Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 2109

She suddenly found that there were books about babies in her office, and there was also a physical examination report. When she went to the hospital before, the report was packed into her bag.

And at home, she has a lot of books about infants. I don't know if he has seen them, or

Did you guess something.

Fu Jincheng sat on her sofa and said with a smile, "what's the meaning of this expression?"

Gao Yunjin pinched the bag belt without any trace, turned around and said coldly: "what's the matter with you?"

However, even if he saw it and guessed it, if he didn't see the time of the inspection report, he would think that these things belonged to her first child, right?

Thinking of this, she pretended to be calm and left.

Gao Yunjin left, and Fu Jincheng left to sing solo.

As for what Gao Yunjin had just thought, Fu Jincheng did not find it at all.

Gao Yunjin left the company and saw that Fu Jincheng didn't catch up. After getting on the bus, he thought about it and called Qin Jingxu.

Qin Jingxu: "younger martial sister?"

"Sorry to disturb you, senior."

"It's OK. I can't talk about interrupting. Is something wrong? It doesn't matter, does it? "

Gao Yunjin and Fu Jincheng break up. Fu Jincheng and his predecessor get back together and get engaged soon. Qin Jingxu also knows Fu Jincheng's character. As early as when they break up, he feels especially guilty. At that time, he advised Gao Yunjin and Fu Jincheng to get back together.

Now, he is very concerned about Gao Yunjin and hopes that she can live well.

"I'm fine, elder martial brother. Don't be nervous."

"Did you see Jincheng again“ Qin Jingxu speculates.

"Well." Gao Yunjin said: "I just want to ask, when will he leave the capital? If he leaves, please tell me

She is always embarrassed to disturb fan Mingxiu at home. Moreover, many of her things are not brought out, which is inconvenient. Moreover, she has to have a number in her mind about the harassment time of Fu Jincheng, at least she can be at ease.

"He expects to leave in three days." Listen to Gao Yunjin say so, Qin Jingxu in the heart already had a guess, "is Jin Cheng He to harass you?"

Although Qin Jingxu understood Fu Jincheng, he still couldn't understand Fu Jincheng's thoughts.

Especially in the case of Gao Yunjin.

At the beginning, he made them get together. Naturally, he could feel that Fu Jincheng had feelings for Gao Yunjin. Until now, they broke up and Fu Jincheng was engaged to another woman. He could still feel it.

Therefore, he did not understand why Fu Jincheng and Gao Yunjin had been together for such a long time, and he refused to marry Gao Yunjin. He even went along the slope of Gao Yunjin's "break up" and got back together with Lin Yixun!

In principle, even if Fu Jincheng didn't have Lin Yixun in his heart, he would not find Gao Yunjin if he wanted to mess with other women. After all, other predecessors, he never got back together three times and four times. Gao Yunjin is absolutely an exception.

At this time, he also harasses Gao Yunjin. Qin Jingxu really has a headache.

"Not too bad."

Gao Yunjin's tone was euphemistic, and Qin Jingxu also heard it. He became angry. "I'll go and talk to him right now."

"No Gao Yunjin calmly said: "it's useless, just a waste of saliva, and even let him know that I have contact with you."

Qin Jingxu felt even more guilty, "younger martial sister --"

"You should know that he just can't see other people well. He feels uncomfortable when he sees me with other men, so he just finds some sense of existence. When he leaves the capital, we will be OK without contact."

"I'll keep an eye on him for you."

This trend, of course, refers to the trend of Fu Jincheng's coming to the capital. It's a wake-up call for Gao Yunjin. She can also have a psychological preparation.

"This --"

They are friends after all.

"He is a selective scum, but he still understands the truth. When I do this, I will atone for myself. If he wants to fight with me, there is nothing to say."

Qin Jingxu's "selective slag" makes Gao Yunjin a little absent-minded.

Fu Jincheng can see through a lot of things, but he treats a lot of people very well, but only to her

Gao Yunjin laughs bitterly, talks to Qin and hangs up.

In the next few days, when Gao Yunjin and Yi Linwei ate together, they were afraid to meet Fu Jincheng several times.

Time interval is not long, one meeting is a coincidence, two times may also be fate, that three times or more, it is certainly not so simple.

Fu Jincheng seems to be quite idle these days. When she meets him, he has nothing to do.

When Gao Yunjin saw him, he ignored him as the air. Yi Linwei was also very considerate. If she didn't say it, he wouldn't ask anything.

Fu Jincheng didn't come up to disturb Gao Yunjin. She just looked at her not far away. Gao Yunjin didn't care, but when Yi Linwei was around, she was a little uncomfortable. She didn't have a good chat with Yi Linwei.

After three or four encounters, on the night of the fourth day, Gao Yunjin was blocked by a wall when he came back to the downstairs of fan Mingxiu's house.

Gao Yunjin didn't have time to exclaim, so he was covered with his mouth. Before he could react to anything, he was picked up and put in the car.

At the beginning, Gao Yunjin didn't know who it was, but when she was picked up, she smelled Fu Jincheng's familiar breath, and she was relieved. Then she was angry, "Fu Jincheng!"

Fu Jincheng is obviously well prepared.

I picked her up, opened the door, put the car chair on the flat chair, and quickly closed the door.

Gao Yunjin can know what he wants to do with his knees.

Gao Yunjin took a deep breath and said coldly, "Fu Jincheng, I'm not willing to go to other places because I'm not satisfied with you."

"But I want to find you. What can I do?" Fu Jincheng said with a smile.

Seeing that he had no emotion and no temperature, Gao Yunjin felt numb.

But she was not afraid of him.

She just felt that this kind of Fu Jincheng was too cold.

She sneered and said sarcastically, "what? After separation, do you think I have to? If I have to, marry me? "

Fu Jincheng wanted to kiss her lips, which was blocked by her. She wanted to kiss her neck, which was blocked by her. Fu Jincheng couldn't kiss anyone, so he had to step back and ask for the second time to grab her hand and kiss her on the back of her hand.

Hearing this, he picked his brow, squeezed her chin and said, "so, after all, do you want me to marry you?"

Gao Yunjin said, "yes, how about it? Are you going to break up with Lin Yixun and marry me? "

She just wanted to stimulate Fu Jincheng.