Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 2145

Gao Yunjin decides. Naturally, Lin's mother receives another email. The email clearly tells them that Gao Yunjin has agreed to divorce Yi Linwei and let her arrange her next marriage.

As for who Gao Yunjin is going to marry next, she will give it to them.

Lin's mother was very happy, but she was also cautious. She thought the girl who contacted them was terrible. She said to her husband, "what kind of family did you say this person grew up in? So small, how can you have so many eyes, so bad? "

"Who knows?" Lin Fu doesn't care, "anyway, she helps us achieve our goal."

Lin Mu: "also."

"So we'll get back to her now?"

Listen to each other's meaning, is to put them to determine, Gao Yunjin next marriage candidates to tell each other.


Lin's mother just wanted to reply, Lin's father stopped, "Yijin, do you want to ask him first?"

Lin Yijin has been busy recently. They haven't told him much about it. Lin Yijin still doesn't know a lot about it.

Lin's mother didn't want to think about it and said, "no, there's nothing to say. Just his filial piety to us and his heart to Xiaoxun, he will certainly agree."

Having said that, Lin's father still thinks it's better to say hello to Lin Yijin and show respect.

But Lin Mu has replied.

Father Lin didn't say anything.

They are now in the company. After confirming, they went to find Lin Yijin.

But Lin Yijin is busy with some cases. When they went to find him, they were told about it. The key point is to tell him that Gao Yunjin is pregnant with Fu Jincheng's child. They wanted to fix Gao Yunjin's baby before, but they never found a chance.

Now, the opportunity is in their hands.

If he married Gao Yunjin, it would be easy for them to get rid of Gao Yunjin's children.

Although they have decided, they still show respect for him.

But the meaning is to tell Lin Yijin that if he marries Gao Yunjin, they will have a chance to keep Lin Yixun's happiness.

Lin Yijin heard here, pause, nodded, "OK."

Lin Fu and Lin Mu were relieved and said with a smile, "so, did you agree?"

"Well." Lin Yijin said with a smile, "why don't I promise?"

So it is.

They have seen his thoughts on their daughter since childhood.

They have been cultivating the consciousness of asking him to take care of and protect Lin Yixun.

Now that Lin Yixun is threatened, he naturally wants to help her.

This is the good son they raised.

Thinking of this, Lin's mother quickly said, "is that settled? Things are in a hurry. That bitch will divorce tomorrow at the latest. You will get married on the day of their divorce or the next day. For convenience, you can get a marriage certificate in the capital. "

Lin Yijin nodded, "well, I have something to do now. I'll go to the capital in the morning."

"Good." Lin Fu and Lin Mu were very satisfied and pleased, "I'll go with you tomorrow."

When things get to this point, they naturally have to celebrate with the past.


When Lin's father and mother had a good talk, they left with a smile, leaving Lin Yijin alone in the office, a little confused.

Although he has made this decision for a long time, it is still difficult for him to accept it when it really comes true.

It's just

Thinking of Lin Yixun, his resistance gradually decreased.

At this time, Lin Yixun just came over and knocked on the door of his office.

Lin Yijin took back the emotion in his eyes and said with a smile, "what's the matter?"

"I want to have dinner with you." Lin Yixun said, "what's the matter? You were in a daze just now? Is something wrong? "

Lin Yijin shook his head with a smile: "no, you think too much."

"All right." Lin Yixun said, "let's eat together."


Lin Yixun said: "then I call my parents?"

Lin Yijin suddenly said, "no, it's just the two of us today."

Lin Yixun's eyes twinkled slightly and said with a smile: "what's the matter? You said you're not in a bad mood? "

"It's OK. Let's go."

Lin Yixun saw that he didn't want to say more, so he really didn't ask.

But, she knows, she's got the result she wants.

However, on the way to dinner, she also showed some depression. Although Lin Yijin was in a bit of depression, he still noticed, "I'm in a bad mood, and you don't look much better."

"Is it so obvious?" Her coquettish mouth.

"It's not obvious. Can I see it?" Look at her bad mood, Lin Yijin heart of those emotions are gone, the attention fell on her, "is and Fu Jincheng?"

"Well." Lin Yixun sighed: "isn't Jincheng on business? He's been out for several days. I've been calling him these days, but I can't get in touch. I don't know if something happened to him

"With so many people around him, nothing will happen."

Fu Jincheng appeased.

"That's what I said, but it's true that Jincheng can't get in touch. I also called his secretary, and his secretary can't get in touch. Don't you think something's wrong?"

Lin Yijin frowned, "did you talk about it with other people in the Fu family?"

Lin Yixun nodded, "I told my grandfather, and he also said that he was contacting Jincheng, but he didn't reply me up to now, and he didn't know what happened there."

"All the people Fu Jincheng knows are dignified people. You can rest assured that no one can do anything about him. Maybe he just went to a place where the signal was cut off? "

"But you can't cut off the signal for such a long time, can you?"

"If something really happens, there will be news."

Lin Yijin comforted him for a long time, but Lin Yixun was still depressed. "Jincheng is a man who seldom takes the initiative to call me when he goes out. Generally speaking, I contact him. Now, he has no news at all. If he's really OK, why don't he know to call me and report safety so that I don't worry? He should know that if anything happens to him, I must be very worried about him. "

After all, I just want to tell him that Fu Jincheng doesn't care about her very much.

She is worried about her marriage to Fu Jincheng.

When Lin Yijin heard this, she said, "men are different from women. Men are careless. Maybe it will be better in two days."