Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 3169

After looking around, I remembered what was going on.

The water in the bathtub is cold.

Gao Yunjin shuddered with cold. Afraid of catching a cold, he got up and dressed quickly.

Dressed and looked at the time, it's already half past eleven.

But Fu Jincheng hasn't come back yet.

So it is.

If he had come back, he would not have left her alone in the bathroom for so long that no one would have noticed.

Remembering that she still hasn't called today, Gao Yunjin quickly takes out her mobile phone and calls Fu Jincheng.

However, when she called, it showed that Fu Jincheng was turned off.

power is out?

Gao Yunjin guessed.

Thinking of this, she called Secretary LAN.

Blue Secretary there soon picked up the phone: "madam?"

Blue Secretary there quite noisy, Gao Yunjin Leng next, but also don't ask, just ask: "you busy?"

"Not yet, madam. What can I do for you?"

Gao Yunjin explained. Secretary Lan said, "Mr. Fu's mobile phone may be dead. Let me tell him to call you back."

"If you're busy, just tell him. It doesn't matter whether you call back or not."

"All right."

Gao Yunjin didn't expect that Fu Jincheng would be so busy, and now it's so late, she doesn't want to waste his time.

Secretary LAN hung up the phone and said to Fu Jincheng, "Mr. Fu, your mobile phone is dead, so my wife called me. Let me tell you."


Fu Jincheng was so busy that he didn't think of Gao Yunjin. He didn't have the time. He called Gao Yunjin with Secretary Lan's mobile phone and went back to Gao Yunjin.

Gao Yunjin quickly took over, "Jincheng?"

Fu Jincheng a listen, the body's fatigue dissipated a little bit: "so sure it's me?"


Hearing his voice, Gao Yunjin had a smile on his face. "I heard Secretary LAN say that you are busy. When are you going to be busy?"

"It's supposed to be all night."

"All night?"

Gao Yunjin is stunned, "so busy?"


"Then you are busy. I won't disturb you."

"Fool, how can you disturb me? Talking to you, I can relieve my fatigue Fu Jincheng said softly.

Gao Yunjin's face is hot, "you, you are so beautiful."

All an age, still say such words, blue secretary is still in the field, he also don't know shame.

But I have to say that his sweet words were very helpful to her, and she was in a better mood after listening to them.

"But you like it, don't you?" Fu Jincheng said with a smile.

"... well."

Gao Yunjin is ashamed, but he admits it.

Fu Jincheng laughed more happily.

However, he had a lot of work on hand, so he said, "OK, a lot. I'll hang up first."


"We've got all the phones together today. Good night, my baby."

Gao Yunjin: "well, good night."

"Go to bed early." Fu Jincheng warned.


Gao Yunjin said, and Fu Jincheng hung up.

However, when he hung up, Gao Yunjin heard the sound of a car, which was quite harsh.

But isn't he in the company?

However, it may be that I just went out to socialize. I want to go back to the company and keep busy.

Gao Yunjin didn't think much about it.

After putting down the phone, turn off the light and get ready to go to bed.

However, today's company occupied her mind, making her toss and turn, unable to sleep for a long time.

Can't sleep, think of Fu Jincheng is still busy, she some distressed, get up and go downstairs.

The housekeeper downstairs was about to go to bed. Seeing her coming downstairs, he asked, "madam, are you waiting for your husband?"

"No, he's going to work all night tonight. I can't sleep. I want to make him something to eat and take with me to see him by the way."

"Okay, okay."

Their husband and wife love each other, and the housekeeper is happy for them. He doesn't sleep any more, so he stays in the kitchen to work for her.

Gao Yunjin made a noodle of spareribs in clear soup, steamed a cage of hot crystal shrimp dumplings, and put them in a food box to keep warm. She drove her car and sent them to Fu Jincheng.

My home is not far away from Fu Jincheng company. At this time, there are few cars on the road, and there is no traffic jam. Gao Yunjin arrived at his destination ten minutes later.

But standing in front of this towering building, Gao Yunjin was stunned.

Because the door of the building has been locked, and all the lights inside have been turned off, there is no light.

In other words, there is no one in the company.

He didn't work overtime in the company, so he went to other places to work overtime?

Fu Jincheng said that they need to stay up all night and work overtime. His boss is still like this. Don't other employees have to?

Remembering the sound of cars just heard on the phone, Gao Yunjin lost his mind.

After a while, Gao Yunjin called Fu Jincheng.

I still can't get through.

Call Secretary blue instead.

It's off, too.

Gao Yunjin didn't know where they were and couldn't get in touch with them. In the middle of the night, there was nothing on the road except the roaring vehicles. The cold wind was blowing and the cold was piercing.

Gao Yunjin's nose is red with pain. He takes a look at the building, turns to get on the car and drives home.

Before Gao Yunjin left, he asked the housekeeper to sleep first. There was no one at home. Gao Yunjin put the food box away and then went back upstairs to have a rest.

Today, there are many things, plus Fu Jincheng, she can't sleep any more.

So, after tossing and turning in bed for a long time, I reluctantly went to sleep.

I woke up early the next morning, not in a good mood.

But without sleep, I got up early.

Thinking of Fu Jincheng, Gao Yunjin wants to call him and worries that he is sleeping. Calling him will wake him up, so he has to give up and think about calling him later.

After breakfast, she drove two kids to school.

Two little guys didn't see Fu Jincheng, asked Gao Yunjin: "Dad went on a business trip again?"

"No, dad is busy with work. Last night when you were sleeping, he was working all the time."

"No sleep? It's hard work. " Although Yueyue likes to quarrel with Fu Jincheng, she is still concerned about Fu Jincheng: "when will dad be busy, will he go home to have a rest?"

"I'm not sure, but dad didn't sleep all night. He must be very tired. Maybe he made do with it in a nearby hotel."


When the two little guys heard this, they were very distressed for Fu Jincheng. "That night when Dad came home, we beat his shoulder for him?"

Gao Yunjin nodded happily and said with a smile: "OK, Yueyue Xiaoxuan is really good."

Just saying this, Gao Yunjin's mobile phone rings.

It's Zhuolin's phone.

Seeing Zhuolin's phone call, somehow, Gao Yunjin had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Maybe it's because Zhuolin contacted her recently and always told her something about the Internet.

Maybe, this time, it's also related to the Internet? She drove the car and answered the phone outside. The two little guys were still there. She didn't answer and hung up.