Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 3156

Although the little secretary was a little uneasy, he also felt that Gao Yunjin was very nice. He was not domineering at all. He looked very gentle. He didn't look like he would fight with others.

Thinking of this, the little secretary immediately softened and turned back, "well, you --"

Before she finished, Gao Yunjin's mobile phone rang.

It's Fu Jincheng calling, "Xiaojin, where are you? Didn't you say that? "

"I'm in the reception room --"

"Reception room?" Fu Jincheng frowned, "how did you get there? Although the door of my office is closed, haven't your fingerprints been entered? "

"It's OK. There's something wrong. I'll be there now."

"Good." Gao Yunjin hangs up, drinks a drink of water, and then gets up. As soon as she comes out of the door of the reception room, Fu Jincheng comes quickly. Seeing that her steps are getting bigger, Gao Yunjin smiles. Before she can react, she is pulled into by Fu Jincheng

In his arms, he was about to speak when he saw the little secretary standing beside him. He looked at the white cup in the passenger room and frowned, "what's the matter?"

Every time his Xiaojin came, he asked Secretary LAN to prepare her favorite drink. He never said that he just prepared a cup of boiled water for her.


Looking at Fu Jincheng's expression, the little secretary seemed to have guessed what was going on, and his face turned white.

"It's OK. Don't be angry."

Gao Yunjin patted him on the arm and gently comforted him.

"I'm not angry with you."

When Fu Jincheng was facing the secretary just now, he sank his handsome face. But when he was facing Gao Yunjin, his handsome face became gentle. Even his tone was very light, for fear that Gao Yunjin thought he was angry with her.

"I know." Someone looked at Gao Yunjin. He held him in his arms and felt uncomfortable. He broke away from his arms and said, "how did you come out? Is the meeting over? "

"No, I don't trust you. I want to come out and have a look at you. In addition, there are still some things that haven't been explained clearly in the meeting. I'll take a ten minute break first. I have to continue later."

As soon as he finished, Secretary LAN came over and saw her calling out, "madam."

Gao Yunjin nodded with a smile.

Secretary LAN saw the little secretary and frowned, "what are you doing here? Why don't you go back to your business? "

The little secretary left as soon as he was pardoned.

Secretary LAN told Fu Jincheng, "Mr. Fu, I'm going to buy some tea for my wife."


Secretary Lan also left, leaving Fu Jincheng and Gao Yunjin.

Fu Jincheng lowered his head and pecked Gao Yunjin's lips before he took her hand and walked towards his office.

Someone in the meeting room came out late. When he saw Gao Yunjin and the way Fu Jincheng was holding Gao Yunjin, he seemed to understand what was going on and said hello to Gao Yunjin.

Their facial expression, Gao Yunjin see clearly.

However, she did not say much and did not see it.

Fu Jincheng doesn't want others to disturb him and Gao Yunjin. He asks others to have a rest first. He pulls Gao Yunjin to the door of his office and asks her to unlock the lock with her fingerprint to see if the lock is broken.

Therefore, before the board of directors left, they heard Fu Jincheng coax Gao Yunjin to let her try to unlock the lock with her own fingerprint.

The lock wasn't broken. It opened quickly.

In other words, the fingerprint of Gao Yunjin can still open the door of Fu Jincheng's office.

Fu Jincheng, as an entrepreneur with rich assets, has numerous secrets in his office, and any one of them is sky high.

It can be said that Fu Jincheng's office is not accessible to anyone. But Gao Yunjin, who is rumored to have a bad relationship with Fu Jincheng, is still able to open the door of Fu Jincheng's office as easily as before. What does this show? It also shows that in Fu Jincheng's heart, Gao Yunjin is still like this

He deserves his trust.

Perhaps, they have never changed at all.

As for Lei Yun, if there is anything between them, there is nothing wrong with Gao Yunjin just because they are so strong.

Here, the rest of the company seems to understand what's going on.

Fu Jincheng naturally doesn't know what they think, because his heart for Gao Yunjin has never changed. If there is, it will make him feel more deeply for Gao Yunjin.

After he took Gao Yunjin into the office, he immediately held her on the desk of the office and kissed her lips.

Fu Jincheng is tall and tall. Gao Yunjin can't push it away, and he doesn't want to push it away. Let him kiss her.

However, the time and place are not right now, and they were too crazy last night. Fu Jincheng couldn't do anything to Gao Yunjin at this time. After kissing her, she let her go.

Nevertheless, he still held Gao Yunjin and smelled her breath. He felt very satisfied.

Gao Yun Jin was smeared with lipstick. He saw that he kissed her on the lips, and he had a lot of lipsticks on his lips. He laughed and drew a paper towel to wipe him off. Otherwise, if he had pressed the lipstick to the meeting, he would have laughed.

Fu Jincheng knew what she was thinking. He took her hand and gave it a kiss. He said with a smile, "I don't mind."

Gao Yunjin

Fu Jincheng smile, forehead against her above, and pecked her lips, can not help but kiss up.

However, it's just a little bit of pro, not too much.

Nevertheless, Fu Jincheng still felt that it was not enough. If it wasn't for her, he would really mess around.

His breathing is getting disordered.

Gao Yunjin felt it. His face was hot. He came down from his arms and ran to the sofa to sit down.

Fu Jincheng followed and touched her little face, "thirsty or not?"

Gao Yunjin blushed a little, "a little bit."

Fu Jincheng smile, don't have deep meaning way: "I also have a little."

Gao Yunjin

Secretary Lan's action is very fast. She bought all the cakes and tea. After knocking on the door, she sent them to Gao Yunjin.

After putting things down, Secretary LAN coughed, "Mr. Fu, it's almost time."

It's time for the meeting.

"I see."

After blue secretary goes out, Gao Yunjin kisses Gao Yunjin's small face, "I'll go to a meeting first, and tell me if I have something, OK?"

"I know."

Fu Jincheng left reluctantly.

Gao Yunjin stayed in Fu Jincheng's office.

Secretary LAN knows the weight of Gao Yunjin in Fu Jincheng's heart. The food he bought for Gao Yunjin was ordered by Fu Jincheng before, that is to say, it's all Gao Yunjin's favorite food. Gao Yunjin hasn't eaten anything here in Fu Jincheng's office for a long time. Now sitting like this, the sweet memories of the past are pouring in. When you think about it again, although you are happy, you are more or less complicated.