Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 327

"Among the four of us, Xiao Yan knows more about it. In the future, we will meet more often, so I want to know more about it."

Susie Bai poured him a cup of tea and said with a smile, "Changyuan, Mr. Shen doesn't look like someone who likes to talk about his love life. Let's not talk about that."

Finish saying, saw an eye Jian Zhi Yan, "and, you didn't discover?"? Mr. Shen and Xiaoyan are very happy now. If we talk about Xiaoyan's bad past now, Mr. Shen will be anxious with us. "

Yin Changyuan smile: "also, or you think thoughtful."

After that, he said with a smile to Shen Shenzhi, "I'm sorry, I was rude just now."

"You're welcome, Mr. Yin." From beginning to end, Shen Shenzhi was indifferent.

For a moment, the three people at the table, without words, ordered their own meals.

Then, it continued to be silent.

This situation lasted for almost ten minutes, Susie Bai laughed, "we are all Muggles, if Xiaoyan is here, the atmosphere will be much more active."

Hearing Su Xibai's words, Shen Shenzhi suddenly gets up and leaves.

Susie pauses. "Mr. Shen, where are you going? If Xiaoyan comes back, I'll tell her for you -- "

However, before Shen Shenzhi answered, Jian Zhiyan came back. Shen Shenzhi also stopped. Jian Zhiyan laughed, "what's the matter? Have you ordered yet? "

"It's time."

Say, see Jane Zhi Yan's hand is still wet, he took out a handkerchief, gently wipe, eyes gentle.

Yin Changyuan looked at it and paused.


Do you think too much? Or is Shen Shenzhi just acting for him? Let him dispel his doubts about him?

Jian Zhi Yan draws back a hand, "soon dry, need not wipe."

Jane Zhi Yan sat back, at this time, the kitchen there also began to serve.

Jian Zhi Yan looked at the dishes, and then, holding Shen Shenzhi's arm, she said with a smile, "you ordered my favorite crispy roast goose again?"

"Well, do you like it?" He brought her vegetables.

"I like it." Jian Zhi Yan also gave Su Xibai a piece of meat, "Xibai, let's eat together."


After dinner, we didn't talk much, so we left.

On the car, Jianzhi Yan thought of just now, "Shenzhi, why do you want me to lie to Changyuan?"

"It's not a lie. I do work for your company, right?"

"But isn't your main job Shen Bai group? Why can't you tell Changyuan? "

"Few people know that I am the chairman of Shenbai group, and I don't want others to know."

She still looks puzzled, "why don't you want others to know? Shen Bai group is so powerful now. If it's said, it's going to look good. "

"I don't like being flattered."

"Oh, so it is. It's in line with your character."

"In the future, I'm the chairman of Shenbai group. Don't tell anyone. I don't want to cause any unnecessary disturbance."

"Well, I see!"

Don't mention the past Jian Zhi Yan, even now Jian Zhi Yan, heard his words, she almost believed.

However, if he just wants to avoid some unnecessary interruptions, it doesn't matter if others know him. After all, there are so many bodyguards and subordinates around him. If he doesn't want to see others, who can force him to know some unnecessary people?

It's also in the car.

Yin Changyuan looked at the car and suddenly said, "Xibai, what do you think of Mr. Shen to Zhiyan?"

Susie white light smile, "very good ah."

"Don't you think he's a little cold to Xiaoyan?"

"Mr. Shen seems to have such a character. It should not be because of indifference."

"Is it?"

"Why do you suddenly talk about Bi people's feelings? Before, you didn't care about other people's affairs. "

Yin Changyuan was silent. Susibai looked over and said with a gentle smile, "what's the matter?"

"Don't you think Mr. Shen seems to be interested in you?"

Suxibai was stunned, and then she gave him a white look. "Mr. Shen has just got married, and he has a good relationship with Xiaoyan. Don't think about it. Otherwise, how embarrassing it will be to see him next time?"

Yin Changyuan looked at her as if she didn't feel at all, and frowned.

"This Mr. Shen seems to be very mysterious. Last time Gong Wuxi had dinner with us, he said that he was a detective and didn't seem to know anything about him. Moreover, I've been in Beijing for so long, and I've dealt with many big people. I haven't heard them talk about him. What's his origin

"Who's going to look into a person when it's all right?" She said, "Changyuan, we just met Mr. Shen by chance. We don't expect to cooperate with him. Why think too much about his origin?"

Yin Changyuan was silent“ If you are not at ease, we will not meet Xiaoyan and Mr. Shen in the future, OK? Besides, we don't have much time to come to the capital, and we seldom see each other. "“ Well Yin Changyuan answered, but his hand holding the steering wheel was still a little tight. Yin Changyuan and Su Xibai have been lingering in Jian Zhiyan's heart. Jian Zhiyan was a little worried, and returned to the company the next day. She used QQ to send a video conversation to Gong Wuxi“ What happened? "“ Yin Changyuan is doubting the relationship between Shen Shenzhi and Su Xibai. You say... Should I give him a reminder? Let him know about them as soon as possible? "“ Don't you mean you don't care about their feelings? "“ However, I always feel that if I know something and don't say it, it's not good. If one day, Changyuan knows, then we, even friends, don't have to do it. "“ If Yin Changyuan is right and wrong, he should understand your position and your mood. If he can't understand, there's no need to make this friend. "“ All right Jian Zhi Yan sighed and said, "do you think I should tell him?"“ It shouldn't be. "“ Why? "“ It's not just cheating. Yin Changyuan loves suxibai so much. In fact, it's also related to feelings. It's not good for us to have too much control over feelings. "“ But, can I just watch him be cheated by them““ Yin Changyuan is not stupid. Even if he doesn't know now, after a period of time, he will know when they have frequent contact. " After that, he said faintly: "besides, if Yin Changyuan can't bear this, I don't think Yin Zhengheng can make him the current successor of the Yin family." Jian Zhi Yan nodded, "it makes sense."