Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 3585

"Hahaha, the original match is supposed to provide us with jokes, hahaha."


Fu Jincheng pursed his lips and replied to one of them: "look at my name."

"Poof, haven't you been online? Hahaha, I'm going to laugh to death."

"Hahaha!! today I'm going to die laughing in this comment."

"The original match is this anxious IQ. She said she went to college and has praised him. I think she is a nine leak fish, ha ha!" "Be serious, everyone. People think that with such a name, they can pretend to be president Fu to clarify these rumors. Don't you think it's a little cute? It's not easy to find such a person these days. Don't give them away

Scare away, or we'll have a lot less fun. "


Fu Jincheng can't understand what they mean when he sees here?

He didn't expect that netizens should treat his Xiaojin like this.

He was even more angry.

He basically didn't surf the Internet before, let alone pay attention to these news.

I'm not familiar with this circle at all.

After he was thinking about how to prove that he was Fu Jincheng, Secretary LAN called again.

Secretary LAN asked cautiously, "Mr. Fu, is that 'I really am Fu Jincheng' you?"


"Well, not really." Secretary Lan's tone was a little anxious, "I know you're not used to surfing the Internet, so I don't know much about this circle..."

Anyone who knows more about this circle will not do such a thing.

So, he was so stupid that he recognized it at a glance. Is he the real person with that online name?

"What do you want to say?"

Secretary LAN coughed. "I mean, you have to let netizens know that the net name is really you."

"How to prove it?"

"This has to be officially verified."

Fu Jincheng understood, "OK, I'll go -"

"Why don't you hand it over to the company's marketing department? They should help you deal with it faster."

"Yes." When Fu Jincheng was about to speak, Secretary LAN hesitated and said, "however... After the official verification, you should not express your opinions on the Internet at will, because every time you make a comment or don't send a microblog

, if it does not meet the "expectations" of netizens, it is likely to affect the share price of our company. "

Secretary LAN doesn't say anything else. Fu Jincheng may not understand.

But now when Secretary LAN talks about the stock price, Fu Jincheng basically understands it.

He is not familiar with other public opinions, but he is familiar with this.

He understood.

Even if he does register an account and speak for Gao Yunjin, although it is likely to clarify the matter between him and Lei Yun, the share price of his company will certainly plummet.

Not to mention——

Even if he can clarify that he and Lei Yun are not married.

But how did he explain what happened last night?

Besides, this matter has not been solved by Lei Yun.

He dealt with it on the Internet rashly. According to Mr. Lei's personality, he is expected to talk nonsense on the Internet with rhythm.

Thinking of this, Fu Jincheng's enthusiasm quickly cooled down.

"Mr. Fu, what can I do for you?" At this time, Secretary LAN asked again.



Secretary LAN didn't say any more and soon hung up.

Fu Jincheng went back to the Internet and wanted to see the replies of netizens, but when he clicked in again, the news on the Internet had been cleared.

Seeing this, Fu Jincheng calmed down slowly.


The more I live, the more I go back. I actually care so much about the evaluation of virtual people in the virtual world.


He couldn't help but care about everything involving Dao gaoyunjin——

By this time, the kitchen had cooked porridge.

Go upstairs and ask Fu Jincheng to go downstairs for porridge.

Fu Jincheng stopped thinking and got up and went downstairs.

Seeing that his face was still not very good-looking, the housekeeper asked, "did you call your wife, sir?"


It's not that he didn't want to call her, but——

"I just called my wife, but no one answered. It's so late, shouldn't anything happen?"

He said this just to make fu Jincheng worry about Gao Yunjin.

I hope he can find Gao Yunjin.

In this way, they may have a chance to make up.

Fu Jincheng understood his pains. He didn't change his look. "It's less than eight o'clock now. It's normal for her to work overtime in the company during this period."

Housekeeper: "

If the deception failed, the housekeeper had to rest his mind.

They went downstairs. Fu Jincheng was about to go to the kitchen when he saw Gao Yunjin coming back from the outside.

Their eyes are right.

Fu Jincheng stared at Gao Yunjin deeply and didn't move.

Gao Yunjin was stunned when she saw him.

But in less than two seconds, she nodded to him as a greeting, "back?"

She looked tired and looked tired from work.

Fu Jincheng looked at her and didn't see any emotion from the bottom of her eyes.

Therefore, according to her current look, he can't judge whether she knows anything about the Internet.

If she knows, she still faces him with such a plain attitude.

It can only be said that he is now insignificant in her heart.

She has no feelings for him at all.

Fu Jincheng's eyes were dark for a few minutes, and his throat was suddenly dry.

After half a ring, he returned to his voice, "have you had dinner?"

"I ate in the company." She looked at the porridge on the table and paused, "haven't you eaten yet?"

"Yes, but if you want some porridge, you have to make some. Do you want to eat one?"

Gao Yunjin flashed across the bottom of her eyes without trace, and then shook her head indifferently: "no, you eat. I'll go upstairs and have a rest first."


Gao Yunjin went upstairs. Fu Jincheng watched her back until her figure disappeared in the stairwell.

"Don't you still have something to say?" The housekeeper watched and couldn't help saying, "in that case, let's talk about it."

Fu Jincheng shook his head and said nothing.

The housekeeper sighed, "well, let me talk to my wife?"

Fu Jincheng paused. This time, he didn't object.

The housekeeper went upstairs and knocked on the door of the master bedroom.

Gao Yunjin came out to open the door and saw him show a tired smile, "what's the matter?"

"In fact, sir, I've always wanted to make up with you. I know you think so, so why don't you have a good chat?"

Gao Yunjin knows that the housekeeper has been worrying about her and Fu Jincheng.


"We had good communication, but --" "but what?"