Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 299

Both of them are on QQ, but none of them breaks the silence.

Jian Zhiyan's tears in her eyes are still falling. After a while, she calmed down and started a video chat with Gong Wuxi.

In the video, Gong Wuxi's face sinks slightly when he sees Jian Zhi's red and swollen eyes, but he doesn't speak.

Jian Zhi Yan droops her eyes, "I'm not surprised why I don't call, but send you a message and chat with you on QQ?"

"What do you know?"

Although she thought Gong Wuxi might know something about Shen Shenzhi, along the way, she recalled some words Gong Wuxi once said.

However, what she didn't expect was that she just sent him a message, but he seemed to be able to guess what she wanted to say to him.

Is he sharp or

He's been waiting for her to find out?

Think of that time Gong Wuxi and Su Xibai dialogue, Jian Zhiyan believe that he has, have the answer.

Jianzhi Yan pause, and then, said: "Wuxi, I remember, at the beginning I know, you first saw Shenzhi, said a word with me, right?"


She bit her lower lip. "I remember what you said... Not very clearly." Although she can't remember clearly, she can still remember the general meaning.

After pondering for a moment, Gong Wuxi said, "the past is meaningless."

Jian Zhi Yan wry smile, "is also."

Gong Wuxi is silent, waiting for her to go on.

"Wuxi, why did you say so much about suxibai and Shen Shenzhi when you were dining in an open-air restaurant? Did you... Find something? "

Gong Wuxi still didn't open her mouth. Jian Zhiyan bit her lip and laughed, "Wuxi, you... Don't worry about anything. If you think you should say it, just say it. I'm not so fragile."

"Why do you think there's a problem between them?"

"He Shiran said that when he saw them eating alone, he was very gentle with Susie Bai."

"She said, you believe it?"

"She has no reason to cheat me. After all, if I get divorced, it won't do her any good, and..."

Speaking of this, she burst into tears even more fiercely, "usually, I don't feel nothing, but every time I ask him, he can always deal with me easily."

Speaking of this, she said with tears and clenched her teeth: "in retrospect, it's ridiculous that I treat Susie Bai as my friend, but she and he treat me and Changyuan as idiots! What's ridiculous is that the four big words of Shen Bai group have already explained everything, but I didn't find out until now! "

"So, are you sure that's the kind of relationship they have?"

"If not, they are not familiar with each other. Why do they eat alone? If I remember correctly, as far as I know, they don't have contact information at all

"Maybe someone will retort that they are just talking about business." Speaking of this, Jian Zhi Yan sneered: "but if it's just business, why don't you take Yan Xu with you? Why do we make an appointment to have breakfast in the teahouse on Saturday morning? "

"If it doesn't matter, why is Shenbai group called Shenbai group? Is it because Shenbai group is better than Shenshi group? Or is it because suxibai is a major shareholder of Shenbai group that she is called Shenbai group? "

"But even if we lose the whole Su family, suxibai can't become a major shareholder of Shenbai group. Therefore, it's impossible to put her name in the name of the company because of her shares, unless they have a special relationship."

"Have you ever thought, maybe, it's just a coincidence?"

"Coincidence? No way. " Jianzhi Yan wry smile, "some feeling I can't say clearly, at that time, in see they will be alone, I already feel wrong. Moreover, if they were not old friends, they would not be able to have dinner together. "

Gong Wuxi looked at her, "how long have you been thinking about these?"

She bit her lip. "Almost an afternoon."

On the way here, her mind is full of all kinds of things she used to do with Shen Shenzhi, and his lies.

"Where are you now?" Look at the layout of her room. It's not like an office or a bedroom at home.


Gong Wuxi a Leng, Jian Zhiyan said: "I want to be quiet, so, to find a reason, to the scenic spot here."

Then he said, "Wuxi, the reason why I called you is to ask you if you know anything?"

She wants to make sure what their relationship is.

The most important thing for her is to find out why Shen Shenzhi and Susie Bai should marry her since they are in love?

"I think so."

"Say it. I'll listen."

Her voice fell for a long time, Gong Wuxi did not speak, Jian Zhi Yan wry smile, "Wuxi, if you can't say, you just need to tell me, for he Shiran's words, I have no letter wrong, on the line."

"Yes, they are. They are very close." Jian Zhi Yan lip flap a shake, "you, know what?"“ I've checked him for a long time, but I haven't been able to find anything. However, not long before you called me, I got the news that they had known each other three or four years ago, and they were very close. " Jian Zhi Yan holds her little hand, "is there anything else?"“ Three years ago, Su's group was in a big crisis. After that, Su Xibai and Yin Changyuan got closer, and their contacts were less. However, it was not like breaking up, because they would still meet frequently. " Jianzhi Yan sneered, "so, Changyuan, do you think I should comfort myself that they are still friends after they break up, so they have a harmonious relationship, so they often meet each other?"“ Well, I'm not sure. " Jianzhi Yan suddenly said, "he had a female assistant before." Jianzhiyan suddenly said: "that female assistant likes him, she also knows my relationship with him, but she still often provokes me in front of me. I told him that I wanted him to fire her. According to reason, he has always been very merciless to people, but she connived at her provocation four times." Gong Wuxi squinted and asked, "then what?" Jianzhi Yan sneered, "I think it's not right. I asked him what's the relationship between him and her. He said that one of her friends entrusted him to take care of him, and his friend, the female assistant told me that his friend... Is a woman." Gong Wuxi seems to have understood something, but he did not speak, waiting for her to continue“ I think so. " After that, she said, "you know what, the female assistant told me..." she choked and couldn't speak for a moment.