Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 2745

Gao Yunjin: "well."

Fu Jincheng left the hospital.

Jin Rulan sat down beside the bed and patted Gao Yunjin's hand: "just wake up, just wake up, do you know, you are scared to death, and the two children are still young, if you really have something wrong, what do you want Jincheng to do?"

For many years, Jin Rulan has realized how deep their relationship is. In recent years, they will not say something that makes Gao Yunjin and Fu Jincheng helpless.

High Yun Brocade red eye socket, "Er" a, "I know."

It's not hard for her to figure out how sad her children would be if something really happened to her, and Fu Jincheng

Thinking of the past life, Gao Yunjin had a mixed feeling in her heart. As for what Jin Rulan said next, she didn't pay attention at all.

Jin Rulan noticed that she was distracted and asked anxiously, "are you tired?"

Gao Yunjin regained his mind and said to Jin Rulan, "well, mom, I want to have a rest. You can have a rest, too." She didn't show very clearly just now. Fu Jincheng was so happy that he didn't find something wrong with her. If she was still in this state when he came back later, Fu Jincheng, a keen person, might soon be able to detect her mistake

Come on.

She needs a little time to sort out her emotions

Jin Rulan: "mom is not tired. She doesn't need to rest. If you are tired, have a good rest."


Jin Rulan no longer bothers her, and Gao Yunjin slowly closes her eyes.

Her life has passed for more than 30 years. From the moment she met Fu Jincheng, her life became lively.

The memory of more than ten years has been deeply imprinted in her mind.

In her last life, she loved, laughed, hated and suffered. In the end, she asked for nothing and cared nothing.

The day before yesterday, when she fell into the sea and lost consciousness, everything related to Fu Jincheng in her last life poured into her mind as if it had just happened to her

Last life sounds very far away, but these things are her own experience, plus she just recovered memory, so the memory of these two lives, in her heart and mind, are the same fresh, the same clear.

However, Fu Jincheng is not so clear in her mind.

No, to be more exact, she found that she didn't seem to understand Fu Jincheng, no matter in her last life or in this life.

In these two lives, the people who come and go around her are basically those, that is to say, the world she lived in in in these two lives may be the same, the only difference is Fu Jincheng.

The time, place, original intention, process and even result of their meeting are different. Recalling the way they had come, maybe it was because she had recovered the memory of her last life, which made her have some wonderful ideas that she would not believe before, that is: Fu Jincheng had been dead before she met her

Restored the memory of the previous life! Otherwise, how could he come to her before she knew him and they met in the last life? Moreover, their son as like as two peas in the same age, this name was taken by her in the previous life, but this one is the same.

This time, it was Fu Jincheng who first proposed it.

She didn't believe it was a coincidence.

But is it possible?

If Fu Jincheng had the memory of his last life before he met her, why did he come to her? And with her——

Did he feel that he owed her in his last life, so he wanted to make up for it in this way?

But her last life in Fu Jincheng's heart, simply insignificant, how can he put his life directly with her together? Or, she thinks too much. Fu Jincheng has no memory of his last life at all. The reason why he suddenly appears beside her and pursues her is that the development track between him and Lin Yixun is different, which makes him know in advance how Lin Yixun is

How could he have killed Lin Yixun in the early morning?

But is that really the case?

She didn't know.

Whether it is or not seems to be justified, she can't be sure. As soon as she woke up, her brain was still swollen and painful. After thinking about it for a while, she couldn't bear it and began to ache faintly. She took a low breath and startled Jin Rulan on the sofa, "what's wrong? I'll see the doctor for you.

Gao Yunjin shakes his head. "It's OK. I'm tired. I want to sleep but I can't sleep. It's just uncomfortable." Jin Rulan is very worried. She can't help but go to the doctor. The doctor checks Gao Yunjin, and then pauses. "Although I don't know what happened to you, now your physical condition is developing towards a good fragrance. Don't worry

I think too much. The most important thing is to have a good rest and keep fit as soon as possible. "

The doctor saw that she was over worried.

Gao Yunjin nodded, "I know."

She didn't want to think about it, but she couldn't help it, but it didn't work out.

Maybe, she can

She stopped, eyes flow, perhaps, she can also as what do not remember, how to live before, directly forget the memory of the last life.



She was not reconciled.

She can't remember Fu Jincheng in her last life, but she can't forget her children.

Last life, she died too suddenly. When she died, she didn't hate Fu Jincheng, but she couldn't rest assured of her children.

Lin Yixun hates her and will kill her. She doesn't believe that she will let her child go. But he is only a teenager. Most people in the Fu family are afraid of him. In addition, Lin Yixun obstructs her. If she is not here, who will protect him?

As for Fu Jincheng

Fu Jincheng can't be relied on at all. She can't thank him enough for not fighting.

Although her children are still good in this life, Gao Baixuan, who was raised by her for 16 years in her last life, was brought up by her hard work. He was only 16 years old. If something happened to him——

Thinking of Fu Jincheng's indifferent attitude towards her son in her last life, she was red eyed.

Thinking of this, she was more sure that Fu Jincheng had no memory of his last life.

Fu Jincheng in this life is very kind to their children. He is a very good husband and father. He is very different from Fu Jincheng in his life.

Her mood swings too big, accidentally pulled the wound, pain she immediately took a breath, startled Jin Rulan, "what's the matter?" Gao Yunjin is too painful to speak. Jin Rulan knows what's going on when she sees her forehead sweating. She's too anxious: "you, don't move. Now your wound is still very deep. You pull the wound. If the wound is infected again, it's troublesome. You have to bear it even if it's uncomfortable, you know?"