Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 3042

"If you really want to distance yourself from Xiaojin, you won't care about her again and again and give her something to relieve her boredom. You don't mean you don't want to. You are fighting for opportunities for yourself

Now that he knows everything, Yuanshi doesn't pretend.

"Yes, I'm not reconciled. But I don't think I'm wrong. "

Fu Jincheng's eyes were frightfully cold. "It's not wrong to get involved in other people's feelings and destroy other people's families."

"Get involved in other people's feelings? Do you still have so-called feelings with Xiaojin? "

Fu Jincheng was poked in the weakness of the heart, suddenly stood up from the chair, face terrible suddenly close to the original Shi.

Their conversation grew louder and louder, waking the dozing nurse.

Two nannies saw Fu Jincheng's action and cried out in fright.

Fu Jincheng's fist suddenly stopped in mid air.

The nurse's voice attracted the doctor on duty.

The doctor pushed the door in. Seeing this, his face changed: "who are you? What do you want to do? "

Harashi is very calm: "don't be nervous, we are friends."

The others looked at him suspiciously.

He and Fu Jincheng are not friends, but enemies.

But Yuanshi wanted to make sure again and again, and the doctor was relieved. After seeing Fu Jincheng, he turned and left. Fu Jincheng stood in the same place, "no matter what happened to Xiaojin and me now, as long as we are not married, it's wrong for you to step in. Don't blame me for reminding you that if you let me know that you are deliberately close to Xiaojin, Fu Jincheng is gambling on everything,

I won't let you do it

With these words, Fu Jincheng turned and left.

Back at the hotel, Fu Jincheng's steps are much lighter, for fear of making Gao Yunjin sleep.

However, when she came closer, she found that she was awake.

She rubbed her eyes. "Where have you been?"

Fu Jincheng took away the cruel and violent fundus of his eyes. His thin lips drew a smile and walked quickly, "something went out."

Finish saying, sit down in the bedside, gentle embrace her whole person into the bosom, touch her forehead: "how wake up?"

"Having a nightmare, not feeling very well, I wake up."

She leaned in his arms and frowned.

"Nightmare? What nightmare? "

"I forgot. I just feel a little uncomfortable."

She was tired and sleepy, leaning in his arms, lazy.

His broad and strong arms are fascinating.

Smelling the familiar smell on his body, Gao Yunjin's head was drowsy and soon fell asleep again. Fu Jincheng holds her, but she can't bear to let go. After holding her for a long time, Gao Yunjin still doesn't sleep well. He struggles in his arms and wants to sleep on the bed. Fu Jincheng reluctantly lets her go, and then goes up with him

She got into bed, held her tightly in her arms and went to sleep.

the second day.

Fu Jincheng woke up earlier.

Gao Yunjin is still sleeping peacefully in his arms.

Fu Jincheng gazed at her sleeping face, satisfied.

After watching for a while, I couldn't control myself any more, and I kissed her.

Gao Yunjin didn't wake up. Fu Jincheng was very gentle and began to mess around on her.

At the time of entering, Gao Yunjin finally woke up and saw that he was stunned, "Jin, Jin city? You, um, what are you doing here? "

She was in a daze, a little confused about his sudden action.

I suddenly forgot why he was here.

As she responded to his kiss, she didn't seem to know who was holding her, which made Fu Jincheng's heart jump. She thought that she was so cruel, "why can't I be here?"

Gaoyunjin was his action make the whole person awake, also don't know what he early in the morning crazy, "you, you light up."

Fu Jincheng is not.

Not only did he not lighten, but he was more fierce. He knocked Gao Yunjin out of his wits and cried.

Fu Jincheng did not intend to let her go. After kissing her deeply, she held her small face and asked her to say that she loved him.

Gao Yunjin is made blank by him. He can't think of anything else at all. He just responds to him.

She put her heart into it, holding him in both hands, leaving him in her eyes, as if, in these two lives, they had never separated, and she did not seem to have fallen in love with others.

Think of this, Fu Jincheng more excited, more deeply kiss her, forced her to say again and again "I love you".

Gao Yunjin is taken by him. He doesn't know what he said, but only responds to him.

Fu Jincheng loves her confused appearance.

Although she knew that her love was not expressed when she was sober, it was a comfort to Fu Jincheng. She was in a better mood. Her kissing action was gentle at last. "Did you hurt just now?"

Gao Yunjin shakes his head.

It doesn't hurt. It's just

Her little face is redder.

Fu Jincheng smile, a heart too soft, gentle kiss lived her.

It has been a long time since the beautiful scenery subsided.

Gao Yunjin is too tired to move.

Fu Jincheng spirit is still very full, holding her, in her ear kiss and kiss.

Gao Yunjin feels itchy and hides.

Sleepy and tired, she yawned, "what time is it?"

"After nine."

Gao Yunjin pushed him away and sat up on the bed: "so late?"

Fu Jincheng laughs: "hungry?"

"No It doesn't matter if she's hungry or not. "I'll go again."

Fu Jincheng wanted to know what she was going to do before she heard the words.

The smile on his face disappeared, blocking her lips again.

"Well --"

Gao Yunjin screwed up his eyebrows, pushed him and motioned him to let go of her. Fu Jincheng didn't seem to see it, and then deeply kissed her.

"Don't --"

Fu Jincheng doesn't care.

She went in without her permission.

Gao Yunjin stares at him, a little angry, looking at him with red eyes.

Last night, Fu Jincheng didn't know how to control herself. She came here twice just now. If he messed up again, she couldn't even get out of bed.

Gao Yunjin thought of it was terrible, but now she was soft all over and had no energy to make trouble with him like this.

Fu Jincheng didn't expect that she would be angry. She was so tender that she wanted to kiss her. "I'm sorry, I --"

Gaoyunjin don't open face, bite lips ignore him.

Fu Jincheng was also in a bad mood. Holding her hand tightly, he didn't speak, but he didn't stop. Gao Yunjin's mind gradually drifted away. Fu Jincheng buried it in her neck. Seeing that she didn't hum, his heart hurt. He didn't know what he thought. He forced a kiss on her neck for a long time, and saw that there was a clear mark on her neck,

The impression belongs to him. I feel better at last.

Gao Yunjin takes a look at him, but ignores him. Fu Jincheng smiles: "really angry?"