Lure Wife into the House

Chapter 3809

At the company, the meeting has already started.

She is usually active and conscientious in her work, and she is never late.

She was suddenly late now, and the company's shareholders didn't say anything, they just thought she was tired and overslept.

Gao Yunjin sat down beside Huo Zhengyun.

As soon as she sat down, Huo Zhengyun glanced at the side of her neck and ears several times, and suddenly smiled.

Gao Yunjin was concentrating on the meeting and didn't notice his gaze, only to see him laugh suddenly, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Huo Zhengyun coughed lightly: "Nothing."

Although Gao Yunjin used a powder puff to cover the marks on her neck, it was not completely covered. As long as she looked closely, she could still see it to some extent.

And there was just a trace in the blind spot that she didn't notice, and now with the faint traces under the neck in front, Huo Zhengyun just glanced at it and knew what was going on.

Gao Yunjin didn't think much about it, and didn't ask any more questions.

After the meeting, it was past eleven o'clock.

Gao Yunjin was going back to the office, and Huo Zhengyun followed.

Gao Yunjin thought he had business affairs and wanted to talk to her, so he entered the door, closed the door, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Huo Zhengyun sat down opposite her office, and pointed at her neck with a smile: "It's quite intense."

Gao Yunjin's brain rumbled, and her face turned red all of a sudden, "Is it...obvious?"

"It's not obvious, it's just that some are not completely covered."

Saying that, he pointed to the back of her neck.

Gao Yunjin hurriedly took out the mirror and looked at it for a while, and really saw an obvious trace——

Huo Zhengyun was about to speak when Gao Yunjin's cell phone rang.

It happened to be Fu Jincheng's phone number.

Huo Zhengyun sat aside to watch the show.

Gao Yunjin's face became even hotter, and she quickly picked it up: "Hello."

Fu Jincheng: "Are you done? Have lunch together?"

Gao Yunjin: "I still have something to do, so if you don't go, you can eat by yourself."

As he spoke, he hung up the phone immediately without waiting for him to speak.

Fu Jincheng didn't expect her to hang up so quickly, and frowned, but he also thought she was dealing with an urgent matter, but he didn't call again.

Huo Zhengyun saw that she hung up the phone. Huo Zhengyun knew that she was cheeky, but he didn't tease her any more, and said seriously: "My friend Yurike plans to go to the capital tomorrow morning, and he will visit your company that day. What do you say?"

"Tomorrow? So soon?"

"He has other arrangements, and the formation is relatively rushed."

"It's alright, it just so happens that I don't need to ask about everything here for the time being. I'll go back to the capital tonight."

"Okay, then you can contact him yourself later. If you need any help from me, just ask."

Gao Yunjin smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't be polite to you."

Although things here are almost handled for the time being, there are still many things in the company that need her to explain clearly.

Gao Yunjin really didn't have time to go out for lunch.

Seeing that she was busy, Huo Zhengyun asked someone to order a lunch for her. He had something to do, so he went out.

Gao Yunjin didn't rest all afternoon, she explained that she played the work of 'Mingdong', and then she had to deal with the work of 'Sendron'.

The work of 'Sendron' was not finished yet, and the sky was already dark.

Fu Jincheng called her: "Xiaojin, I have something to do. I won't have dinner with you tonight. Remember to eat well yourself."

Gao Yunjin didn't expect that Fu Jincheng suddenly had to call twice a day to ask questions like a few days ago.

She said, "Okay, I see."

When the words fell, thinking about the fact that he was going back to the capital tonight, he wanted to tell him and ask him when he would go back to the capital.

But then he thought that he didn't come to H City for her. She asked too much and he might not be willing to say it, so he didn't ask any more, and hurriedly hung up the phone.

She booked a ten o'clock flight.

Before eight o'clock, she set off and went to the airport.

When she got to the airport, she told her two aunties about her going back to the capital. The plane took off on time at ten o'clock, so she hung up the phone and lay on the plane and closed her eyes to rest.

Not long after she hung up the phone, Fu Jincheng was busy.

After getting in the car, I immediately called Gao Yunjin to ask whether she was still working overtime at the company when she got home from work.

However, when the phone is called, it shows that it is turned off.

Fu Jincheng thought she forgot to charge her phone and didn't call again.

Thinking that Gao Yunjin seems to have been less busy with work recently, and she probably went home too, so she took the car back home.

However, when he got home, he found that the garage was empty, and Gao Yunjin probably hadn't returned.

He frowned.

Immediately called Gao Yunjin and went out, but it still showed the shutdown state.

Fu Jincheng guessed that something happened to Gao Yunjin's company. As soon as he got home, he turned around and went out, then drove away and headed for 'Mingdong'.

At this time, it was about half past ten in the evening.

He arrived at the downstairs of the 'Mingdong' company building, but found that the commercial building where 'Mingdong' was located was completely dark, no one seemed to stay to work overtime, and the door downstairs was locked.

Fu Jincheng had to go to 'Sendron'.

'Sendron' is not far from 'Mingdong', about ten minutes' drive.

When Fu Jincheng rushed over, the building where 'Sendron' was located was still brightly lit downstairs, and the door downstairs was not locked.

Fu Jincheng couldn't get through to Gao Yunjin, so he got out of the car and went in to find someone.

At this time, people upstairs came downstairs after get off work one after another, Fu Jincheng was not wearing a mask, and everyone around saw him and stayed for a while.

Fu Jincheng entered the elevator and went upstairs.

Fu Jincheng has only been to 'Mingdong', and has not been in the 'Sendron' company, but who doesn't know Fu Jincheng's young people?

As soon as the front desk of 'Sendron' saw him, they recognized him and stayed for a while.

Fu Jincheng immediately walked over and asked, "How do you get to General Manager Gao's office?"

The lady at the front desk hurriedly returned to her senses: "Gao, Mr. Gao? Go straight, turn left, and you will find the second office."

Fu Jincheng heard the words and said, "Thank you."

With that said, he turned around and walked inside.

The front desk lady stared at his back for a while. After a few seconds, she suddenly came back to her senses, chased after him, and said, "Mr. Fu, are you looking for our senior manager? But our senior manager has already left work. , is no longer in the company."

Fu Jincheng stopped abruptly: "Have you gotten off work?"

"Yes, it is."

Fu Jincheng pursed his thin lips, his eyes narrowed. Seeing that the lady at the front desk didn't seem to be lying, he asked again, "When did you leave?"

The lady at the front desk thought for a while before saying, "It should be around eight o'clock."

Fu Jincheng could see that the lady at the front desk was not lying, but since he arrived at Gao Yunjin's office, he still walked towards her office. However, when he pushed the door, he found that the door of the office was locked and could not be opened.