Gao Yunjin shook his head, "I don't know."

She can't eat too much now, so she plans to give him the initiative to order.

Fu Jincheng asked the waiter, "what's the good introduction?"

"Today's new tuna, you can eat Tuna Sashimi, lobster is also good, do you want to have one..."

The waiter recommended it warmly, but Gao Yunjin's eyelashes trembled slightly when he heard the tuna.

She has checked the dietary safety instructions for pregnant women, and she has kept in mind those things that can be eaten and those things that cannot be eaten.

Fu Jincheng finished the introduction, but asked her, "do you want to eat?"

"Now the sun is too big and I have no appetite. I want to have some soup or porridge. I don't want to eat too much meat."

This is her truth.

Fu Jincheng also felt reasonable and asked the waiter, "what kind of porridge do you have?"

"There are many types of seafood porridge. You can order lobster, use lobster head to make porridge, or crab to make porridge. Our side is also very famous. You can have a try if you haven't tried..."

"A lobster, then?" Gao Yunjin said.

Fu Jincheng nodded, "OK, what else do you want to eat?"

Listen to what he means, it seems to be to give her the initiative, she did not refuse, ordered a few dishes, are pregnant women can eat, Fu Jincheng does not doubt that he, fortunately, the restaurant to fishy do very well, she did not eat any discomfort.